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[[Category: Configuration_Files]]
== Section: FTP Site ==
See individual entries for how to edit these parameters.
= Introduction =
*'''Cumulus.ini''' is a text file containing initialization parameters used by the Cumulus 1.x.x, or Cumulus MX, application.
*It is '''only read''' when Cumulus (of either flavour) starts up. When Cumulus (either flavour) is run for very first time, the file does not exist, as it is not included in the download (of either flavour). For MX only, if the file does exist as MX starts, a backup is taken so if you subsequently change any settings you can go back to how it was before you made those changes.
*Cumulus (1 or 2 or MX) creates a new version of this file when it ''shuts down'', if this is the first run of the software this will create the file for first time.
*The file shows as 'modified date' the last time that Cumulus was shut down, the file will contain the contents of the application's configuration screens and also any parameters that were in any previous copy of the file that cannot be configured within Cumulus.
*Note this Cumulus save action may change the order, or add lines, compared to any file that you manually edited.
*For Cumulus MX only, a back up copy of Cumulus.ini is stored at end of each day (together with some of the log files).
*If you do need to edit the file, close Cumulus first to ensure you are working on latest contents, and your edit cannot conflict with any edit Cumulus may be making. When Cumulus restarts it will read the file again and see any edits you have made.
The parameters listed can change the look of Cumulus, can hold basic information about your location, can amend the way Cumulus interfaces with your weather station, can hold the settings used to interface with your website, and with various external websites.
Later on this page there is a table showing parameters that may be in the configuration file, the default value for each attribute is mentioned, and it is made clear whether that parameter can be set through the settings screen in the software or must be manually added to the file. The list was created for Cumulus 1.x.y, and all of it applies to the final formal release. The majority of the parameters are also used by Cumulus MX, which can edit in its settings screens some that Cumulus 1 cannot edit. There are also extra parameters that only apply to MX, plus some extra values available for some attributes like weather station make.
If you are using an older Cumulus 1 version, then ''checking the release information may be advisable'' to identify the sections applicable to your build, and to identify if the parameters allowed within those sections may be a subset of those listed below as available in latest release of Cumulus 1.
Similarly, the parameters available may vary between different versions/builds of MX, again ''checking the release information may be advisable'' to identify the sections applicable to your build, and to identify if the parameters allowed within those sections may be a subset of those listed below.
== Creating Configuration File ==
When you download Cumulus 1 or MX, ''there is no configuration file included in the download''. So when you first use the software, either flavour of Cumulus, you will need to enter some settings, and that will lead to creation of the main configuration file. How to enter these minimum settings will be described next.
=== Cumulus 1 ===
#If you start Cumulus 1, without a configuration file, then it will open at the [[Cumulus_Screenshots#Station|station settings screen]]. Follow the link to see what the screen looks like for old builds and newer builds.
# At the very minimum, you must select a station type in the top left frame, and units in the middle of the screen.
# Most other entries on the screen have defaults, but you might want to change some of these. Click the '''Help''' button at bottom right of the screen for guidance on what each choice means.
# Optionally, move to other settings screens, accessed from the main screen using the [[Cumulus_Screenshots#Configuration_Menu_Screens|Configuration menu]]. Again click '''Help''' on each screen for more information.
# Optionally create a [[Strings.ini]] file (look up the cross reference if you want to do this now, but you can leave it to later) where you can tailor a number of texts that Cumulus produces.
# Back on the main screen, in the ''File'' menu click '''Exit'''. This is the action that creates the configuration file, the first part of the name is taken from the name of the executable, but the extension is '''.ini''' (instead of .exe).
# Restart Cumulus 1, it will read the configuration file, and connect to your weather station. Note that on this run, it does not read any archive data, it just reads what the weather station holds from now on. See [[FAQ#I.E2.80.99ve_just_installed_Cumulus.2C_and_it_didn.E2.80.99t_download_all_the_old_data_from_my_weather_station|this FAQ]] for a way to change this behavoir.
=== Cumulus MX ===
#If you start Cumulus MX without a configuration file, and you have a screen attached so you can see the output from the engine, it will show this: [[File:MX first start.PNG]]
#As you can see, it is running, but it does not know what station type, so it cannot connect to it, and will not do anything more.
# At this stage, MX creates a very basic Cumulus.ini with the default settings (shown below).
#Open the user interface, and select the station settings if necessary: [[File:MX_station_settings.png|800px|center]]
#At the very minimum, you must select a station type and units (as shown in image here)
#Optionally, move down the page, entering more settings, or move to other settings pages accessed from the menu seen in the image
# Optionally create a [[Strings.ini]] file (look up the cross reference if you want to do this now, but you can leave it to later) where you can tailor a number of texts that Cumulus produces.
# If you have a screen attached to the device running the MX engine, you can click in that screen and terminate Cumulus MX. Otherwise do whatever is needed to end the MX executable on your installation. This is the action that will create the main configuration file.
#Restart Cumulus MX, it will read the configuration file, find the weather station, and start reading the weather data from it. On this first access to your weather station, it will not read any archive data, just the live data while MX remains running.
'''Default Cumulus.ini'''
StartDate=21 March 2020
I have not include the full details, but the other sections it creates are:
**with too many entries to list here
[Web Site]
*[FTP Site]
** again far too many entries to list here
** again far too many parameters to list all here, but there are default temperatures (that are not right for outside USA) and default filename formats.
== Swapping from Cumulus 1 to MX ==
If you are '''running MX on Windows''', filenames are not case sensitive, so MX will recognise "Cumulus.ini" or "cumulus.ini". But although Cumulus 1 might recognise "Cumulus1.ini" or anything else other than "Cumulus.ini". MX only recognises "Cumulus.ini".
If you are planning on '''running MX on another device''', filenames are case sensitive, and your Cumulus 1 configuration file must be called "Cumulus.ini" with an initial capital followed by lower case, so it might need to be renamed.
Once it has been processed by MX, the ex Cumulus 1 main configuration file will gain a lot of new entries, and a number will be ignored.
=== Parameters changed ===
Replace: '''IncludeSTDImages=1''' (Cumulus 1) by ''IncludeGraphDataFiles=1'' (Cumulus MX) in [FTP site]
Replace: '''Port=n''' (Cumulus 1) where n is a number, by ''ComportName=COMn'' (Cumulus MX on Windows) where the value is a string where n is same number, or replace by '''ComportName=/dev/ttyUSB0''' (CumulusMX on unix device) where the actual device name might need to be different if you have multiple USB ports.
=== Parameters added ===
This depends upon which version of MX you install when you move from Cumulus 1, please see all release announcements for details.
== Configuration File names ==
=== Configuration file created when first installing Cumulus MX ===
For those who are not swapping from Cumulus 1, their first use of MX will create a file called ''Cumulus.ini'' found in the same directory as CumulusMX.exe.
The file will contain an entry for every setting in the admin interface. Each entry will be a parameter in format '''attribute=value''' and the values will be as per defaults except for those which you have edited when first setting up MX.
These parameters are known as read-write parameters because they can be altered with the settings pages. Later I will explain read-only parameters, as the name suggests these are entries in the configuration file that have been added directly to that file while MX is not running, and MX can only read these, it cannot update them.
=== Cumulus 1 ===
As downloaded at most versions, the Cumulus 1 executable is called '''cumulus.exe''' and all in lowercase (there were a few releases where it started with a capital letter). The configuration file that Cumulus 1 creates on first use will take the name of the executable file (keeping to the same case) and add the extension '''.ini''' (instead of .exe) and will be stored in same folder as the executable, it will contain all sections.
If when you installed Cumulus 1, you had renamed that executable file to say ''Cumulus1.exe'' before you tried to run it, then Cumulus will still start, but it will create a new main configuration file based on that name (i.e. ''Cumulus1.ini'') in the same folder. It will also create another configuration file called ''Cumulus.ini'' in that folder. You will see all but one section in the first file, and the final section in the second file. But if you were running Cumulus 1 before this, you may be missing some of your settings because of the configuration now being split.
An additional configuration file, also called Cumulus.ini, can be created by Cumulus 1 to store the position of the NOAA parameter editing screen, this will be created the first time you edit NOAA parameters and will be stored in the "Reports" folder this only contains a [[#Section:_MainForm|single section]] and relates to the screen used for NOAA reports.
= Upgrading to New Build =
Installing a new build of Cumulus (whatever version) over the existing installation does not affect this settings file. No build of Cumulus contains a 'Cumulus.ini' file. If Cumulus software detects a 'Cumulus.ini' when it starts, it looks in that for settings; if it does not find the file, then Cumulus will expect you to tell it some settings, others have defaults. See Cumulus Help, release announcement, and other provided documentation for more.
= File Structure =
The main file consists of a number of sections, each with a heading delimited by '[ ]', (although the order in the file may be different to that in this article). Parameter lines are in the form 'attribute=value' and grouped by those sections. Those attributes can be listed in any order, Cumulus software will always add new attributes to the end of the section. If you are manually adding attributes, it may be best if you sort the attributes so they appear in alphabetical order and thus ensure you do not duplicate attribute names with different values.
Some [[#Sections_dealing_with_interfaces_to_external_sites|sections]] relate to the external websites that Cumulus can optionally supply with updates. These are set by configuration screens and the whole sections will always be present. If you do not use those external services their parameters will be set to the defaults.
Each new version of cumulus may add additional parameters set by revised configuration screens (these initially appear at the end of the relevant section), and/or permit additional parameters to be added manually (these can be inserted anywhere within the section).
== Completeness of this list ==
'''Please note that this list is not updated by the developers when they change the software to react to a new attribute, therefore there is no guarantee that all attributes available appear in this documentation.'''
If you spot a parameter that is missing from this list (check you are looking in the right section, and under the correct sub-heading where a section is sub-divided for ease of using this article), then please add it to this Wiki article. None of the authors who have contributed so far can claim completeness. Sometimes a search on the forum for something else reveals a mention of an additional parameter that can be added to the file but has not been previously added to this list.
There have been over a thousand builds of Cumulus version 1 and much of this article has been written based on experience in using Cumulus, it may not reflect every parameter that can be manually added to the file, although it does reflect all those linked with settings made on various screens.
== Beta builds ==
When beta builds of Cumulus 1 were made by Steve Loft, they could be downloaded by anybody, and if there were any differences for the configuration file in that beta they would be listed in the [[Cumulus.ini_(Beta)|Cumulus.ini Beta article]], because some people might decide to use last stable release. When that beta ended, and only the stable release was available, any details from the beta page would be transferred into this article.
Now that Cumulus 1 is no longer under development, it will not have any beta builds.
Steve Loft kept MX in beta while he was developing it. This page continued to show what applied to Cumulus 1, and what applied to MX was placed in the [[Cumulus.ini_(Beta)|Cumulus.ini Beta article]].
After Mark Crossley took over development of MX he ended that beta. All information that was on the beta page was moved into this article that now covers both Cumulus 1 and MX in one place.
When Mark is producing a new major version of MX he typically issues it in beta to a restricted number of users by email, he does not make any beta release public. For this reason, it is not anticipated there is going to be any use of the [[Cumulus.ini_(Beta)|Cumulus.ini Beta article]] while Cumulus 3 (MX) continues to develop, although of course a Cumulus 4 is in development and we wait to see what might happen when that is ready for a public release.
= Editing the file =
== Initialisation ==
See [[Setup]] for detailed advice, on how to choose the settings when you first run Cumulus (1 or MX).
Note in particular, that some settings (such as units, date/time formats) must be got right first time. If you do change those later, it is a lot of work because you will need to edit all the other files that Cumulus creates to reflect those changes.
=== Initialisation by Cumulus 1 ===
When Cumulus 1.x.y is run for the very first time, the ''Station settings'' screen within the '''Configuration''' menu is displayed, so that the basic minimum settings can be entered into a 'cumulus.ini' that it will then create. Should you accidentally delete Cumulus.ini this would happen again, so it is always best to take a backup of the complete Cumulus directory and sub-directories so nothing is lost in such a situation.
=== Initialisation by MX ===
For Cumulus MX, if it has been given a '''Cumulus.ini''' file created for Cumulus 1, then apart from a couple of parameters already mentioned, MX has all the settings it needs.
However, if Cumulus MX is being run for the first time and it does not inherit a file, it needs some settings before it can do anything. The difference is that MX just hangs, unless you look at the Terminal output or the file it creates in [[MXDiags]], you won't know it is waiting for settings. You need to start up the admin interface and go into the various settings pages yourself to select what MX needs to continue to work. You then need to stop MX so it stores those settings and can use them next time it starts. Although some settings can take effect while MX is running, others only take on their new values when MX is restarted.
Should you accidentally delete Cumulus.ini, or should you close MX badly so it does not manage to correctly save the entire contents of Cumulus.ini, MX has an advantage in that it saves Cumulus.ini into the backup folder every time it restarts and every time it does a rollover.
== Read-write Settings controlled by application ==
Many configuration parameter lines are changed from the various application edit, view, or configuration screens, and so making any amendments using those screens should ensure your replacement values are acceptable. You should never edit these parameter lines directly in the file ''while Cumulus is running'', as when Cumulus shuts down it will replace your amendments to these parameters with the contents of the relevant application Edit/View/Configuration screens.
''You can edit them in the file with Cumulus stopped'', but beware of selecting invalid values for these parameters, generally it is safer to use the application to edit them (unless you are importing values from another setup), and Cumulus will read the new values when it is next restarted.
== Read-only Settings independent of application ==
Some configuration settings can only be applied by editing this file to insert a new parameter line; they do not appear anywhere in the configuration screens. When Cumulus is creating a configuration file it does not write any parameters that are not in its settings screens, so they do not appear with default values - in other words, you need to ''add'' them if you want to set them. Make sure you place these additional parameters in the correct section as listed below.
=== Editing outside Cumulus ===
*If you are using Cumulus 1, it is best to take a copy of the existing '''cumulus.ini''' file before you make any changes (either by using application screens or by editing the file), so you can return to the original if necessary.
**MX automatically takes back ups at each rollover (and when it is started), so you can easily return to an earlier version if necessary
*If your system is configured to use a comma for a decimal separator, then you should use a comma in any decimal values that you set in this file.
*You should use a simple text editor (not a rich text editor nor word processor) to edit this file as only letters, numerical digits, decimal separators and the equals symbol are allowed in any parameter. If you use a spreadsheet program to make use of the manipulation it offers, ensure it is set to output in pure text.
*The parameter lines (attribute=value) can be in any order, but must be in the correct section. You might find it helpful to sort the attributes within a section into alphabetical order, to ''ensure you have no duplicates'' (that would stop Cumulus working), and to make it easier to find the particular parameter line you may wish to edit in the future.
**When Cumulus (1 or MX) is closed, it appears to recreate the file, but it preserves the order in the file it read when it was started, as all the parameters are held internally in the sequence they are read.
= File Contents =
The section called "[FTP site]" should obey that use of capitals and lower-case. Other sections should be named as shown.
== Minimum Content of "Cumulus.ini" ==
The minimum content of the main configuration file is an entry for every setting that can be defined in the software (whichever flavour you are using, there are more options in MX).
== Default and Example Values ==
The entries shown in the 'parameter line entry' column include the default value from the configuration screen where applicable, a typical example value where appropriate, or just the attribute and an equals sign where there is no default nor typical value.
