Category:Cumulus MX: Difference between revisions

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<big>'''Cumulus MX'''</big>
This category lists all the pages that are relevant to MX, so is a good starting point.
* There are pages in this category for all folders and files, used by MX
* If you contribute a new page, add it to this category by quoting '''<nowiki>[[Category:Cumulus MX]]</nowiki>''' on your new page.
* ''[[Migrating_from_Cumulus_1_to_MX|How to migrate to MX]]'' - For those still using the original Cumulus software

'''Cumulus MX is offered on the same terms as Cumulus 1 - if you use it, please make a donation according to what you think it is worth and what you can afford.'''
* [[New Default Web Site Information|MX's Default Web Site Information]]
* [[What to do when I have a problem with MX]] - read this before you seek advice in the Cumulus Support Forum
* [[Raspberry_Pi_Image|Setting up Raspberry Pi using a pre-built Image]] - install MX on a Raspberry Pi computer, (with all access to the rPi done from another computer on same network).
* [[Samplestring.ini]] - configuration samples for customisations you store in [[strings.ini]]
* [[Cumulus.ini]] - comprehensive guide to settings and configuration file

= Introduction =
This Wiki article was created by Mark Crossley based on what Steve Loft said when he first started experimenting with Cumulus MX and access was restricted to those willing to experiment with his tests.
* [[MX_on_Linux|MX on Linux]] - MX is really easy to install, and run, on any simple computer running any UNIX derivative
* [[MX_on_Windows_OS|MX on Windows Op Sys]] - you can install MX on a Windows PC, or laptop
* [[Updating MX to new version|How to upgrade to new MX release]] - comprehensive guide
* [[MX Administrative Interface|The Interface]]- all about the pages used for settings, correcting log files, and viewing your weather derivatives locally
* [[:Category:Ini Files]] for all pages that deal with the files storing highs and lows
* [[:Category:MX txt Files]] for all pages that deal with the files logging your Cumulus data
* [[Weather Diary]] for information about the diary feature
* [[Recent history]] for information about database storing minute by minute data for rolling 7 days

It has now been updated to reflect that Mark Crossley has continued its development, it is now out of beta, and a fully working package.
* [[:Category:JSON Files]] for all pages dealing with files used to get data to your web site
* [[Webtags/Parameters]] - see this page if you want to vary how data appears on web pages
* [[Cumulus_MX_Local_API|MX application programming local interface]] - the developer explains how data is made available for local interfaces
* [[MX Basic info]]  -  contains details like the library functions used by MX, and how the end of day process works.
* [[Cs Code Modules]] - quick guide to the components compiled up to make the MX executable

== Restrictions on who can use MX ==
Note: The graphs used in Cumulus MX are drawn using Highcharts and they are free for non-commercial use only, i.e. you may not use them on a company web site, see for clarification. For this reason, and others, use of Cumulus MX in a commercial environment is expressly forbidden. Please include a link to the Highcharts web site (as the supplied web page does) if you use the charts under the terms of the non-commercial licence.
These were created in a rush when there was a threat that the support forum would close, they need a willing contributor to sort them into useful pages:
* [[MX Issues]] Detailed known issues with 3.0.0 beta releases
== Documentation for MX ==
* [[Cumulus MX FAQ]] Was intended to be quick reference answers to frequent questions
There's quite a lot to read before you start - please do read both this page and all the references it mentions, most of it is very important.
Note that most of the Cumulus 1 documentation also applies to Cumulus MX. MX specific documentation is currently in very early stages and some settings may not be obvious. Looking at the FAQ and the wiki will help, as will looking at the Cumulus 1 help file, it is available on the [[Software|Software downloads page]].  If you already use Cumulus 1, the help is part of the standard installation.
If MX is your first encounter with Cumulus, you will be at a disadvantage regarding documentation of many of the features, while those who have previously been familiar with Cumulus 1 will find most aspects of MX easier to pick up.