== Section by Section ==
=== Section: MainForm ===
This section applies to [[File:Badge v1.png]]Cumulus 1 only.
There are two actions that will create this section in a file that is always called ''Cumulus.ini'' stored in different locations according to the creating action:
*If you edit NOAA parameters then
**One file with this section is stored in the reports sub-directory and it stores the position of your last saved NOAA screen.
*If you have set 'Save main window position' on Display settings screen,
**This section appears in the cumulus.ini file found in same directory as cumulus.exe, and it stores the position of the main Cumulus screen on your monitor.
**Note if you renamed your "cumulus.exe" to say "Cumulus1.exe", then the main form section is still in cumulus.ini file, but all other settings will be in a "Cumulus1.ini" file.
{| class="wikitable" border="1"
!style="width:150px" | Parameter Line Entry
!style="width:600px" | Function
|style="background:lightgray;"|Section name - the following parameters relate to the Cumulus or NOAA screen position.
|The last saved Cumulus main or NOAA screen position, in pixels from the left-hand edge of the screen.
|The last saved Cumulus main or NOAA screen position, in pixels from the top edge of the screen
=== Section: Station ===
The read-only parameters must be entered directly into the configuration file. Stop Cumulus before editing this file using any plain text editor, not a word processor
{{Version badge 1}}The read-write parameters are set using '''Station Configuration Screen''' in Cumulus 1 (C1).
[[File:Badge vMx.png]] The read-write parameters are set using the '''Station Settings''' page in MX.
See individual parameters for specific instructions on setting them. The defaults are shown in left hand column, but be aware that some might have different defaults in C1 and MX, and that this article was first created when only Cumulus 1 was available.
{| class="wikitable" border="1"
!style="width:150px" | Parameter Line Entry
!style="width:600px" | Function
|style="background:lightgray;"|Section name - the following parameters relate to all weather stations.
|This parameter is different to all the others. It is not read-write as you cannot edit it in Cumulus (1 or MX). Unlike other read-only parameters it is automatically inserted into Cumulus.ini and given a value when Cumulus is first run. By default this will be set to the date of initial installation of the Cumulus application (whichever flavour).
This date can be included in a template file, using the tag '''<#recordsbegandate>'''. The tag appears twice in the '''recordT.htm''' template that is provided with Cumulus (1 and MX) and there is a suggestion about changing that at [[FAQ#I_have_inserted_pre-Cumulus_data_making_.27Records_began_on.27_date_wrong]]
|colspan="2" style="background:pink;"|Read-only parameters - The parameters listed below must be entered directly into file with Cumulus stopped. Used in both C1 and MX unless indicated.
|This line can be added in the [Station] section of the Cumulus.ini, with this parameter N is the number of minutes over which Cumulus calculates (by treating the wind as a vector and taking into account the speed as well as direction) its average bearing. Without it, the default sampling time = 10 minutes. Note the max number of wind samples stored by Cumulus is 720, so the maximum effective value for N for Fine Offset stations that are read every 10 seconds is 120 (2 hours) while for Davis stations that are sampled every 2 to 3 seconds the maximum effective value is only about 30 (minutes).
|If you have not asked Cumulus to calculate wind chill, this parameter is irrelevant as it cannot affect how your weather station calculates wind chill.
If you have asked Cumulus to calculate wind chill ('''CalculatedWC=1'''), regardless of whether you have a weather station that can supply it, then Cumulus will by default only modify the outside temperature if both wind speed and temperature criteria are met. This parameter must be added to the file if you want to disable 'calculate Wind chill only if temperature less than 10°C rule'.
* 0 = Disabled, Cumulus will use any wind speed of 3 mph or more, to modify the temperature, and determine the wind chill, and Cumulus will ignore the temperature criterion
* 1 = Enabled (default), Cumulus will use both 10°C temperature and 3 mph wind speed criteria to determine if wind chill applies. Outside the criteria,the wind chill field will simply duplicate the outside temperature field.
|ChillHourThreshold=45 '''Fahrenheit only i.e. USA'''
ChillHourThreshold=7 '''Celsius users'''
|The temperature threshold for the calculation of [[Heat/cold_degree_days_and_Chill_hours|Chill Hours]] is specified in the units that you use in Cumulus.
If the parameter is not included in the file, the default varies depending on the units you use.
*As shown the default is exactly 45 degrees Fahrenheit if Fahrenheit is used.
*The default is exactly 7 degrees Celsius, (note that is not exactly 45<sup>o</sup>F) if you have selected Celcius.
*You can put in any value you want, with a decimal place if required
*Some people have put in the freezing-point temperature (0<sup>o</sup>C and they relabel "chill hours" to "frost hours"
|The season start figure is the calendar month number (1=January to 12= December). The default if this parameter is not specified is October (month 10). On the first day of the month specified here, Cumulus resets the cumulative chill hours that it reports to zero.
|If this parameter is not included in the file, then any snow entries in the [[Weather Diary]] for a particular date will continue to be used {{Version badge 1}} in output by Cumulus 1 until 9am the next morning, when entries for the current date will apply. [[File:Badge vMx.png]]The default for MX is not stated anywhere, but might be the standard rollover time (
*Allowed values are the integers 0 to 23
*The time is constant year round, in UK "a day of snow" could (before climate change) happen in April despite that being after swapping to summer (daylight saving) time.
#What you enter here is independent of any settings for rollover time
#For meteorological reporting, snow is reported on midnight to midnight days, although snow depth is measured and reported at 9am.
|If the parameter is not included in the file, the default value is assumed.
0= turn off creation of '''wxnow.tx'''t file (stored in main Cumulus folder)
1= (default) create '''wxnow.txt''' file (an alternative way to get data to CWOP/APRS)
|If the parameter is not included in the file, the default value is assumed.
0= (default) turn off creation of WebTags.txt file (stored in main Cumulus folder)
1= create WebTags.txt file when Cumulus is restarted (contains an unordered list of all the web tags your Cumulus build will recognise and process)
|If this parameter is not included in the file, the default is '''-1''' and that represents 0.2 mm or 0.01 inches.
#The parameter specifies the threshold value which the daily rainfall has to equal or exceed for the day to be considered a 'rain day'.
#Value is entered in your current [[Rain_measurement]] units.
| * When set to 1 (default) stops new Longest Wet/Dry Period records being 'flashed' in Cumulus 1
* Set to 0 if you are happy to have the record light on your Cumulus 1 main screen flash for each rainfall update
[[File:Badge vMx.png]]It is not clear if MX reads this parameter, as it does not show this record on the admin interface dashboard
|It specifies the threshold (in mb per hour averaged over 3-hour period) for a pressure change to count as rising or falling rather than steady when determining the Zambretti forecast. The default is 0.1 mb/hr averaged over the previous three hours. If the parameter is not included in the file, the default value is assumed.
|{{Version badge 1}}By default, the 'realtime' ftp connection stays connected. But you can add '''RTdisconnectcount=N''' to force a disconnection after N realtime ftp uploads. For example, if you set '''RealtimeInterval=60''' there will be 60 seconds between each update and '''RTdisconnectcount=60''' would force a disconnection each hour.
[[File:Badge vMx.png]]There have been changes to FTP handling in MX releases, and it is not clear if this parameter is used by MX
|This is read-only below version 3.7.0. Because it is now a read-write parameter, please see its entry in next section of this table
|{{Version badge 1}}(added 1.9.3 build 1038) [[File:Badge vMx.png]] applies at all versions
UV values are now displayed and logged as whole numbers by default. You can change this by adding this entry specifying the number of decimal places:
* 0 = Integer Values (default)
* n = Number of decimal places e.g. 1
|By default, Cumulus will stop working if after 6 attempts it cannot read all the standard readings from a weather station:
#wind speed
This parameter allows disabling of that sensor check:
* 0 = Sensor check enabled (default)
* 1 = Sensor check disabled
|[File:Badge vMx.png]] Not available in MX
{{Version badge 1}}In Cumulus 1 there is an option of whether to record temperature and humidity (both indoor and outside values) in a log:
* 0 (default) = no special log
* 1 = Add this entry to start updating a file called 'speciallog.txt' in the data folder with the following fields:
date(dd/mm/yy),time(hh:mm),inside temp,inside humidity,inside dew point,outside temp,outside humidity,outside dew point
See [ forum]
|colspan="2" style="background:lightblue;"| Both Cumulus flavours - in MX edit in Station Settings, for Cumulus 1 edit in Station Configuration Screen
|Type= -1
|Station Type as set by the checked radio box in the [[Cumulus_Screenshots#Configuration_Menu_Screens|Station Configuration Screen]], Station Type block. For details of [[Supported_Devices]] click that link.
*-1= default value, before a selection from those below is made. In Cumulus 1, this causes the configuration screen to be shown so that you start set up. In MX a message appears in the terminal (Windows command) screen saying that station type not known (see [[#Cumulus_MX|#Cumulus_MX section]] above.
*0=Vantage Pro station
*1=Vantage Pro2 station
Following added from version 1.7.0:
*2=WMR-928 station
*3=WM-918 station
For Oregon Scientific stations and similar re-badged stations (Huger, Radio Shack etc) which have a serial port connection, if your model is not listed, try WM-918 if your station has wired connections, and WMR-928 if it is wireless.
Added in version 1.7.12:
*4=Reading from file [[EasyWeather_Format#Usage_of_easyweather.dat_fields_for_Cumulus_input_of_latest_record: |EasyWeather.dat]] (using EasyWeather software version 6.2, or earlier, running continuously with Cumulus). Fine Offset weather stations that record Solar and UV measurements output to [[EasyWeather_Format#EasyWeatherPlus.dat| EasyWeatherPlus.dat file]] when Easyweather software version 6.x is running. This has the same fields as easyweather.dat, plus two extra fields for Solar and UV data at the end, and so Cumulus can understand the fields you must also have '''LogExtraSensors=1''' set.
'''NOTE:''' You can also use ''Type=4'' if you want to run Cumulus with reduced functionality without a weather station attached, to view historical observations. A full set of (historic) files in the ''data'' subfolder copied from a system with a weather station attached is needed, but in this case, the [[#Introduced for problems with Fine Offset family:| EWFile= ]] attribute should be at its default of not having any filename value.
Added in version 1.8.0:
*5=Fine Offset, Maplin, Chas Olsen, MyDEL, Nevada, Watson, Tycon Power, Aercus, etc as defined in [[Supported_Devices#Fine_Offset|Fine Offset section in Supported_Devices article]] (without solar measurement sensors (with or without solar recharging))
Added in version 1.8.3:
*6=WS2300 (For all La Crosse WS23xx models)
Added in version 1.9.1:
*7=Fine Offset/Watson/MyDel etc with Solar Sensors as defined in [[Supported_Devices#Fine_Offset_with_UV/Light sensor|Fine Offset with UV/Light sensor in Supported_Devices article]].
Added in version 1.9.2:
*10=Instromet (with optional extra solar sensors or without)
[[File:Badge vMx.png]]'''Additional values available in MX only:'''
Added in version 3.0.0:
*11=Davis WLL
Added in version 3.2.0:
*12=Ecowitt GW1000 and Froggit DP1500 (and any equivalents)
|Model="your Model description"
|The weather station model description that you want output by the web tag &lt;#stationtype>
{{Version badge 1}} - you choose what text appears for this on (from version 1.9.x) 'Display' settings screen within Configuration menu - the field is at the bottom left of that screen).
[[File:Badge vMx.png]] - this does not appear in the station settings, stop MX, and add it directly into Cumulus.ini within this [Station] section.
|[[File:Badge vMx.png]]Available in MX version 3.5.1 onwards only, allows the time from when a record is set to when it is cleared to be varied. The web tags: TempRecordSet, WindRecordSet, RainRecordSet, HumidityRecordSet, PressureRecordSet, HighTempRecordSet,LowTempRecordSet, HighAppTempRecordSet, LowAppTempRecordSet, HighHeatIndexRecordSet, LowWindChillRecordSet, HighMinTempRecordSet, LowMaxTempRecordSet, HighDewPointRecordSet, LowDewPointRecordSet, HighWindGustRecordSet, HighWindSpeedRecordSet, HighRainRateRecordSet,HighHourlyRainRecordSet, HighDailyRainRecordSet, HighMonthlyRainRecordSet, HighhHumidityRecordSet, HighWindrunRecordSet, LowHumidityRecordSet, HighPressureRecordSet, LowPressureRecordSet, LongestDryPeriodRecordSet, LongestWetPeriodRecordSet, HighTempRangeRecordSet, LowTempRangeRecordSet will all return 1 from when relevant record is set for the period of time set here (default 24 hours) and then reset to 0.
|You are advised ''not'' to directly edit this parameter in the file, but to enter the settings via the screen provide in software where you type Latitude (unsigned) Degrees, Minutes, Seconds and select 'N' or 'S'.
{{Version badge 1}}Do this in the Station Configuration Screen Location block.
[[File:Badge vMx.png]] Exactly same entries, enter using station settings by expanding location section.
Value in this parameter is Latitude in Decimal Degrees based on what you have entered, Positive for North, Negative for South
|You are advised ''not'' to directly edit this parameter in the file, but to type Longitude (unsigned) Degrees, Minutes, Seconds and select 'E' or 'W'.
The place to do this is as described for Latitude depending on Cumulus flavour.
Value in this parameter is Longitude in Decimal Degrees based on what you have entered, Positive for East, Negative for West
|You are advised ''not'' to directly edit this parameter in the file, it contains Latitude in text string format of hemisphere D, M and S. HTML ampersand codes are used for spaces and unit characters.
|You are advised ''not'' to directly edit this parameter in the file, it contains Longitude in text string format of hemisphere degrees, minutes and seconds. HTML ampersand codes are used for spaces and DMS characters.
|your station altitude (default is zero) as entered in same place as other parameters. See Cumulus Help for that screen. See next parameter to choose unit.
|Altitude measurement unit for value in previous parameter.
*0 = metres Above Sea Level
*1 = feet ASL
|This parameter (attribute=value) is added directly to the file, it does not appear on a configuration screen. This line can be added in the [Station] section of the Cumulus.ini.
*With this parameter, N is the number of minutes over which Cumulus calculates its highest wind gust.
*Without this parameter, the default of 10 minutes, the international standard duration, is used.
*If you select 60, then Cumulus would calculate rolling 60-minute highest wind gust speeds.
*To be in line with met stations in Cz, select 30.
|This parameter (attribute=value) is added directly to the file, it does not appear on a configuration screen. This line can be added in the [Station] section of the Cumulus.ini, if you have set the next parameter so that Cumulus does its own calculation of average wind speed.
*With this parameter, N is the number of minutes over which Cumulus calculates its average speed, if you have Cumulus set to do this with the next parameter enabled.
*Without it, the default of 10 minutes, the international standard duration, is used if Cumulus is set to calculate average wind speeds.
*If you selected 60, then Cumulus would calculate rolling 60-minute average wind speeds.
*To be in line with ASOS stations in USA, select 2.
|Selected on same screen as other parameters.
*0 = Disabled (default), Cumulus will display the value supplied by the station. This is a 10 minute average for Davis stations, but an average over a shorter period for Oregon Scientific and Fine Offset stations, see [[FAQ#Cumulus_is_showing_a_different_wind_speed_compared_to_my_console]].
*1 = Enabled, Cumulus will calculate and display a N-minute average wind speed where N is defined by the previous parameter if present, otherwise defaults to 10, the international standard duration used to calculate average wind speeds.
|Selected on same screen as other parameters.
*0 = Disabled (default), Cumulus will display the average wind speed value supplied by the station, see [[FAQ#Cumulus_is_showing_a_different_wind_speed_compared_to_my_console]].
*1 = Enabled, Cumulus will use the longer-term 'speed' values in the average speed calculation. The preceding 'Wind10MinAverage' option must be enabled for this parameter to have any effect.
Note that there isn't really any point enabling this option for Davis stations, as their 'longer-term speed' is a 10 minute average anyway; neither for La Crosse stations, as they only supply one wind speed anyway.
|Selected on same screen as other parameters.
*0 = Disabled (default), Cumulus will display the wind speed value to the precision used by the station.
*1 = Enabled, this setting causes wind speeds to be rounded to the nearest integer.
|Selected on same screen as other parameters. Intended for weather stations that do not supply a wind bearing, so Cumulus has to calculate it from reported compass direction.
*0 = Disabled, Cumulus displays the current bearing read from the station (i.e. the last direction the wind was blowing from before it became calm). Note that the average wind bearing will always display zero bearing if there has been no wind for the last N minutes (where N is defined by previous parameter if present but defaults to 10), as the average bearing takes wind speed into account.
*1 = Enabled, Cumulus display a bearing of zero (and '---' for the compass point) when the wind is calm (note when not calm, bearing is 360 for true North)
|Selected on same screen as other parameters.
*0 = Disabled, Cumulus will display the dew point value supplied by the station.
*1 = Enabled, Cumulus will calculate the dew point instead. This avoids the restriction in the Oregon Scientific stations where the dew point can never be below freezing point.
|Selected on same screen as other parameters. Available only from version 1.8.3
*0 = Disabled
*1 = Enabled, Cumulus will calculate the wind chill instead of using the value supplied by the station. You should set this if you have specified any calibration values for wind and/or temperature, so that Cumulus can also apply those adjustments to the wind chill.
Note that some stations (Fine Offset, for example), do not make a wind chill value available to Cumulus. For these, Cumulus always calculates it.
|Log roll over time as selected on the same screen as other parameters
*0 = midnight
*9 = 9am/10am
|Daylight saving correction for 9am roll over, Selected on same screen as other parameters.
*0 = Use 9am in summer (use 10am not checked on Station Configuration Screen)
*1 = Use 10am in summer selected on Station Configuration Screen
|Set as 'Stop 2nd instance' in the Station Configuration Screen Program Settings block. Controls behaviour for Multiple Instances of Cumulus running on PC. Requires a Cumulus restart if value toggled, before new behaviour will take effect.
*0 = Disabled, (default) Multiple instances allowed.
*1 = Enabled, prevents multiple instances of Cumulus from running.
Not available in earliest builds of any Cumulus flavour.
|{{Version badge 1}}Selected in the Station Configuration Screen Program Settings block. Toggles Confirmation you wish to close Cumulus application after telling it to close
*0 = Disabled, application will close immediately
*1 = Enabled, application will prompt for confirmation that you wish to close it (do not use this if you might suspend/standby/hibernate your computer)
[[File:Badge vMx.png]]Ignored by MX.
|{{Version badge 1}}If this is selected, in the Station Configuration Screen Program Settings block, Cumulus will close if you suspend/standby/hibernate your computer. You should not select the previous parameter 'ConfirmClose' if you use this option.
*0 = Disabled, application will not close if you suspend/standby/hibernate your computer (it is highly recommended you close Cumulus manually before your computer is put into suspend/standby/hibernate state)
*1 = Enabled, application will close on suspend/standby/hibernate of your computer (recommended if your computer can go into any of these states when left alone)
Ignored by MX
|Selected in the Station Configuration Screen [[Cumulus_Screenshots#Station|Data log interval]] block on the right hand side and defines frequency for Cumulus to log weather readings and derived figures in the [[Standard_log_files]] and, when applicable, in [[Extra_Sensor_Files]].
*0 = 1 min
*1 = 5 mins
*2 = 10 mins (default)
*3 = 15 mins
*4 = 20 mins
*5 = 30 mins
*Some weather station types do not have an in-built logger, so Cumulus cannot read any archive data from them, and they don't have a station console logging interval, to determine what this Cumulus logging interval should be.
*For a Davis station MUST set Cumulus logging interval to match your station console logging interval. (Otherwise you may activate the 'feature' in the Davis stations where they send the entire contents of the data logger when Cumulus asks for the data since it was last running). See Readme.txt. For other station types, normally set so matches station console logging interval, but this is not mandatory.
*For other makes as ''Cumulus on restarting is able (see next parameter) to read logged data from your station'' you can choose to match Cumulus and station logging intervals, then the frequency of logged information will be same regardless of whether Cumulus is running continuously or restarted (this improves accuracy of any averages calculated).
*Some Cumulus users set this Cumulus logging interval to be one of the two shorter times so they retain the maximum measurement detail in case of any need to correct rogue measurements, but have set their station logging interval at a longer time so that the station does not overwrite the memory locations over the longest period they might be away. In this case, the frequency of logged information will change between the periods Cumulus is running and the catch-up readings from station logger when it is restarted, and all averages calculated will be less accurate if Cumulus is not running all the time.
|{{Version badge 1}}Cumulus 1.x.y: Selected in the Station Configuration Screen Settings block.
[[File:Badge vMx.png]]Cumulus MX: This parameter (attribute=value) is added directly to the file in the [Station] section if you want to change the default, it does not appear on the settings screen.
*0 = Disabled, at start-up, Cumulus will not download data from the station's data logger (if it has one) but just start with next observations.
*1 = Enabled (Default), at start-up Cumulus will download data from the station's data logger (if it has one) to catch up from the point where Cumulus was last shut down. See last parameter for advice re station logging interval.
|[[Wind_measurement#Wind_Speed|Wind speed measurement unit]] used by Cumulus (as selected in the Units block of Station settings screen within '''Configuration''' menu)
*0 = m/s
*1 = mph
*2 = km/h ("kph" prior to version 1.8.3)
*3 = kts
These are the labels that Cumulus applies on its screens and web pages, most weather stations can only output in one unit (e.g. dm/s for Fine Offset). If that is not the unit selected here, Cumulus will ensure the values are converted to that selected from the 4 listed during processing.
|[[Pressure_Measurement]] unit used by Cumulus (as selected in the Units block of Station settings screen within '''Configuration''' menu)
*0 = mb
*1 = hPa
*2 = in
These are the labels that Cumulus applies on its screens and web pages, most weather stations can only output in one unit (e.g. hPa for Fine Offset). If that is not the unit selected here, Cumulus will ensure the values are converted to that selected from the 3 listed during processing
|[[Rain_measurement]] unit used by Cumulus (as selected in the Units block of Station settings screen within '''Configuration''' menu)
*0 = mm
*1 = in
These are the labels that Cumulus applies on its screens and web pages, most weather stations can only output in one unit (e.g. dm for Fine Offset). If that is not the unit selected here, Cumulus will ensure the values are converted to either of the 2 listed during processing
|[[Temperature_(and_humidity)_measurement#Temperature_Scales|Temperature measurement unit]] used by Cumulus (as selected in the Units block of Station settings screen within '''Configuration''' menu)
*0 = Celsius
*1 = Fahrenheit
These are the labels that Cumulus applies on its screens and web pages, most weather stations work in one unit (e.g. for Fine Offset a positive integer (a 12 bit value) that uses 0 at -40 degrees Celsius/Fahrenheit and 500 at 10 degrees Celsius/50 degrees Fahrenheit; i.e. you get the actual temperature in Celsius by subtracting 400 and dividing by 10). If that is not the unit selected here, Cumulus will ensure the values are converted to either of the 2 listed during processing
|A '''Name''' for the location (as entered on the same screen as other parameters) - used for title of tab in browser and main heading on each standard web page
|A '''Description''' for the location (as entered on the same screen as other parameters) - inserted after 'Welcome to ' on 'Now' web page.
|LastLoggerDownload=13/08/2008 12:48:52
|The date/time of the last down load from your weather station '''(note: no longer used, so only present if you used an early Cumulus 1 version)'''; Later Cumulus 1 builds and all 2 and MX builds use [[today.ini] to track date/time. This date/time (regardless of whether this parameter is present) is available on your website by using [[Webtags#Miscellaneous|
|Selected in the same settings page as other parameters. The month (1 to 12) of the year that is used as the start of the annual 'rain season'. Default = 1 meaning January.
|Selected in the same settings page as other parameters. Year to date correction if starting part way through rainfall year (see previous parameter). Value is entered in your current [[Rain_measurement]] units. Default is 0.
|Selected in the same settings page as other parameters. The year for which the previous parameter (YTDrain) is to be applied. Default is 0 meaning not applied to any year. Note if you selected a month other than January in "RainSeasonStart" parameter, you will need to change this "YTDrainyear" when the calendar year changes during your first 'rain season' and change it to 0 when you reach the same "RainSeasonStart" month and start your second 'rain season'.
|Selected in the same settings page as other parameters, if selected Cumulus will generate a simple weather Zambretti forecast, if your station does not supply a forecast, or as an alternative to the one supplied by your station. See the [[Forecast webtag]] for more information. See next parameter for interval between forecast updates.
*0 = Disabled (default)
*1 = Enabled
|Selected in the same settings page as other parameters, applies only if Cumulus is set (see previous parameter) to generate a forecast (see [[FAQ#My_forecast_says_.22Not_available.22]]),
*0 = Disabled, (default) Cumulus will use Zambretti Forecaster every time it updates the web pages.
*1 = Enabled, this setting causes the forecast to be updated only once an hour (on the hour).
|Selected in the same settings page as other parameters. If selected Cumulus will generate the name for the current pressure trend, e.g. "Falling", "Rising quickly" etc, instead of the one supplied by your station. The names used are those in the UK Shipping Forecast. Note that some stations do not supply this anyway, so setting this has no effect (Cumulus always generates the names for those stations).
*0 = Disabled
*1 = Enabled
|Selected in the same settings page as other parameters. The units you use here are not related to the units you use for pressure (PressureUnit=x parameter earlier) in Cumulus; the option is given here simply as a convenience for the next two parameters.
*0 = inches of mercury
*1 = mb
|Low Pressure extreme limit (in units specified by previous parameter). Selected in the same settings page as other parameters in the '''Forecast''' area, using either millibars or inches of mercury. Default is 950mb
|High Pressure extreme limit as entered in the same Forecast area as last 2 parameters. Default is 1050mb
|Cloud base measurement unit as selected in same screen [[Cumulus_Screenshots#Display_as_at_version_1.8.8|(here from version_1.8.8)]] as other parameters. In MX you cannot change the default without adding this directly into file with MX stopped.
*0 = metres
*1 = feet (default)
|This parameter (attribute=value) determines if when you next start Cumulus it will send enhanced information to the [[debug]] file. It appears on a configuration screen in Cumulus 1 and in the station settings options section in MX. With Cumulus stopped, you can edit the setting in the file and the new setting will apply when Cumulus is next started and it sets a local value by reading the configuration file. Debugging can also be switched on while you are running Cumulus of any flavour, the new setting of enhanced debugging will stop when you exit Cumulus as you only edit the value held locally (you don't edit the configuration file).
*0 = default of normal output
*1 = Set it to 1 to enable the enhanced output to the log that aids debugging if there is a problem.
The parameter is ignored for MX prior to build 3018 but available in all Cumulus 1 builds.
|This parameter (attribute=value) is added directly to the file, it does not appear on a configuration screen on C1 or MX prior to v3.7.0. ??C1 keeps the number of messages in the error log window to a maximum of 256?
[[File:Badge vMx.png]] From version 3.7.0 the default for new installs is now 1. It can be set from the calibration settings screen. It controls the logging of both data spikes and data limits being exceeded. Recommended to be turned on.
|colspan="2" style="background:lightblue;"| Cumulus 1 only
|{{Version badge 1}}Selected in the Station Configuration Screen Settings block. Com port in your computer which is connected to your weather station if connected via a serial port. Defaults to port 0.
[[File:Badge vMx.png]] This parameter is ignored by MX, best to remove it, MX uses a Comport parameter instead, see [[#Parameters_changed|#Parameters_changed section]] above.
|colspan="2" style="background:lightblue;"| Cumulus MX only
|[[File:Badge vMx.png]] From version 3.5.1, Cumulus MX will set new records (available in [[Webtags#Extreme_Records|Extreme Records Web Tags]]) from the time of the record until a timeout value (default 24 hours). You can change the default timeout by adding this parameter, and changing the default '24' to the number of hours that suit you.
This parameter is not available in any earlier versions.
|This parameter can be edited in the file or in station settings or by use of a parameter when starting MX. It controls whether MX stores extra diagnostic information about its interaction with the weather station.
==== Davis family specific: ====
{{Version badge 1}}Support for Davis Vantage pro 2 was introduced at version 1.6.0. Prior to 1.9.x, not all parameter settings listed were available, check with release notes for your version and previous versions to see all settings applicable to any earlier version you use. "The DLL" is a Windows Dynamic Link Library supplied by Davis for third parties to use when writing software for Davis stations. It handles fetching data from the console, and does all kinds of useful things like converting the data into the units you require.
[[File:Badge vMx.png]] Please note that MX specific parameter settings appear after Cumulus 1 specific ones, but the many that are same for both flavours appear at start of table.
{| class="wikitable" border="1"
!style="width:150px" | Parameter Line Entry
!style="width:600px" | Function
|style="background:lightgray;"|Section name - the following parameters relate to the station configuration.
|colspan="2" style="background:pink;"|Read-only parameters - The parameters listed below must be entered directly into file with Cumulus stopped. Used in both C1 and MX unless indicated.
|This read-only parameter is the period which Cumulus waits between reads of the data from Davis stations, the value is in milliseconds. The default if the parameter has not been added manually to the file is 500 ms; if you suspect that data is being missed, you could add this parameeter, manually reducing this figure. For VirtualVP users, tests revealed that VP2SleepInterval = 1100 seems to work the best. It updates every two seconds with few exceptions. See note in ''readme.txt'' about VP2SleepInterval - in v1.9.3 release it is around line 50. Related FAQ: [[FAQ#My_Davis_station_shows_a_higher_maximum_wind_speed_than_Cumulus]]
|This read-only parameter (attribute=value) is added directly to the file, it does not appear on a configuration screen. x is the number of seconds after the start of the re-connect attempts that you want the program to close itself (added v.1.8.5 b.726).
|This read-only parameter (attribute=value) is added directly to the file, it does not appear on a configuration screen. Davis stations calculate Sea Level Pressure from Station Pressure using a formula based on several parameters such as temperature, humidity, etc, rather than just using altitude as most other stations. CWOP require 'Altimeter Pressure' to be uploaded, i.e. a value calculated simply using altitude.
[[File:Badge vMx.png]]'''Note for MX''', use of the LOOP2 (see [[Cumulus.ini_(Beta)#Section:_Station| here]]) means s.l.p. can be obtained from the Davis station.