== Comparing Cumulus 1 and MX ==
Cumulus MX aims to be as compatible with Cumulus 1 as possible. Initially MX, as developed by Steve Loft, lacked a lot of features that were available in Cumulus 1, but the developments headed by Mark Crossley have now added the majority of the missing features.  There are also many features that have been added to MX that were either on the now lost list of enhancements for Cumulus 1 that never got implemented, or they are extra functionality to reflect recent changes in weather station features.
Cumulus 1 was an all in one application, it both read the data from the weather station and provided the user interface for you to see the derived data and change the settings. MX is different, it consists of a stand-alone 'engine' which performs the reading and logging of data, uploading to a web site etc. This 'engine' is a command-line/console application which has no user interface. The separate user interface is provided by virtue of the engine acting as a web server. Once the engine is running, you can view the user interface by typing the URL of the built-in web server into your browser, either on the same machine, or on a separate machine sharing the same local network. The default URL if the browser is on the same machine as MX is http://localhost:8998/ - substitute the machine's IP address for 'localhost' if the browser is on a different machine. For security reasons, the user interface should not be accessible via the public internet.
Cumulus 1 only runs on Microsoft Windows operating system, MX is different as that in addition to running on Windows, it also runs on Linux and Mac OS X. To run MX on Windows, you need .NET 4.5 installed. To run MX on the additional platforms, it requires a suitable version (see support forum for advice) of the Mono runtime, and you will need to install this, as described below.
Both Cumulus 1 and MX both use the same basic files: [[Cumulus.ini]], [[dayfile.txt]], [[today.ini]], [[month.ini]], [[year.ini]], [[alltime.ini]], [[monthlyalltime.ini]].
Look up the Log Files index page or the individual file pages just referenced to see the differences between file content, and what you need to edit to use Cumulus 1 files with MX. However, there are files that Cumulus 1 uses (most of the image files) that are not used by MX and also files that MX creates that were not part of Cumulus 1.
= Installing Cumulus MX =
There is no automatic installer (this may change). Cumulus MX is supplied as a zipped package.
== Completely new installation ==
Create a new directory (recommended name CumulusMX) and unzip the contents into it.
== Changing from Cumulus 1 to MX ==
* If you want to run Cumulus MX with your existing Cumulus data, take a back up copy of your existing Cumulus directory, and then unzip Cumulus MX into the original Cumulus folder.
* Alternatively, create a new directory (recommended name CumulusMX) and unzip the contents into it. Then copy over your existing data files and your Cumulus.ini file, and any other configuration files that you may have created (e.g. strings.ini, twitter.txt etc). If your "Cumulus.ini" was actually called "cumulus.ini" you should rename it to start with a capital letter.
== Requirements for running on Windows ==
To run MX on Windows, you need .Net version to 4.5.2 installed. This is only available for newer versions of Windows.
== Requirements for running on Linux and OS X ==
You will need to install the Mono runtime.
* For OS X, you can download this here -
* How you install on Linux depends on the flavour of Linux you are running. There are download links for Linux at the same URL, but it is often easier to use a package manager, which will download and install it automatically.
**For example, in 'Raspbian' on the Raspberry Pi, you can install mono with these commands:
sudo apt-get update
sudo apt-get install mono-complete
Make sure that you have the mono-complete package installed.
**If you have a Raspberry Pi 2, there is a later version of Mono available, which you may find works better that the one in the standard distribution, particularly if you use decimal commas. Mono 3.2.8 (which is the default in some Linux distributions) will not work if you use commas for decimals, as in some countries.
**On Linux you will need library which may not be installed by default. Installing package libudev0 may resolve this. There may be issues if you are using a 64-bit version of Linux. I'm not sure what the resolution is at the moment, if this is the case.
= Running Cumulus MX =
Cumulus MX needs to run as an administrator on Windows and under Superuser (root) on Linux and OS X. Make sure your station is connected to the device on which you have installed Cumulus MX, before you try to run Cumulus MX.