{{Version badge 1}}'''The following note applies to Cumulus 1.x.x:''' The station does not provide this value directly, nor the station pressure, so Cumulus 1.x.x has to read some extra data once a minute in order to do the calculation. This can take several seconds, so it means that a 'normal' data reading may be missed.
If you don't use CWOP, or you are happy for Cumulus to send Sea-Level pressure to CWOP (the difference is small unless you are at high altitude), set this value to 0.
Cumulus will then use the Sea-Level Pressure value instead of the Cumulus calculated Altimeter Pressure.
*0 = Disabled
*1 = Enabled (default)
|colspan="2" style="background:lightblue;"| Both Cumulus flavours - in MX edit in Station Settings, for Cumulus 1 edit in Station Configuration Screen
|Set this in the Station Configuration Screen '''Settings''' block. Select to force the Vantage Pro (and Pro2) barometer to update once a minute instead of the default 15 minutes. Note that you may not need this, more recent stations already update every minute
*0 = Disabled
*1 = Enabled
|Set this in the Station Configuration Screen '''Settings''' block where called '''Synchronize station clock'''.
When set, at Cumulus start-up and at a fixed time (default 04:00, see next parameter) each day, Cumulus will set the Davis VP/VP2 clock to within a minute of the same time as the PC. (From build 3015 for MX).
*0 = Disabled, default (as deselected on the Station Configuration Screen)
*1 = Enabled, ensures that when Cumulus asks the station for data since time X, both recognise X!
|Configuration file read-only setting, controls what hour of the day the SyncDavisClock activity will take place if it is enabled.
*4 = 04:00 (default value)
*0-23 = 00:00 to 23:00
|Weather station connection type that is selected in the ''Station'' Configuration Screen '''Davis type''' block
*0 = serial (see next parameter to specify COM port)
*(1 = usb - setting no longer available on screen, remains as default in cumulus.ini for those not using a Davis)
*2 = TCP/IP (see later parameters to specify ports)
Default is type 1, i.e. neither option on screen selected, so if you use a Davis you must select either serial or TCP/IP.
|Set this in the Station Configuration Screen '''Davis TCP/IP Settings''' block.
Comunications port used if VP type has TCP/IP selected. Default is 2222
|Set this in the Station Configuration Screen '''Davis TCP/IP Settings''' block.
Weather station IP address if VP type has TCP/IP selected. Default is
|Set this in the Station Configuration Screen '''Settings''' block with the ''Discon period'' value.
When the clock minute changes, Cumulus stops the current stream of data from the console, disconnects, waits for the specified number of milliseconds, to allow the Weatherlink IP to briefly connect to the Davis Weatherlink site. Cumulus then attempts to reconnect.
Set it to zero to disable, if you are not using the Weatherlink site.
|This is set in the '''Settings''' block on the Station settings screen off the configuration menu. Set this to 1 if you have additional sensors (e.g. a Davis Leaf Wetness probe) to make Cumulus read, display, and log the readings from the sensors. You don't select this for Solar/UV sensors.
|colspan="2" style="background:lightblue;"|{{Version badge 1}} Cumulus 1 only: edit in Station Configuration Screen or file as indicated
|This read-only parameter (attribute=value) is added directly to the file, it does not appear on a configuration screen. (Available from Build 1096 of version 1.9.4)
Option to specify rain collector model for Davis stations '''for situations where the Davis DLL is unable to read it from station''' (what it reads from station is default if this parameter is not present), and your rain figures in Cumulus are incorrect as a result (can happen when using Virtual VP, for example).
Value X is an integer from 0 to 5 with the following meanings:
*0 = 0.1 inch
*1 = 0.01 inch
*2 = 0.2 mm
*3 = 1 mm
*4 = 'other' inch
*5 = 'other' mm
Davis have not documented what calculations the DLL does for options 4 and 5. If this line is not included in '''cumulus.ini''' the DLL will use whatever type the station tells it to use
|{{Version badge 1}}Set this in the Station Configuration Screen '''Serial Port''' block.
Identifies COM Port used if Davis type is serial. Default is 0.
|[[File:Badge vMx.png]]This parameter is not available in MX.
{{Version badge 1}}This read-only parameter (attribute=value) is added directly to the file, it does not appear on a configuration screen.
*0 (default) = Cumulus will just stop logging, and processing data, if it has had no data from the Davis station for 60 seconds. As it says in the Cumulus 1 help, use of this parameter may not fix a connection problem. With this default setting a connection problem stops Cumulus logging, so once you have fixed the problem it will download the missing data when you start it up again.
*1 = Cumulus 1 attempts to restart itself if it has had no data from the station for 60 seconds. Davis stations can use this option explained in the [[#La_Crosse_specific:|La Crosse]] table if Cumulus sometimes fails to read information from the logger. Again, this may not fix the problem, but this setting does force Cumulus to have another attempt after making a new connection on start up.
|{{Version badge 1}}Set this in the Station Configuration Screen '''Serial Port''' block.
Identifies COM Port used if Davis type is serial. Default is 0.
|colspan="2" style="background:lightblue;"| Only available in Cumulus MX: edit in Station Settings or if read-only directly in file
|{{Version badge 1}} Not applicable.
[[File:Badge vMx.png]]This read-only parameter (attribute=value) is added directly to the file, it does not appear on a configuration screen.
The current MX code uses ''LOOP2'' for two purposes. First, it uses the 'peak 10-minute gust' value, to avoid the problem where a gust might be missed, and secondly it uses the 'absolute pressure' value to make calculation of 'altimeter pressure' easier and more accurate. This is mainly used if you upload to CWOP.
*1 (default) = Cumulus MX will use the LOOP2 packet for Davis Weather Stations by default.
The LOOP2 packet is supported on the VP2 with firmware version 1.90 or later, and on the Vue.
*0 = Select this if you have a Vantage Pro (i.e. the original 'VP1'), or a VP2 with pre-1.90 firmware, or if you are using Virtual VP, none of these support the LOOP2 packet.
Without this setting, Cumulus will revert to calculating the 10-minute gust value itself from the individual wind speed readings, but it will not currently attempt to calculate altimeter pressure correctly, it will simply use the sea-level pressure instead. This is likely to be an issue if you are at high altitude and you upload to CWOP using Cumulus MX.
|This parameter (attribute=value) is added directly to the file, it does not appear on a configuration screen.
The length of time in milliseconds which Cumulus waits to allow a response from the console to a command (i.e. a request for any kind of data) from an IP logger . Default is 500ms, see Cumulus MX forum where times up to 2000ms are suggested.
|This read-only parameter (attribute=value) is added directly to the file, it does not appear on a configuration screen. The default (value=0) is to assume standard barometer updates on Davis stations. Set to 1, by adding ForceVPBarUpdate=1 in [Station] section to force more frequent barometer updates on Davis stations. Steve says "Having checked the code, I see it asks for 20 packets from the 'LOOP2' if the barometer forcing is on, otherwise it stops receiving LOOP data after 50 packets". Added in build 3042 (January 2017). Note that ForceVPBarUpdate=1 is only useful on very old versions of the console firmware.
|[[File:Badge vMx.png]](from version 3.0.0 build 3042) A Cumulus.ini setting to turn off the 'extra' decimal place in pressure values on Davis stations. To limit the pressure to 1 decimal for mb/hPa and 2 for inHg, add this to the [Station] section
|This read-only parameter (attribute=value) is added directly to the file, it does not appear on a configuration screen. The default is to assume that people using MM units to display rain in Cumulus have a Metric Rain Adapter fitted to their rain gauge so it tips for every 0.2mm, and those selecting inches as their unit have the unmodified 0.01" rain gauge. This parameter over-rides that assumption, but note that conversion rounding errors will then occur.
Specifies the units selected on your Vantage Pro Rain Gauge. Set to 0 for a 0.2mm gauge and 1 for a 0.01" gauge.
NOTE: This setting supersedes the setting "DavisRainCollectorModel" used in Cumulus 1
|[[File:Badge vMx.png]]Set in options section of station settings page. Default is 0, change to 1 for more detailed Davis logging.
*0 (default) = Cumulus MX will not add extra logging.
*1 = To add extra logging to the diags file for data received from Davis stations. Use this with care, the log will get very large. (Build 3018 onwards).
I've also added some more diagnostics to try to find the cause of the problem where data stops being read from Davis stations. Debug logging is required to be turned on. (Build 3022 onwards).|-
|[[File:Badge vMx.png]](read-only, you cannot edit this on station settings screen, you must type it directly into file) default = 1, set to 0 to switch off the WLL autodetection of IP address. This is a workaround for a WLL firmware bug that does not update the IP address when it changes using DHCP.
|[[File:Badge vMx.png]]set this on station settings screen; to enable/disable the entry/update of the stations IP address via auto-discovery
====Introduced for problems with Fine Offset family:====
*These parameters were introduced for Cumulus 1 to cope with Fine Offset stations and their clones, but a few of the parameters below may be found to be useful more widely.
*Some parameters are set on screens, other attributes do not appear in the '''cumulus.ini''' file unless they are added using an external editor, but the values still have a recommended default value as explained below.
*Apart from the 2 synchronising parameters, none apply to MX.
{| class="wikitable" border="1"
!style="width:150px" | Parameter Line Entry
!style="width:600px" | Function
|style="background:lightgray;"|Section name - the following parameters relate to the station configuration.
|colspan="2" style="background:pink;"|Read-only parameters - The parameters listed below must be entered directly into file with Cumulus stopped. Used in both C1 and MX unless indicated.
|Add this line to cumulus.ini [Station] section if you wish to change the default, this parameter used to fine-tune the previous parameter.
*2 Minimum value
*3 = default value
Sets the interval (in seconds) during each 48 (or 60 for some models in Cumulus 1) second of station logging period when Cumulus will avoid reading the station data to try and minimise lock ups. If the clock drifts more than this value in 24 hours, then Cumulus may cause the station to lock up when reading the data. The actual station clock drift gets logged to the diags file when the re-synchronise (see last parameter) takes place, this will give an idea of whether it would be useful to adjust this setting.
Applicable to both Cumulus 1 and MX. MX applies both 48 and 60 second avoidances regardless of model.
|Add this line to cumulus.ini [Station] section
*0 = reporting off
*1 = reporting on (default)
Option to turn off reporting of 'lost sensor contact' for Fine Offset stations. (added Cumulus 1.9.4 b.1070)
|Add this line to cumulus.ini [Station] section if application gets stuck when Cumulus starts up connected to a Fine Offset (clone) station (added Cumulus version 1.9.2, build 1011).
*0 = Disabled, default, it checks the first two bytes of the Fine Offset station's memory.
*1 = Ignores part of memory (see [[FAQ#When_I_start_Cumulus.2C_I_get_the_error_message_.22The_station_is_not_initialised.22]]).
Not applicable to MX.
|Add this line to cumulus.ini [Station] section if application gets stuck in the download stage.
Introduced in version 1.8.5 (b.630) to deal with certain bytes being given the same value in first and second line.
*0 = Disabled, default, Cumulus accepts all bytes from the Fine Offset station's memory.
*1 = Ignores part of memory (see [ this forum thread]).
For example one problem is that "55 AA" repeats at the start of the second line of data. Those bytes are only supposed to appear at the start of the first line (or so I am told).
Not applicable to MX
|Add this line to cumulus.ini [Station] section
Got a pressure problem with a Fine Offset station when the pressure 'offset' that Cumulus reads is garbage, so Cumulus just uses zero?
Tell Cumulus what offset to use, by using an external text editor to insert this parameter where x.y is your pressure offset in in mb or hPa [i.e. your station (absolute) pressure subtracted from the sea-level (relative) pressure]. Applies to Cumulus 1 and MX.
|{{Version badge 1}}This is set in the settings frame on the Station settings screen off the configuration menu.
*0 = Disabled, default i.e. deselected on the Station Configuration Screen
*1 = Enabled, Cumulus will restart if it detects that a Fine Offset station is unplugged. '''Note:''' Unless the station has been manually plugged in again, a Cumulus restart has no benefit; normally the station should be checked to be plugged in before Cumulus is ever started and the station then left plugged in.
Not applicable to MX
|colspan="2" style="background:lightblue;"| Both Cumulus flavours - in MX edit in Station Settings, for Cumulus 1 edit in Station Configuration Screen
|Cumulus 1 and MX
*0 = Synchronisation disabled, default (Cumulus reads the memory without taking into account when memory is being updated)
*1 = Re-synchronizes once each day, to avoid reading memory at time of memory update
A Fine Offset station will be writing to its memory every 48 or 60 seconds (depending on model); Cumulus can attempt once a day to identify when this update of memory occurs, and thereafter try not to read the memory at update time, by using what is called a synchronisation mode of operation. See next parameter.
==== Spike Removal ====
* 7 of the 10 spike removal parameters listed below are adjusted in the frame at the bottom of the ''Calibration'' screen, off '''Configuration''' menu, they have a prefix of EW because they were introduced for dealing with problems seen in the Fine Offset family; the corrections are only applied when Cumulus is reading directly from the station at a very frequent interval, spike removal does not apply when Cumulus is re-started and is transferring observations from the station logger to the Cumulus monthly log.
*The other 3 spike removal parameters have to be entered directly in cumulus.ini, none of these ones can be set on the 'calibration' screen.
*As Cumulus does not check station type before applying any of these settings, ensure for Davis stations (these do not have spike problems) the spike removal filters are set to the defaults shown below.
*However, spike removal correction may be implemented for La Crosse stations, they can have problems with their PC interface, using the same EW filter settings listed below.
{| class="wikitable" border="1"
!style="width:150px" | Parameter Line Entry
!style="width:600px" | Function
|style="background:lightgray;"|Section name - the following parameters relate to the station configuration.
|Add this line to cumulus.ini [Station] section
Cumulus (1 and MX) has a configurable threshold for the maximum feasible amount of rain between updates (i.e. within 48-seconds on Fine Offset stations without solar, 60 seconds on those measuring solar), set in units of count of tips.
Default=30 tips, as each tip represents 0.3mm this is equivalent to 9 mm or just over a third of an inch in 48 seconds.
This setting affects rain rate, rain last hour, rain so far today (and what is recorded in today.ini/dayfile.txt), but does not affect the web tag <#r24hour>.
|This is set in the spike removal frame on the Calibration settings screen off the configuration menu.
An hourly rain count 'spike removal' filter for weather stations that do not supply this figure so Cumulus has to calculate it.
Any ''changes in calculated value'', between one calculation and the next, greater than the value specified here will be ignored by Cumulus when it calculates the hourly rain total.
Cumulus ignores this parameter if the weather station directly supplies this figure to Cumulus. '''999''' is the default indicating no spike removal required.
|This is set in the spike removal frame on the Calibration settings screen off the configuration menu.
A rain rate 'spike removal' filter, ''changes in calculated value'', between one calculation and the next, greater than the value specified here (set in calibration screen of configuration menu) will be ignored by Cumulus when it calculates the rain rate.
Cumulus ignores this parameter for other makes of weather station (they supply a rain rate to Cumulus). The default value of '''999''' also effectively makes Cumulus ignore spike removal.
|This is set in the spike removal frame on the Calibration settings screen off the configuration menu. A wind gust 'spike removal' filter, ''changes in calculated value'' between one calculation and the next, greater than the value (always metres per second) specified here (with a default of '''999.0''') will be ignored by Cumulus.
|This is set in the spike removal frame on the Calibration settings screen off the configuration menu.. A wind speed 'spike removal' filter, ''changes in calculated value'' between one calculation and the next greater than the value (always metres per second) specified here (with a default of '''999.0''') will be ignored by Cumulus
|This is set in the spike removal frame on the Calibration settings screen off the configuration menu. A pressure change 'spike removal' filter, ''changes in read value'', from one reading to the next, off any station greater than the value (always mb) specified here (with a default of '''999.0''') will be ignored by Cumulus
|Add this line to cumulus.ini [Station] section
Cumulus will ignore all pressure readings from the station that are less than this value (units are always hPa/millibars)
|Add this line to cumulus.ini [Station] section
Cumulus will ignore all pressure readings from the station that are greater than this value (units are always hPa/millibars).
|This is set in the spike removal frame on the Calibration settings screen off the configuration menu. A temperature change 'spike removal' filter.
Replace default of 999.0 with the maximum difference in degrees Celsius (the units Cumulus uses for all calculations regardless of what you select for display) you are prepared to accept between successive data readings.
|This is set in the spike removal frame on the Calibration settings screen off the configuration menu. A humidity change 'spike removal' filter, ''changes in read value'' from any station greater than the value (as %) specified here (with a default of '''999.0''') will be ignored by Cumulus.
==== Reading File instead of weather station ====
{{Version badge 1}}Functionality added from version 1.7.12 (when Fine Offset could not be interrogated via USB): '''Requiring Cumulus to read Easyweather.dat instead of a station directly perhaps for Stations not recognised by Cumulus'''
*Stations not recognised by Cumulus ''may'' be set to create an [[EasyWeather_Format#Usage_of_easyweather.dat_fields_for_Cumulus_input_of_latest_record: |EasyWeather_Format]] file. For these the first two (or three) parameters below are mandatory.
{| class="wikitable" border="1"
!style="width:150px" | Parameter Line Entry
!style="width:600px" | Function
|style="background:lightgray;"|Section name - the following parameters relate to the station configuration.
|This parameter is entered in the Station Configuration Screen Settings block.
*0= Default, meaning not applicable
*n= any positive decimal value representing Easyweather version 6.2, or earlier, logging interval in minutes (used for reading single latest observations from [[EasyWeather_Format#Usage_of_easyweather.dat_fields_for_Cumulus_input_of_latest_record: |Easyweather]] software output). Note to specify seconds, use decimal minutes, e.g. 30 seconds = 0.5
'''Note:''' If you have not set Station '''Type''' to 4, then Cumulus ignores this parameter, i.e. it only applies if Cumulus needs to know how often to read a new record from the easyweather.dat file.
|This is set in the settings frame on the Station settings screen off the configuration menu.
*[[EasyWeather_Format#Usage_of_easyweather.dat_fields_for_Cumulus_input_of_latest_record: |Easyweather.dat or EasyWeatherPlus.dat]] file path/name as entered in the Station Configuration Screen Settings block (Station '''Type''' is set to 4). '''Note:''' This approach is viewed as outdated, it was used if obsolete EasyWeather software version 6.2, or earlier, was running at same time as Cumulus software, both ran all the time, and Cumulus was required to simply process the latest record on the database, at the interval set in previous parameter, without all the additional processing Cumulus is able to do if it is reading directly from the console very frequently.
*(attribute and equals sign, but no value)= Default (Station '''Type''' ''not'' set to 4). '''Note:''' This is the default when Cumulus is operating normally.
*(attribute and equals sign, but no value)= Default (Station '''Type''' is set to 4). '''Note:''' If you want to run Cumulus without an attached weather station (because your station has a fault or because you have a second PC), it is possible to run Cumulus with station '''Type=4''' but with the default of no file specified in this parameter. The full Cumulus directory structure and its files including those in the ''data'' sub-directory are needed (kept from when your station was working or copied from the PC with the station). Although only the old observations can be accessed, (no new ones are being added), this does allow analysis of the old observations via all Cumulus features such as '''View''' ''This period'' and '''View''' ''Select-A-Graph''. See [[FAQ#Cumulus_isn.27t_performing_periodic_tasks.2C_like_data_logging_or_web_uploads|FAQ here]] for reduced functionality using Cumulus in this way.
|This is set in the settings frame on the Station settings screen off the configuration menu.
*0 = Disabled (default)
*1 = Enabled; Use if you a) have Fine Offset models (generally those [[EasyWeather_Format#Note_on_Models|models 3xyz]]) with Solar/UV sensors, and b) '''Type=4''' set in that parameter (see top of [station] section), and c) '''EWFile='''''path'''''/EasyWeatherPlus.dat''' set in previous parameter. Only relevant if '''all these''' conditions met.
'''Note:''' Cumulus uses this parameter to determine where to find each observation (e.g. outside temperature, wind speed, humidity etc.) in the latest file record. If you set this parameter wrong, Cumulus will assign what it finds in various field locations wrongly and therefore it is highly likely that temperatures, wind speeds and everything else will appear to have many rogue values in Cumulus but look okay on the weather station console display.
This parameter is also used for other makes of weather station, see the relevant section for your make as the parameter is used differently.
==== Oregon Scientific specific: ====
{{Version badge 1}}Support for Oregon stations was removed in version 1.6.0, missing from all subsequent 1.6.x versions, and restored from version 1.7.0. Some parameters are set on a configuration screen (as identified in individual entries), others have to be entered directly in this file.
[[File:Badge vMx.png]] The same parameters are available in MX in all versions, where they are set in a Cumulus 1 screen, they are set on the station settings page in MX, where they are set in this file for Cumulus 1, they are still set in file for MX.
{| class="wikitable" border="1"
!style="width:150px" | Parameter Line Entry
!style="width:600px" | Function
|style="background:lightgray;"|Section name - the following parameters relate to the station configuration.
|Selected in the Station Configuration Screen Settings block.
*0 = Disabled (default)
*1 = Enabled, humidity displayed and recorded as 100% if your sensor registers a relative humidity of 98% or greater. Normally only useful for Oregon Scientific stations.
|This is set in the settings frame on the Station settings screen off the configuration menu by the '''Extra Sensors''' selection.
*0=Disabled (default)
*1= Enabled - Used for Oregon Scientific WMR-928 and similar stations if you have additional sensors (e.g. another temperature probe) to make Cumulus read, display, and log the readings from those sensors. You don't use this for Solar/UV sensors.
(Note this attribute appears in [[#Davis_family_specific|Davis family]] and [[#Introduced_for_problems_with_Fine_Offset_family:|Fine Offset family]] tables above and in [[#Instromet_station_specific:|Instromet station specific:]] table below with different usage explanations).
|colspan="2" style="background:pink;"|Read-only parameters - The parameters listed below must be entered directly into file with Cumulus stopped. Used in both C1 and MX unless indicated.
|This line needs to be added in the [Station] section of the Cumulus.ini file for WMR-928 stations (and other serial stations using the same protocol, eg WMR-968) to use an 'extra' channel (see previous parameter) as your main temperature sensor, set N to the required channel
|This line needs to be added in the [Station] section of the Cumulus.ini file for WMR200 stations (and any other Oregon Scientific USB stations which work with Cumulus, e.g. WMR100) to use an 'extra' channel as your main temperature sensor, set N to the required channel
==== La Crosse specific: ====
'''NOT AVAILABLE IN CUMULUS MX - at time of writing "RestartIfDataStops" is not available'''
{| class="wikitable" border="1"
!style="width:150px" | Parameter Line Entry
!style="width:600px" | Function
|style="background:lightgray;"|Section name - the following parameters relate to the station configuration.
|colspan="2" style="background:pink;"|Read-only parameters - The parameters listed below must be entered directly into file with Cumulus stopped. Used in both C1 and MX unless indicated.
|This line needs to be added in the [Station] section of the Cumulus.ini. This makes Cumulus check the time that the station is going to communicate with the sensors, and synchronises all of its reads to be 2.5 seconds after that. Experiments have shown that this does not help the bad data situation.
|This line needs to be added in the [Station] section of the Cumulus.ini. It is setting for the La Crosse max wind speed, where X is the maximum (uncalibrated) wind speed in m/s that you want to allow. The value you supply should be in metres/second, regardless of what wind unit you are using in Cumulus.(V1.8.8 Build 874 on)
|This line needs to be added in the [Station] section of the Cumulus.ini. Option to ignore the La Crosse station clock on logger download.
*0 = Disabled (default)
*1 = Enabled
|{{Version badge 1}}This line needs to be added in the [Station] section of the Cumulus.ini.
Option for Cumulus 1, it attempts to restart itself if it has had no data from a La Crosse station for 60 seconds i.e. if data from station stops. This may fix whatever the problem is; it may not. But it should at least stop the same data being repeatedly logged.
*0 = Disabled (default)
*1 = Enabled
|This line needs to be added in the [Station] section of the Cumulus.ini.
Option to turn off reporting of 'data stopped' errors to the Cumulus error log (may be needed with La Crosse stations)
*0 = Disabled (default)
*1 = Enabled
The spike removal parameter listed in the Fine Offset section above, may also be used with La Crosse stations.
==== Hydreon specific: ====
All 6 of these parameters are set on RG11 screen within configuration menu, see its ''Help'' for more information.
{| class="wikitable" border="1"
!style="width:150px" | Parameter Line Entry
!style="width:600px" | Function
|style="background:lightgray;"|Section name - the following parameters relate to the station configuration.
|Specifies the COM port to use for [[Rain_measurement#Optical_Rain_Gauge | Hydreon RG-11 rain detection devices]]. 1 = COM1.
|Specifies the Hydreon RG-11 rain device mode of operation.
*0 = Rain detection mode - "It's Raining"
*1 = Tipping bucket mode.
|Specifies the tipping bucket size for Hydreon RG-11 rain detection devices. The 'tip size' must be specified in the units that you have configured Cumulus to use for rain.
|Settings to connect a second Hydreon RG-11 rain detection device.
Note that you must have one RG-11 set to "It's raining" mode and the other to "tipping bucket" mode. Cumulus does not validate this.
====Ecowitt GW1000 and Froggit DP1500 (and any equivalents) specific ====
[[File:Badge vMx.png]] This section only applies to MX. Note that the section in the file is called '''[GW1000]''', but as indicated above it applies to equivalent models.
{| class="wikitable" border="1"
!style="width:150px" | Parameter Line Entry
!style="width:600px" | Function
|style="background:lightgray;"|Section name - the following parameters relate to the station configuration.
|colspan="2" style="background:lightblue;"| Cumulus MX only
|There is no default value, stores the IP address of your GW1000 WiFi logger, set via the station settings page.
==== Instromet station specific: ====
{| class="wikitable" border="1"
!style="width:150px" | Parameter Line Entry
!style="width:600px" | Function
|style="background:lightgray;"|Section name - the following parameters relate to the station configuration.
|colspan="2" style="background:pink;"|Read-only parameters - The parameter listed below must be entered directly into file with Cumulus stopped. Used in both C1 and MX.
|This parameter (attribute=value) if you need to change it from its '''default of 200 ms''' is added directly to the file, it does not appear on a configuration screen.
Specifies the time in milliseconds that Cumulus allows for a response from an Instromet station. If you are having problems with reading from an Instromet station, try inserting this line into the ''Station'' section using a value of 500. According to the specification, 500 ms is the absolute maximum time that the station should take to respond to any command.
|colspan="2" style="background:pink;"|Read-only parameters - The parameter listed below must be entered directly into file with Cumulus MX stopped. Only Cumulus MX.
|This parameter (attribute=value) is added directly to the file, it does not appear on a configuration screen.
The default value is 19200. Some ?older? Instromet loggers operate at 115200, if you have one of these older loggers you will need to manually set this value in Cumulus.ini before running the program.
|colspan="2" style="background:lightblue;"| Both Cumulus flavours - in MX edit in Station Settings, for Cumulus 1 edit in Station Configuration Screen
|Set this in the Station Configuration Screen Settings block where called '''Synchronize station clock'''. Note despite the name of the parameter within 'Cumulus.ini', this does apply to Instromet stations.
When set, at Cumulus start-up and at 04:00 each day, Cumulus will set the Instromet clock to within a minute of the same time as the PC
*0 = Disabled, default as deselected on the Station Configuration Screen
*1 = Enabled, ensures that when Cumulus asks the station for data since time X, both recognise X as representing same time!
|This is set in the settings frame on the Station settings screen off the configuration menu by the '''Extra Sensors''' selection. If you have 'extra sensors' selected, the wet bulb reading will be used as an extra temperature sensor. Otherwise it is used as 'wet bulb' and the humidity will be calculated from that and the dry bulb sensor.
*0=Disabled (default)- . For a wet bulb sensor, Cumulus will output the humidity, not the temperature shown by the wet bulb.
*1= Enabled - Used for optional Sunshine hours or extra temperature sensors on Instromet stations. For a wet bulb sensor, Cumulus will output the temperature it shows, but not calculate the humidity.
(Note this attribute appears in [[#Davis_family_specific|Davis family]], [[#Oregon_Scientific_specific:|Oregon Scientific specific]] and [[#Introduced_for_problems_with_Fine_Offset_family:|Fine Offset family]] tables above with different usage explanations).
=== Section: Offsets ===
Set most of these parameters in Cumulus 1 (available from version 1.8.1 onwards) using the '''Configuration''' menu and ''Calibration'' screen, the exception is 'TempMult2'.
Set these parameters in MX under the '''Settings''' tab using the '''Calibration''' screen, again excluding second order multipliers.
{| class="wikitable" border="1"
!style="width:150px" | Parameter Line Entry
!style="width:600px" | Function
|style="background:lightgray;"|Section Name - the following 'attribute=value' parameters are the adjustment factors for your specific sensors
|colspan="2" style="background:pink;"|Read-only parameters - The parameter listed below must be entered directly into file with Cumulus stopped. Used in both C1 and MX.
|This line needs to be added in the [Offsets] section of the Cumulus.ini, if it is omitted default second order multiplier is 1.0.
"Second order" multiplier by which measured outdoor Temperature is to be corrected, this means that the logged reading can be (TempMult2 X measured-temp X measured_temp) + (TempMult X measured_temp) + TempOffset
|colspan="2" style="background:pink;"|Read-only parameters - The parameter listed below must be entered directly into file with Cumulus stopped. Only MX (build 3045 onwards).
|This line needs to be added in the [Offsets] section of the Cumulus.ini, if it is omitted default second order multiplier is 1.0.
"Second order" multiplier by which measured outdoor Humidity is to be corrected, this means that the logged reading can be (HumMult2 X measured_hum X measured_hum) + (HumMult X measured_hum) + HumOffset
|colspan="3" style="background:lightblue;"| Both Cumulus flavours
|Default 'Offset_Value' is 0 in this parameter, used for quadratic formula shown for read-only parameter
|First order multiplier by which measured outdoor Temperature is to be corrected (default=1).