== Windows ==
Either right click on CumulusMX.exe and click 'Run as administrator', or open an administrator command prompt (right click on Command Prompt and click 'Run as administrator'), change to the Cumulus MX directory, and then type CumulusMX and enter. You will probably need to accept a security prompt the first time you run it, to allow it act as a web server. You can avoid having to run it as an administrator by running the following command once from an administrator command window:
netsh http add urlacl url=http://*:8998/ user=\users
This command allows all users to bind to port 8998 (used for the Cumulus interface). Note that if you change the interface port as described below, you should change the 8998 to whatever port you are using. Note that while this allows Cumulus MX to run and act as a web server, there may be other operations which require it to run as an administrator.
== Linux and OS X ==
Open a terminal window, change to the Cumulus MX directory, and then type:
sudo mono CumulusMX.exe
When Cumulus starts, it will display the URL of the user interface. It runs on port 8998 by default; if this is not suitable for some reason you can over-ride it using the '-port' parameter on the command line, e.g. to use port 9999 instead:
sudo mono CumulusMX.exe -port 9999
Note that you may need to supply your administrator password after typing the 'sudo ...' command line. The system will prompt you for this.
Type the URL which is displayed (when MX starts running) into your browser (replace the * with the IP address, or use localhost) and the interface should appear. If this is a 'clean' installation, the first thing you will need to do is to go to the settings and set the station type and units, and any other configuration settings you want to make. Having set the station type, you will need stop Cumulus MX and start it again. Note that this also applies to some other settings - you will need to restart Cumulus MX to get the new setting picked up.
As with Cumulus 1, if there are any settings which are not currently available via the user interface, you can change them by stopping Cumulus and editing Cumulus.ini. A description of the settings in this file is in the wiki, and most of what is in there also applies to MX.
If you want to operate the 'standard' web site, then just the same as with Cumulus 1, you will need to upload the contents of the webfiles folder from the zip file (don't upload the containing webfiles folder itself). Note that the MX webfiles are not the same as the ones for Cumulus 1, so make sure you upload the MX files if moving from Cumulus 1 to MX. The standard gauges are now the SteelSeries gauges.
== Important note about locales ==
On Linux and (in particular) OS X, Cumulus MX may not be given the correct locale to use, and you may get the default US locale even if that is not your locale. It will output the local it is using when it starts; if it is not correct, close it down and start it again, this time specifying your locale on the command line, using the -lang parameter . For example, in the UK, type:
sudo mono CumulusMX.exe -lang en-GB
If you are not sure what value you need to supply for the -lang parameter, there is a list here - You need to supply the code in the first column ("Language Culture Name"). Note that this does not affect the language used by Cumulus MX (although it may in the future), it affects the decimal separator and the list separator.
=== Restrictions in MX for decimal separators  ===
On the subject of decimal and list separators, there are a couple of issues which users of decimal commas may encounter. The first is that there may be an issue with some of the user interface not working correctly. Please report these issues and I will fix them. There may be aspects of the displays that I cannot change (because the package used does not support decimal commas) but it should be possible to at least get it working.
The second issue with decimal separators only affects the Raspberry Pi (as far as I am aware). There is apparently an issue with the current version (3.2.8) of the Mono package on Raspbian 'hard float' where it cannot parse values using decimal commas. If this does turn out to be an issue, there are a number of possible workarounds until the Raspbian package gets updated. One workaround is to use the 'soft float' version of Debian instead. Obviously, this will have performance issues, but is probably the easiest. The second workaround is to build Mono from the latest sources, see I am told that this fixes the problem. Another possible workaround would be to find an already fixed binary package, but I don't know if one currently exists.