For formula see read-only item.
|Multiplier by which measured Humidity is to be corrected (default=1). See formula in read-only parameter
|Default 'Offset_Value' is 0 in this parameter used for formula in MX read-only parameter above
|First order multiplier by which measured Wet Bulb Temperature is to be corrected (default=1). See formula in next row
|Default 'Offset_Value' is 0 in this parameter, used for formula: Cumulus wet bulb temperature = measured_wet_bulb X wet_bulb_multiplier + 'Offset_Value'
|Default 'Offset_Value' is 0 in this parameter used for formula: Cumulus Wind Bearing = Measured Wind Bearing + 'Offset_Value'
|Default 'Offset_Value' is 0 in this parameter used for formula: Cumulus Indoor Temperature = Measured Indoor Temperature + 'Offset_Value'
|Multiplier by which measured Average [[Wind_measurement#Wind_Speed|Wind Speed]] is to be corrected (default=1).
e.g. Officially in UK the wind speed is measured with sensors at 10m above ground level. If your sensor is not at 10m AGL then a correction multiplier should be applied using the following formula ''V10/Vh = 1/(0.233 + 0.656*log10(h+4.75))'' where "h" is your sensor height in meters so if your anemometer is 5m off the ground, V10/Vh comes out at 1.134
|Multiplier by which measured [[Wind_measurement#Wind_Speed|Wind Gust]] Speed is to be corrected (default=1).
|Default 'Offset_Value' is 0 in this parameter, used for formula: Cumulus pressure = Measured Pressure + 'Offset_Value'
|Multiplier by which measured Rainfall (and therefore rainfall rate too) is to be corrected (default=1).
|Multiplier by which measured UV to be corrected (default=1). see formula in next row
|Default 'Offset_Value' is 0 in this parameter used for formula: Cumulus UV level = Measured_UV_level X UV_multiplier + 'Offset_Value'
|colspan="3" style="background:lightblue;"| Cumulus 1 only
|Default 'Offset_Value' is 0 in this Davis Altitude parameter, used for formula: Cumulus altimeter pressure = Calculated Altimeter Pressure + 'Offset_Value'
The calculated altimeter pressure (from build 792) uses
<pre>k1 := 0.190284; // discrepency with calculated k1 probably because Smithsonian used less precise gas constant and gravity values
k2 := 8.4184960528E-5; // (standardLapseRate / standardTempK) * (Power(standardSLP, k1)
Result := Power(Power(absolute_pressureHPa - 0.3, k1) + (k2 * elevationM), 1/k1);</pre>
Sea level pressure is strictly calculated from actual pressure making compensation for temperature and humidity variation with height and most stations supply a SLP, but in Cumulus terms where a station supplies absolute pressure only, a standard offset is used to correct that to sea level pressure. Altimeter pressure as used for reporting to APRS/CWOP, does not make this compensation for temperature and humidity, it assumes standard atmosphere, purely a compensation for altitude, so the above calculation is used, then this offset is used by Cumulus to re-calculate altimeter pressure.
|colspan="3" style="background:lightblue;"| Cumulus MX only
|PressMult = 1.0
|Cumulus MX only from version 3.2: First order multiplier by which measured Pressure (in above formula) is to be corrected (default=1).
|Solar multiplier
| Solar offset
=== Section: Web Site ===
Applies to both flavours of Cumulus:
*Both parameters edited in Cumulus 1 using the Internet Configuration screen ''Sites/Options tab'' Web Site block.
*Both parameters edited in MX using Internet Settings screen within '''Web/FTP site''' section.
{| class="wikitable" border="1"
!style="width:150px" | Parameter Line Entry
!style="width:600px" | Function
|style="background:lightgray;"|[Web Site]
|style="background:lightgray;"|Section Name - the following parameters relate to your website
|A website forum URL
|WebcamURL=<nowiki> </nowiki>
|URL for your Webcam
=== Section: FTP site ===
[[File:Badge vMx.png]]NOTE: For MX, the word site should be in lower case as shown in left-hand column heading and above.
See individual entries for how to modify these parameters (either select on a screen, or edit file directly). Where the modification can be done on a screen, the Cumulus Help screens (e.g. Configuration: Internet) will explain the selection.
This Wiki discusses the most basic of these settings on [[Simple_Website_setup|simple web site set up page]] and discusses the more complex ones in [[Customised_templates#What_to_select_on_the_.27Files.27_tab_of_the_Internet_Settings_screen_within_the_.27Configuration.27_menu|this section of Customised templates]].
{| class="wikitable" border="1"
!style="width:150px" | Parameter Line Entry
!style="width:900px" | Function
|style="background:lightgray;"|[FTP site]
|style="background:lightgray;"|Section Name - the following parameters relate to your website FTP parameters
|colspan="2" style="background:lightblue;"| Both Cumulus flavours - in MX edit in Internet Settings, see individual entry for Cumulus 1 edits
|In Cumulus 1, set in the '''Daily''' box of ''Internet'' option of '''Configuration''' menu, ''Sites/Options tab'' in '''External Programs''' block. The name (including path) of a command-line program to be run once a day, after the daily 'rollover' has been performed.
*default - none
|In Cumulus 1, set in the '''Params''' box alongside the '''Daily''' box of ''Internet'' option of '''Configuration''' menu, ''Sites/Options tab'' in '''External Programs''' block.
*default - none
The corresponding 'parameters' for 'DailyProgram' used to specify any parameters to be passed to that command.
|SelectedIn Cumulus 1, set in the ''Internet'' option of '''Configuration''' screenmenu, ''Sites/Options tab'' in web site block. This is either the name, or the IP address, of the ftp server to which you connect when you upload pages to your web site. You probably used it with an external FTP program when you followed the instructions in the Cumulus help''Help'', '''Readme.txt''', or [[Simple_Website_setup]].
''If you host your web site yourself, then "'''Host=localhost'''" might be appropriate''.
''Leave blank if you are not using ftp, but simply creating the output files on your pc.''
''Leave blank, "'''Host='''", if you are not using ftp'', but simply creating the output files on your pc with a Copy instruction.
|SelectedIn Cumulus 1, set in the ''Internet'' option of '''Configuration''' screenmenu, ''Sites/Options tab''. Portin usedweb forsite FTP upload, default =21block.
Port used for FTP upload, default as shown is the normal port.
|SelectIn Cumulus 1, set your web site FTP log-in Username in the ''Internet'' option of '''Configuration''' screenmenu, ''Sites/Options tab'' yourin web site FTP login Usernameblock
|Shows your web site FTP login password as entered in the ''Internet'' option of '''Configuration''' Screenmenu (note: this is not encrypted)
|SelectedIn Cumulus 1, set in the ''Internet'' option of '''Configuration''' screenmenu, ''Sites/Options tab'' in web site block. Directory (including path) on your server to which FTP will upload the files. Starting point is the position specified by ftp server (see Host above)
*value is left Blank, default, the root position specified by ftp server (see Host above)
*A path from the starting point as the position specified by ftp server (see Host above)
|SetIn Cumulus 1, set in the ''Internet'' option of '''Configuration''' menu by the ''Include Standard Files'' at the top of Screen Web''Files'' SettingsTab block.screen
*0 = Disabled
*1 = Enabled, Cumulus(default) will automatically uploadthe your processedstandard web pagesfiles toprovided yourwith webCumulus sitewill atbe regularprocessed intervalsand (asuploaded specifiedat byeach theautomatic 'Updateor Interval')manual usingweb FTPupdate to the directoryFTP asroot specifiedor inany 'Directory' you have specified (see above).
|In Cumulus 1, set in the ''Internet'' option of '''Configuration''' menu in Web Settings block of ''Sites/Options'' tab as ''Auto Update''.
*0 = Disabled, an upload will only occur if ''Web upload'' is selected manually either from the '''File''' menu or the right click menu if Cumulus is minimised.
*1 = Enabled, Cumulus will automatically upload your processed web pages to your web site at regular intervals (as specified by the 'Update ''Interval'' ' - see below) using FTP to the directory as specified in 'Directory' (see above).
|Set (Cumulus 1) by selecting ''FTP Logging'' in '''Configuration''' menu, or by adding this line to 'FTP site' section of Cumulus.ini.
*0 (default) = Cumulus will not store messages from FTP server.
*1 = Cumulus will show the messages sent to, and responses from, the FTP server.
{{Version badge 1}} Cumulus 1 stores this output in [[ftplog.txt]].
[[File:Badge vMx.png]] MX stores this output in the same [[ftplog.txt] file. However as MX allows use of alternative secure protocols instead of standard FTP, remember this file is designed for standard non-secure protocol transfers, so for secure transfers some useful information may be in standard [[MXDiags]] file.
|Set in this config file only.
Allow configurable max FTP connect retries (default is retry up to 3 times).
|In Cumulus 1, set in the ''Internet'' option of '''Configuration''' menu in Web Settings block of ''Sites/Options'' tab as ''Use active FTP mode''.
*0 = Disabled (default)
*1 = Enabled, Cumulus will use 'active' FTP mode instead of the default 'passive' mode. You should only select active mode if you are having problems with FTP uploads.
|In Cumulus 1 (available from version 1.8.1), set in the ''Internet'' option of '''Configuration''' menu in Web Settings block of ''Sites/Options'' tab as ''Use FTP rename''.
*0 = Disabled (default), no name change after uploading onto the server
*1 = Enabled, the new update is loaded using temporary names, files are renamed on the sever afterwards
|In Cumulus 1, set in the ''Internet'' option of '''Configuration''' menu in Web Settings block of ''Sites/Options'' tab as ''Delete before upload''.
*0 = Disabled (default)
*1 = Enabled, files are deleted from sever before the new update is loaded
|SetIn Cumulus 1, set in the ''Internet'' Configurationoption screenof ''Sites/Options tab'Configuration''' menu in Web Settings block of ''Sites/Options'' tab in '''Interval''' box. The interval in minutes at which you wish autoStandard (not real-time) updates (either FTP to your website, or outputcopy to a local directory on your pc) to automatically occur. Default 15 minutes.
|In Cumulus 1, set in the '''Program''' box of ''Internet'' option of '''Configuration''' menu, ''Sites/Options tab'' in '''External Programs''' block. The name (including path) of a command-line program to be run at the 'normal' web update interval, after all of the other processing has been performed.
|Selected in the Internet Configuration Files Tab screen
*0 = Disabled
*1 = Enabled, (default) the standard web files provided with Cumulus will be processed and uploaded at each web update.
|Selected in the '''Params''' box alongside the '''Program''' box of ''Internet'' option of '''Configuration''' menu, ''Sites/Options tab'' in '''External Programs''' block. The corresponding 'parameters' for 'ExternalProgram' used to specify any parameters to be passed to that command.
|Selected in the Internet Configuration Files Tab screen
*0 = Disabled
*1 = Enabled,(default) the standard image files generated by Cumulus (graphs, etc) will be uploaded at each web update to a subfolder of the 'Directory' you specified called 'images'.
|SetIn Cumulus 1, set in the ''Internet'' option of '''Configuration''' screenmenu in Web Settings block of ''Sites/Options tab'' Webtab Settingsas block''Enable Realtime''.
*0 = Disabled (default)
The [[realtime.txt]] file contains various weather parameters and is used by the CumulusRealtime.swf (shock wave flash) real time wind gauges (as on the supplied 'gauges' web page).
** - If you do not have ''Auto Update'' option set (top of Web Settings block), the ''realtime.txt'' file is not created/updated.
*0 = Disabled (default) If you have the 'auto update' option set (and a suitable interval configured), Cumulus will create the realtime.txt file at the specified normal update Interval (not the Realtime Interval) so that you can specify it as an extra file to upload during the 'normal' upload, or use it for any other purpose on your PC.
*1* =- EnabledIf you have the ''Auto Update'' option set (and a suitable ''Interval'' configured), Cumulus will create the ''realtime.txt'' file, at the intervalthat specified bynormal Realtimeupdate ''Interval'' (seenot below).the Real-time Interval)
** It only creates the file (any previous creation is lost) at that interval, but you can separately specify it as an extra file to upload during the 'normal' upload, or just use it for any other purpose on your PC.
*1 = Enabled, Cumulus will add a timer that allows you to upload at a more frequent interval than the standard upload interval set above
**Cumulus will create a new ''realtime.txt'' file at the Real-time Interval (Note that neither Cumulus 1 nor Cumulus MX use this file in standard features, but it can be fed to other software that requires frequent values updating)
|Set in the Internet Configuration screen ''Sites/Options tab'' Web Settings block.
** - Other parameters need to be set for more actions..
The time in seconds between creates of the realtime.txt file (default is 30 seconds, see the 'Help' for this screen for advice on suitable time).
The [[realtime.txt]] file contains various weather parameters and was used by the CumulusRealtime.swf (shock wave flash) real time wind gauges (as on the supplied 'gauges' web page for early versions of Cumulus 1.x.x). Shockwave flash software was withdrawn some years ago, so this usage ceased. This parameter controls whether the file is created, the next 2 parameters control how and whether it is uploaded.
|SelectedIn Cumulus 1, set in the ''Internet'' option of '''Configuration''' screenmenu in Web Settings block of ''Sites/Options'' tab as ''Enable WebRealtime Settings blockFTP''.
*0 = Disabled (default), without FTP it is only possible to upload files at the realtime interval if the required remote location is on same device as that running Cumulus.
*1 = Enabled, Cumulus will establish an FTP connection to your web site, so that the realtime.txt file, and any other files you specify, can be uploaded when realtime processing takes place.
The 'EnableRealtime' setting must be set to 1 for this setting to have any effect.
** - If you have the ''RealtimeFTPEnabled'' option set, and a suitable ''RealtimeInterval'' configured, (for second of these see below) Cumulus will upload the ''realtime.txt'' file to your web site, after the number of seconds specified by '''RealtimeInterval''' (see that parameter below) since any previous upload
*0 = Disabled (default)
*1 = Enabled, Cumulus will establish an FTP connection to your web site, at the real time interval set in previous parameter.
|SelectedIn Cumulus 1, set in the ''Internet'' option of '''Configuration''' screenmenu in Web Settings block of ''Sites/Options tab'' Webtab Settingsas block''Realtime.txt FTP''.
When set to 1 Cumulus will upload the [[realtime.txt]] to your web site during realtime processing. The 'EnableRealtime' and 'RealtimeFTPEnabled' settings must both be set to 1 for this setting to have any effect.
*0 = Disabled (default)
*1 = Enabled, Cumulus will use FTP to upload the [[realtime.txt]] to your web site at realtime interval.
|{{Version badge 1}}RealtimeInterval=15
|Set in the Internet Configuration Screen ''Sites/Options tab'' Web Settings block
[[File:Badge vMx.png]]RealtimeInterval=30000
*0 = Disabled (default)
|Set in the ''Internet'' option of '''Configuration''' menu in Web Settings block of ''Sites/Options'' tab as ''Realtime Interval''. The time '''between''' uploads of the '''realtime.txt''' file, and any other files associated with real-time interval, (i.e. a new upload of files will '''begin''' this number of seconds '''after''' the last upload has '''ended''').
*1 = Enabled, Cumulus will use 'active' FTP mode instead of the default 'passive' mode. You should only select active mode if you are having problems with FTP uploads.
*If you set it to 15 seconds and it takes say 10 seconds for any uploads, it will not be until the time it takes plus another 15 seconds has elapsed that it does the next upload (i.e it starts 25 seconds after last start).
*If you set it to 5 seconds, and it takes say 10 seconds for any uploads, while you won't actually get an upload every 5 seconds, it will always attempt the next upload within 5 seconds of the previous one ending, so it starts approximately every 15 seconds.
Note the difference in default value between the two flavours as shown in previous column.
|In Cumulus 1, set in the '''Realtime Program''' box of ''Internet'' option of '''Configuration''' menu, ''Sites/Options tab'' in '''External Programs''' block. The name (including path) of a command-line program to be run at the 'realtime' web update interval, after all of the processing has been performed.
|Selected in the Internet Configuration screen ''Sites/Options tab'' Web Settings block
*0 = Disabled (default)
*1 = Enabled, the new update is loaded using temporary names, files are renamed on the sever afterwards
|In Cumulus 1, set in the '''Params''' box alongside the '''Realtime Program''' box of ''Internet'' option of '''Configuration''' menu, ''Sites/Options tab'' in '''External Programs''' block. The corresponding 'parameters' for 'RealtimeProgram' used to specify any parameters to be passed to that command.
|Selected in Internet Configuration Screen ''Sites/Options tab'' Web Settings block
*0 = Disabled (default)
|colspan="2" style="background:lightblue;"| Cumulus 1 only
*1 = Enabled, files are deleted from sever before the new update is loaded
|{{Version badge 1}}Set in the ''Internet'' option of '''Configuration''' menu of Cumulus 1 by the ''Include Standard Images'' at the top of ''Files'' Tab screen.
*0 = Disabled
*1 = Enabled,(default) the standard image files generated by Cumulus 1 (moon, graphs, etc) will be uploaded at each automatic or manual web update to a sub-folder of the 'Directory' you specified called 'images'.
|SelectedSet in the ''Internet'' Congfigurationoption Screenof '''Configuration''' menu in Web graphs block.
*0 = Disabled (default) Cumulus uploads the default 750 x 300 pixel graphs.
*1 = Cumulus resizes the large graph images when creating them for upload to your web site. Specify the required height and width in the corresponding boxes of same Web graphs block (see below for related parameters). Note that the images are simply scaled to the new size; there will be some loss of quality.
|Graph width, default is 750 (pixels) - see ResizeGraphs parameter
|Set in the ''Internet'' option of '''Configuration''' menu by the ''Copy Images to folder'' at the bottom of ''Files'' Tab screen.
|Set in Internet Configuration Screen Files tab. Path and file name in LOCAL folder to which the generated image files are also copied at each web update interval, either the 'normal' interval, or the 'realtime' interval, depending on next parameter. Used if you want backups of generated images. See Cumulus Help.
*value is blank (default) no action
*Path and file name in LOCAL folder to which the generated image files are also copied after each upload, either at manual web update and the 'normal' automatic interval, or the 'real time' interval, depending on next parameter. Used if you want backups of generated images. See Cumulus Help.
|Set in the ''Internet'' option of '''Configuration''' Screenmenu by the ''Realtime?'' at the bottom of ''Files'' tabTab screen.
*0 = files(default) copiedthe ingenerated 'normal'image intervalfiles are copied at each manual web update (default)and automatically in 'normal' interval
*1 = the generated image files are copied in 'real time' interval.
|Set in the ''Internet'' option of '''Configuration''' menu by the ''Solar'' at the top of ''Files'' Tab screen.
| Set in Internet Configuration Screen Files tab. Path and file name on local computer for alternate files #0 through #9. See cumulus Help for details of how to specify reading current monthly log here.
*0 = Disabled (default)
*1 = Enabled, the optional solar graph image file generated by Cumulus will be uploaded at each automatic or manual web update to a sub-folder of the 'Directory' you specified called 'images'.
|Set in the ''Internet'' option of '''Configuration''' menu by the ''UV'' at the top of ''Files'' Tab screen.
|Path and file name on local computer for alternate file #10 through #99. These additional files can only be selected by adding parameter lines to the configuration file, they are not visible in the Internet Configuration screen Files tab.
*0 = Disabled (default)
*1 = Enabled, the optional UV graph image file generated by Cumulus will be uploaded at each automatic or manual web update to a sub-folder of the 'Directory' you specified called 'images'.
|Set in the ''Internet'' option of '''Configuration''' menu by the ''Sunshine'' at the top of ''Files'' Tab screen.
|Path and file name on web server for alternate files #0 through #9. Set in Internet Configuration Screen Files tab. See cumulus Help for details of how to specify creating current monthly log here.
*0 = Disabled (default)
*1 = Enabled, the optional sunshine graph image file generated by Cumulus will be uploaded at each automatic or manual web update to a sub-folder of the 'Directory' you specified called 'images'.
|colspan="2" style="background:lightblue;"| Both Cumulus flavours - in MX edit in Internet Settings, see individual entry for Cumulus 1 edits
|Path and file name on web server for alternate file #10 through #99. These additional paths/files can only be selected by adding parameter lines to the configuration file, they are not visible in the Internet Configuration screen Files tab.
|Where 'xx' varies between 0 and 99; used to specify path to local file that is to be optionally processed by Cumulus, then to be copied or FTPed to another location at interval indicated
|Set in Internet Configuration Screen Files tab.
You can use "<currentlogfile>" (all versions of Cumulus 1 or MX) on its own to represent the name of the standard log file that is currently being used.
*0 = Disabled, (default) extra file will not pass through the cumulus 'tag processor'.
*1 = Enabled, extra file will be passed through the 'tag processor' in Cumulus, in the same way that the standard Cumulus web pages are. This allows to you to create your own web pages into which Cumulus will insert the various weather parameters. See the "Web tags" section of the help file for a list of the tags which you can use. Cumulus will create a temporary file to hold the processed version of your file and then upload that.
{{Version badge 1}}For Cumulus 1, only 0 to 9 are set in the Internet option of Configuration menu by an entry in the Local column of the table on the Files Tab screen, 10 to 99 have to be inserted manually by adding parameter lines to the configuration file, they cannot be entered on any Configuration screen.
[[File:Badge vMx.png]]All of 0 to 99 are added using "Extra web files" screens in the settings menu of the admin interface. From build 3087, MX also allows you to use "<currentextralogfile>" to specify the name of the extra sensor log files being currently used.
|Where 'xx' varies between 0 and 99; used to specify path to remote file that is created by Cumulus, by being copied or FTPed from local location set above at interval indicated below.
|Set in this config file only.
You can use "<currentlogfile>" (all versions of Cumulus 1 or MX) on its own to represent the name of the standard log file that is currently being used, or as part of another file specifier if you want a different destination file to be used each month (so those for previous months are not overwritten).
*0 = Disabled, alternate file #10 through #99 will not pass through the cumulus 'tag processor'.
*1 = Enabled, alternate file #10 through #99 will be passed through the 'tag processor' in Cumulus, in the same way that the standard Cumulus web pages are. This allows to you to create your own web pages into which Cumulus will insert the various weather parameters. See the "Web tags" section of the help file for a list of the tags which you can use. Cumulus will create a temporary file to hold the processed version of your file and then upload that
{{Version badge 1}}For Cumulus 1, only 0 to 9 are set in the Internet option of Configuration menu by an entry in the Local column of the table on the Files Tab screen, 10 to 99 have to be inserted manually by adding parameter lines to the configuration file, they cannot be entered on any Configuration screen.
[[File:Badge vMx.png]]All of 0 to 99 are added using "Extra web files" screens in the settings menu of the admin interface. From build 3087, MX also allows you to use "<currentextralogfile>" to specify the name of the extra sensor log files being currently used.
|Where 'xx' varies between 0 and 99; used to specify if file named in ExtraLocal parameter is a template containing web tags and needs to be processed by Cumulus before it is copied or FTPed to remote location
|Set in Internet Configuration Screen Files tab.
*0 (default) = no processing required as local file does not contain web tags
*0 = not binary (if pure ASCII characters)
*1 = file contains web tags and needs to be processed
*1 = Binary (e.g. images)
{{Version badge 1}}For Cumulus 1, only 0 to 9 are set in the Internet option of Configuration menu by an entry in the Local column of the table on the Files Tab screen, 10 to 99 have to be inserted manually by adding parameter lines to the configuration file, they cannot be entered on any Configuration screen.
[[File:Badge vMx.png]]All of 0 to 99 are added using "Extra web files" screens in the settings menu of the admin interface.
|Where 'xx' varies between 0 and 99; The format of the file named in Extra Local
|Set in this config file only.
*0 (default) = File to be treated as being [[Webtags#Encoding|encoded]] in ISO-8859-1 or UTF-8 format (another option later allows you to choose between these). use this to transfer any file that can be viewed in a text editor, such as log files, web pages, javaScript files, and PHP scripts.
*0 = alternate file #10 through #99 is not binary (is pure ASCII characters)
*1 = file to be treated as being in binary format. Use this to transfer images, executable files, and other files that cannot be read with a text editor.
*1 = alternate file #10 through #99 is Binary (e.g. images)
{{Version badge 1}}For Cumulus 1, only 0 to 9 are set in the Internet option of Configuration menu by an entry in the Local column of the table on the Files Tab screen, 10 to 99 have to be inserted manually by adding parameter lines to the configuration file, they cannot be entered on any Configuration screen.
[[File:Badge vMx.png]]All of 0 to 99 are added using "Extra web files" screens in the settings menu of the admin interface.
|Where 'xx' varies between 0 and 99; whether the file upload is to use File Transfer process
|Set in Internet Configuration Screen Files tab. If you select this for any files, you will also need to select the Realtime option.
*0= File named in ExtraLocal is to be uploaded by copying from local to remote location (used when web server is on same machine or network as local files)
*0 = Disabled, (default) file uploaded as part of normal upload
*1 (default) = File named in ExtraLocal is to be uploaded by FTP (will work whether web server is on same local network or on some remote host)
*1 = Enabled, file uploaded during Realtime upload
{{Version badge 1}}For Cumulus 1, only 0 to 9 are set in the Internet option of Configuration menu by an entry in the Local column of the table on the Files Tab screen, 10 to 99 have to be inserted manually by adding parameter lines to the configuration file, they cannot be entered on any Configuration screen.
[[File:Badge vMx.png]]All of 0 to 99 are added using "Extra web files" screens in the settings menu of the admin interface.
|ExtraUTFxx= 0
|Where 'xx' varies between 0 and 99; whether the file is to treated as in UTF-8 (a format that supports a wider range of characters and therefore more languages than alternative). Note that the "binary" option mentioned earlier overrides this setting if that is set to 1.
|Set in this config file only. If you select this for any files, you will also need to select the Realtime option.
*0 (default) = File to be treated as being [[Webtags#Encoding|encoded]] in ISO-8859-1
*0 = Disabled, alternate file #10 through #99 uploaded as part of normal upload
*1 (recommended)= File to be treated as being [[Webtags#Encoding|encoded]] in UTF-8 format
*1 = Enabled, alternate file #10 through #99 uploaded during Realtime upload
{{Version badge 1}}For Cumulus 1, only 0 to 9 are set in the Internet option of Configuration menu by an entry in the Local column of the table on the Files Tab screen, 10 to 99 have to be inserted manually by adding parameter lines to the configuration file, they cannot be entered on any Configuration screen.
[[File:Badge vMx.png]]All of 0 to 99 are added using "Extra web files" screens in the settings menu of the admin interface.
|Where 'xx' varies between 0 and 99; if the file named in ExtraLocal is to be uploaded at realtime interval (requires that interval to be enabled, and if FTP is to be used required FTP to be enabled at that interval (see earlier for those options in Cumulus 1 and MX section).
|Set in Internet Configuration Screen Files tab.
*0 (default) = Not to be uploaded at real-time interval
*0 = Disabled, File copied to the location specified in the Remote Filename box.
*1 = to be uploaded at real-time interval, For MX only note that end of day interval must be set to 0.
*1 = Enabled, (default) File uploaded by FTP
Not intended for standard Cumulus web pages (tick box at top of screen, missing files will be ignored), nor for NOAA reports (FTF for them set up in '''NOAA Setup''' within Configuration menu).
{{Version badge 1}}For Cumulus 1, only 0 to 9 are set in the Internet option of Configuration menu by an entry in the Local column of the table on the Files Tab screen, 10 to 99 have to be inserted manually by adding parameter lines to the configuration file, they cannot be entered on any Configuration screen.
[[File:Badge vMx.png]]All of 0 to 99 are added using "Extra web files" screens in the settings menu of the admin interface.
|colspan="2" style="background:lightblue;"| Cumulus MX only - Internet Settings screen
|Set in this config file only.
*0 = Disabled, alternate file #10 through #99 copied to the location specified in the Remote Filename box.
*1 = Enabled, alternate file #10 through #99 uploaded by FTP
|[[File:Badge vMx.png]]. Only available in MX. Where 'xx' varies between 0 and 99; if the file named in ExtraLocal is to be uploaded after end of meteorological day
|The name (including path) of a command-line program to be run at the 'normal' web update interval, after all of the processing has been performed.
*0 (default) = Not to be uploaded at end of day
*1 = to be uploaded at end of day, the realtime interval must be set to 0.
|colspan="2"| If both the above 2 parameters are set to 0, the upload will be at standard uploading interval
|The corresponding 'paramaters' for 'ExternalProgram' used to specify any parameters to be passed to the command.
|[[File:Badge vMx.png]]This parameter controls whether the file needed for the steel series Gauges plot is updated by FTP at the real-time interval
|The name (including path) of a command-line program to be run at the 'realtime' web update interval, after all of the processing has been performed.
*0 (default) = the file is only uploaded at the standard interval
*1 = the file is uploaded by FTP at the real time interval
|[[File:Badge vMx.png]](Add this directly to the Cumulus.ini file with Cumulus stopped, it is not available on the MX Internet Settings page) The default is 0, change to 1 to Disable the Extended Passive FTP-mode.
|The corresponding 'paramaters' for 'RealtimeProgram' used to specify any parameters to be passed to the command.
|[[File:Badge vMx.png]] Cumulus MX (from version 3.5.0) uploads only one image (moon), control whether it is uploaded in the MX Internet Settings screen.
|The name (including path) of a command-line program to be run once a day, after the daily 'rollover' has been performed.
*0 = Disabled
*1 = Enabled,(default) the standard image file generated by Cumulus MX (moon only) will be uploaded at first (after MX is started) automatic web update to a sub-folder of the 'Directory' you specified called by the name specified in [[#Graphs|[Graphs] section]], and uploaded again each hour on the hour showing any change in the phase in the preceding hour. You can choose which sub-folder (default 'images') in the MX internet settings page
|[[File:Badge vMx.png]]This parameter (attribute=value) can be added directly to the file with MX stopped, but it is best to set the serial port name in the MX admin interface.
|The corresponding 'paramaters' for 'DailyProgram' used to specify any parameters to be passed to the command.
If you have moved from Cumulus 1 to MX, and for some reason you want to edit Cumulus.ini, note that the item called ComportName has to be added for MX and that it is a string, for the full device name, e.g. COM1 or /dev/ttyUSB0; while the Cumulus 1 'Port' parameter which is just an integer is no longer needed and should be deleted from the file.
|[[File:Badge vMx.png]](Add to Cumulus.ini file, no option in station settings screen) Default 0 use Explicit FTPS; Change to 1 to use Implicit mode
|Set in this config file only. Allow configurable max FTP connect retries (default is retry up to 3 times)
=== Section: MySQL ===
Not applicable to Cumulus 1.
[[File:Badge vMx.png]]Only applicable to Cumulus MX.
Cumulus MX uses Cumulus.ini to store the MySQL configuration details.