=== If you want to use your Cumulus 1 data with MX ===
If you use decimal commas in your Cumulus 1 data, you will need to edit the .ini files to change the decimal commas into periods/full stops, because '''Cumulus MX always expects periods/full stops in .ini files''' ''regardless of the locale in use''. The other data files will be OK - assuming you are using the same decimal and list separators in MX as you used in Cumulus 1 (i.e. the same locale). If you try to switch to a different locale, then your data log files will of course no longer be in the correct format, so you would need to edit all of your files.
== A note to Davis owners ==
I am experimenting with the use of the LOOP2 packet. The current code uses this for two purposes. First, it uses the 'peak 10-minute gust' value, to avoid the problem where a gust might be missed (although hopefully this will not be such an issue with Cumulus MX as it does not use the Davis DLL), and secondly it uses the 'absolute pressure' value to make calculation of 'altimeter pressure' easier and more accurate. This is mainly used if you upload to CWOP.
The LOOP2 packet is supported on the VP2 with firmware version 1.90 or later, and on the Vue. If you have a Vantage Pro (i.e. the original 'VP1'), or a VP2 with pre-1.90 firmware, or if you are using Virtual VP, none of these support the LOOP2 packet. In these cases, you should edit cumulus.ini and add a line to the [Station] section:
With this setting, Cumulus will revert to calculating the 10-minute gust value itself from the individual wind speed readings, but it will not currently attempt to calculate altimeter pressure correctly, it will simply use the sea-level pressure instead. This is likely to be an issue if you are at high altitude and you upload to CWOP using Cumulus MX.
Also for Davis stations, I have assumed that people using millimetres in Cumulus have a metric rain gauge (0.2 mm per tip), and those using inches have a 0.01" rain gauge. This can be over-ridden by adding a line to the [Station] section of Cumulus.ini:
Where 0 is a 0.2mm gauge and 1 is a 0.01" gauge. Note that changing this after MX has already read some data may cause your rainfall reading for today etc to change considerably, so you will need to correct that.
== Web Tags and related features ==
Almost all of the web tags from Cumulus 1 are supported in Cumulus MX.
=== Beta builds of MX ===
The following web tags were not available or worked differently:
*The individual 'record set' tags such as <#TempRecordSet> etc did not work (because the interface then had no indicators for new records).
*The <#newrecord> tag does work, but works differently, it turns itself off automatically after 24 hours.
*Some of the 'system status' web tags do not work: <#CpuName>, <#MemoryStatus>, <#DisplayMode>, <#DiskSize> and <#DiskFree>
*The <#txbattery> web tag has no content currently. Using it with a 'channel' parameter causes a 'token error'.
=== Current builds of MX ===
From build 3056 of version 3.2.0 (19 November 2019):
* Enables alarms as per Cumulus 1
**New Alarm page under Settings
**Alarms are shown visually on the dashboard
**Due to browser restrictions, alarm sounds on the browser page may require you to click a button on the first alarm in order to hear it.
***You can add the MX admin site to your browsers list of sites allowed to play sound automatically. Your browser should "learn" that you want to allow sounds to play automatically.
*** Alarm sound files should be placed in the /interface/sounds folder, they must be a browser compatible format (mp3 are good). The alarm settings for the sound file should be just the filename without any path
*Lots of new web tags not available in Cumulus 1, see release announcement for details
The 'format' parameter on the date/time web tags is unfortunately different, because many of the characters used are different. Note that this also applies to the NOAA report file formats. The characters which can be used now are listed on the following two pages: - 'standard' strings - 'custom' strings
If the string contains only one character, it is regarded as a 'standard' string, otherwise it is a 'custom string'. See the Microsoft documentation for details of how to force the use of a single character as a custom string rather than a standard string (viz. use the '%' character before the format character).
Here is a table (based on the table in the wiki) comparing the old and new format strings. Note that there are now also additional format strings, see the Microsoft documentation. If you are having trouble converting a format string, please post it and I will try to help.
[[BETA_webtags#Time_and_Date_Format_Code_Changes|Web Tag Format Strings]]
= [[Cumulus MX FAQ]] =
= [[MX Issues|Cumulus MX Known Issues]] =