All details are input on '''The MySQL settings screen'''. Here are the default settings. See [[Cumulus MX]] page for examples of what can be selected.
=== Section: Display ===
{{Version badge 1}}Set the majority of these parameters using Configuration menu and [[Cumulus_Screenshots#Display_and_Colour_screens_as_at_version_1.9.4|either ''Display'' or ''Colours'' screens]] as seen on link and indicated below. The exception is "TwelveHourClock", that parameter is set by clicking on the displayed time.
[[File:Badge vMx.png]]The only settings used in this section by Cumulus MX are "NumWindRosePoints" and those for extras.
{| class="wikitable" border="1"
!style="width:150px" | Parameter Line Entry
!style="width:600px" | Function
|style="background:lightgray;"|Section heading - the following parameters affect how the main screen looks.
|Heading=My Weather
|{{Version badge 1}}Title Heading on the Main Screen. Set in the Display Configuration Screen General block
|{{Version badge 1}}Set in the Display Configuration Screen General block.
*0= default, each time Cumulus 1 starts the main window will be displayed in the middle of the main, or only, monitor connected to your pc
*1= the current position of the main window will be saved to [[Cumulus.ini#Section:_MainForm]] when Cumulus closes, and the window will open again at that position the next time Cumulus starts. This will place it on any monitor connected to your PC.
|{{Version badge 1}}Set in the Display Configuration Screen General block.
*0= default, the main window will be displayed on the main or only monitor connected to your pc
*1= If set to 1, Cumulus will start with the main window minimised, either to the system tray or the task bar, depending on the 'MinimizeToTray' setting (see next parameter).
|{{Version badge 1}}Set in the Display Configuration Screen General block
*0 = Disabled (default), Cumulus will minimise to the task bar
*1 = Enabled, causes Cumulus to appear as an icon in the system tray when it is minimized. The icon will flash if a record is broken or an error occurs. Double click on the icon to restore the main window (or right click on the icon and use the pop-up menu).
|{{Version badge 1}}Set in the Display Configuration Screen General block.
*0 = Disabled, (default) Forecast appears left justified on main screen below sun and moon details
*1 = Enabled, Forecast appears centred horizontally on main screen below sun and moon details
|{{Version badge 1}}Set on the colour setting screen in the Configuration menu. Decimal code for the screen font color
|{{Version badge 1}}Set on the colour setting screen in the Configuration menu. Decimal code for the application background color
|{{Version badge 1}}Set on the colour setting screen in the Configuration menu. Decimal code for the screen heading color
|{{Version badge 1}}Set on the colour setting screen in the Configuration menu. Decimal code for the figures on clock in top right corner of main screen
|{{Version badge 1}}Set on the colour setting screen in the Configuration menu. Decimal code for the main screen clock background color
|{{Version badge 1}}Set by left click on clock on main screen
*0 = 24Hr clock mode
*1 - 12 Hr am/pm clock mode
|WMR928Channel1Caption=Extra channel 1
|Set in the Display Configuration Screen ''WMR928 extra channel captions'' block. Note that the extra channel data for WMR928 stations is only displayed on the main screen if ''Display solar/extra data'' is Set in the Display Configuration Screen General block (see previous parameter). This parameter defines the caption to be used when Cumulus reads observations from the extra sensor.
|WMR928Channel2Caption=Extra channel 2
|See previous parameter.
|WMR928Channel3Caption=Extra channel 3
|See 'WMR928Channel1Caption=Extra channel 1' parameter
|Set in ''Snow units'' box in the Display Configuration Screen ''General'' block. Default is cm.
This allows you to set the text that appears with the snow depth in the weather diary. Note that there is no significance attached to this and the effect is purely cosmetic; the snow depth is effectively unitless and you can supply any text you wish, remember all snow depth observations must be entered as an integer (without any decimal part)!
|{{Version badge 1}}Set in the Display Configuration Screen General block.
*0 = Disabled, (default)
*1 = Enabled, the calculated cloud base is displayed on the main screen. The calculation is a simple one; 1000 feet for every 4.5 degrees Fahrenheit difference between the temperature and the dew point.
|{{Version badge 1}}Set in the Display Configuration Screen General block
*0 = Disabled (default) [[Heat_index]] displayed on main screen. The heat index is calculated only if the actual temperature in the shade (not in direct sunlight) is above 27 °C (80 °F), so normal temperature shown here for cooler temperatures.
*1 = Enabled, calculated [[Humidex]] value to be displayed on the main screen instead of Heat Index. (Note that Cumulus displays degrees C or F for Humidex, whereas strictly speaking it is unitless. This is for the convenience of those who use Fahrenheit but would still prefer to see Humidex displayed, where it might be confusing to show the unconverted value.)
|{{Version badge 1}}Set by ''Display solar/extra data'' item in the Display Configuration Screen ''General'' block.
*0 = Disabled (default)
*1 = Enabled, adds an extra panel to the main screen below the recent extremes panel - EITHER
**Panel displays ''Temp'', ''Dew pt'' and ''Hum'' (this [[FAQ#How_does_Cumulus_deal_with_extra_sensors.3F|extra sensor data]], can be populated from Oregon WMR-928 stations, see next 3 parameters) OR
**Panel displays ''Evapotranspiration (ET)'', ''Ultraviolet (UV)'' and ''Solar radiation'' if station '''Type''' is Vantage Pro and solar data is available
|{{Version badge 1}}Set by ''Display 'Storm Rain' '' item in the Display Configuration Screen ''General'' block.
*0 = Disabled, (default)
*1 = Enabled, adds an extra output to the main screen to show what Davis stations report as Storm Rain
|Set in the Display Configuration Screen General block
*0 = Disabled, (default)
*1 = Enabled, a box labelled 'Current:' appears at bottom of Cumulus main screen. See [[Webtags_as_boolean_operators_in_HTML#Current_Weather_Conditions]] for possible use of this information, and [[Currentconditions.txt]] for the effect when the contents of the box on main screen changes.
|{{Version badge 1}}Set in the Display Configuration Screen Graph block. The width of the plot lines in graph legends
|{{Version badge 1}}Set in the Display Configuration Screen Graph block. The width of the plot lines in the graph body
|{{Version badge 1}}Set in the Display Configuration Screen General block. Value represents the default full scale deflection of the top of the 3 wind plots in the wind speed units you have selected. Default value is 50 in that unit.
|{{Version badge 1}}Set on the colour setting screen in the Configuration menu. Decimal code for the upper of the 3 wind plots
|{{Version badge 1}}Set by ''Wind gauge animated'' item in the Display Configuration Screen ''General'' block. Animate the Wind Gauge pointer movement
*0 = Disabled,
*1 = Enabled (default)
|{{Version badge 1}}Set in the Display Configuration Screen. This sets the speed of the wind gauge animation. Lower values correspond to a faster animation speed. Be careful not to set the animation too slow, particularly with stations which update frequently (e.g. Davis) as the animation will never catch up, and will use significant CPU time.
|{{Version badge 1}}Set on the colour setting screen in the Configuration menu. Decimal code for the upper of the 3 wind plots
|{{Version badge 1}}Set on the colour setting screen in the Configuration menu. Decimal code for the upper of the 3 wind plots
|{{Version badge 1}}Set on the colour setting screen in the Configuration menu. Decimal code for the upper of the 3 wind plots
|{{Version badge 1}}Set on the colour setting screen in the Configuration menu. Decimal code for the upper of the 3 wind plots
|{{Version badge 1}}Set on the colour setting screen in the Configuration menu. Decimal code for the upper of the 3 wind plots
|{{Version badge 1}}Set on the colour setting screen in the Configuration menu. Decimal code for the upper of the 3 wind plots
|{{Version badge 1}}Set on the colour setting screen in the Configuration menu. Decimal code for the upper of the 3 wind plots
|{{Version badge 1}}Set on the colour setting screen in the Configuration menu. Decimal code for the upper of the 3 wind plots
|{{Version badge 1}}Set on the colour setting screen in the Configuration menu. Decimal code for the upper of the 3 wind plots
|{{Version badge 1}}Set on the colour setting screen in the Configuration menu. Decimal code for the upper of the 3 wind plots
|{{Version badge 1}}Set on the colour setting screen in the Configuration menu. Decimal code for the upper of the 3 wind plots
|{{Version badge 1}}Set on the colour setting screen in the Configuration menu. Decimal code for the upper of the 3 wind plots
|{{Version badge 1}}Set on the colour setting screen in the Configuration menu. Decimal code for the upper of the 3 wind plots
|{{Version badge 1}}Set on the colour setting screen in the Configuration menu. Decimal code for the upper of the 3 wind plots
|{{Version badge 1}}Set on the colour setting screen in the Configuration menu. Decimal code for the middle of the 3 wind plots
|{{Version badge 1}}Set on the colour setting screen in the Configuration menu. Decimal code for the middle of the 3 wind plots
|{{Version badge 1}}Set on the colour setting screen in the Configuration menu. Decimal code for the middle of the 3 wind plots
|{{Version badge 1}}Set on the colour setting screen in the Configuration menu. Decimal code for the middle of the 3 wind plots
|{{Version badge 1}}Set on the colour setting screen in the Configuration menu. Decimal code for the middle of the 3 wind plots
|{{Version badge 1}}Set on the colour setting screen in the Configuration menu. Decimal code for the middle of the 3 wind plots
|{{Version badge 1}}Set on the colour setting screen in the Configuration menu. Decimal code for the wind rose shading that represents duration and intensity of wind in different directions
|{{Version badge 1}}Set on the colour setting screen in the Configuration menu. Decimal code for the wind rose compass points
|{{Version badge 1}}Set on the colour setting screen in the Configuration menu. Decimal code for the circle and radii of lower of the 3 wind plots
|{{Version badge 1}}Set on the colour setting screen in the Configuration menu.
|Set in the Display Configuration Screen Graphs block
The number of points to plot on the Wind Rose diagram (choose 8 for Fine Offset stations)
|{{Version badge 1}}Set by ''Transparent gauge backgrounds'' item in the Display Configuration Screen ''General'' block.
The square backgrounds of the three wind gauges on the Cumulus main screen
*0= same colour as the main window background (default)
*1= the images will be processed to make the background colour transparent.
|{{Version badge 1}}Set by ''Transparent graph backgrounds'' item in the Display Configuration Screen ''General'' block.
This only works if the graphs are defined to have a solid colour as background (gradient is not selected on ''colours'' configuration screen).
*0= Cumulus 1.x.x graphs colour is defined in ''graphs'' block on Colours Configuration screen (default)
*1= the graph images that Cumulus 1.x.x creates for upload to a web site will be processed to make the background colour transparent.
|Set in the Display Configuration Screen General block
*1= (default), the FTP errors will be logged to the Cumulus Error Dialog display
*0= to suppress the logging of FTP errors.
|{{Version badge 1}}Set on the colour setting screen in the Configuration menu. Decimal code for the colour to be used for background to displayed observations on main screen
|{{Version badge 1}}Set on the colour setting screen in the Configuration menu. Decimal code for the Parameter labels on main screen - default black. Note alarm conditions can change label colour (see next 2 parameters).
|{{Version badge 1}}Set on the colour setting screen in the Configuration menu. Decimal code for the Parameter labels on main screen - default red - when an alarm is set for that parameter
|{{Version badge 1}}Set on the colour setting screen in the Configuration menu. Decimal code for the Parameter labels on main screen - default blue - when an alarm is cleared for that parameter
|{{Version badge 1}}Set on the colour setting screen in the Configuration menu. Decimal code for the heading at the top of each panel with observations
|{{Version badge 1}}Set on the colour setting screen in the Configuration menu. Decimal code for the heading at the top of each panel with observations
|{{Version badge 1}}Set on the colour setting screen in the Configuration menu. Decimal code for the edging of each panel with observations
|{{Version badge 1}}Set on the colour setting screen in the Configuration menu. Decimal code for the panel background
|{{Version badge 1}}Set on the colour setting screen in the Configuration menu. Decimal code for the panel background
|{{Version badge 1}}Set in the Display Configuration Screen General block
*1 (default), the Beaufort description of the current average wind speed will appear in the header of the wind panel on the main screen.
*0, it will instead appear as a 'tool tip' for the wind panel.
|{{Version badge 1}}Set in the Display Configuration Screen General block
*1 (default), the description of the current barometer trend will appear in the header of the barometer panel on the main screen.
*0, it will instead appear as a 'tool tip' for the barometer panel.
|{{Version badge 1}}|Set in the Display Configuration Screen General block
*1 (default), the display will be updated as data is downloaded and processed from the station's logger. This increases the time taken to process the data.
*0, it makes the download faster as display is onlyn updated when catch up completed; this may be significant if there is a lot of data to download.
|{{Version badge 1}}Set in the Display Configuration Screen Graphs block
*0 = Disabled (default)
*1 = Enabled
=== Section: Solar ===
{{Version badge 1}}Set mostly in '''solar block''' at foot of ''Station Settings'' screen in Configuration menu.
[[File:Badge vMx.png]]Set in '''Solar''' section quite a long way down on ''Station settings'' page in Settings menu
{| class="wikitable" border="1"
!style="width:150px" | Parameter Line Entry
!style="width:600px" | Function
|style="background:lightgray;"|Section Name - the following parameters are set as described above
|colspan="2" style="background:lightblue;"| Both Cumulus flavours
|If you have a solar sensor: Cumulus tries to determine whether the sun is shining by determining whether the current solar radiation value is above a certain percentage of the current theoretical maximum. The value you supply here is used as that percentage. The default value is 75%.
|Cumulus uses the Ryan-Stolzenbach formula to determine the current theoretical maximum solar radiation at your location at the current moment in time. This formula has a factor to allow for the transmission of the radiation through the atmosphere; the default is 0.80.
|This setting allows you to specify a minimum solar radiation value which needs to be reached before it can be considered to be sunny. Note that this setting does not replace the calculation using the current theoretical maximum, it specifies an additional condition which has to be met. This setting therefore allows you to cater for the periods at the beginning and end of the day when the theoretical maximum is very low.
|Edit cumulus.ini to add this parameter if you have a Fine Offset station with a solar detector. These supply 'Lux' values rather than 'W/m2' values that Davis stations supply. Cumulus attempts to convert from Lux to W/m2 using the supplied multiplication factor. You can add this parameter if you want to use a value other than the default of 0.0079, which is the generally accepted standard conversion factor for sunlight.
| Called B/l on screen. Set this to 1 if you have a Blake-Larsen Sun Recorder, and you want Cumulus to get today's sunshine hours from it. You need to configure the Blake-Larsen software to put the SRsunshine.dat file into the Cumulus data folder so that Cumulus can read it.
|colspan="2" style="background:lightblue;"| [[File:Badge vMx.png]] Available from MX version 3.0.0 only
|The value is set in the MX user interface when the solar calculation method is set.
*0 (default) = Ryan-Stolzenbach calculation, which uses the RStransfactor entry to tune the output.
*1 = Bras calculation, which uses the BrasTurbidity entry below to tune the output.
|The value is set in the MX user interface when the solar calculation method is set.
*2.0 (default) = Perfect clear sky
*decimal value = The normal range is 2 (Clear sky) to 5 (Smoggy)
=== Section: Graphs ===
For individual settings, check whether they apply to Cumulus 1 only, MX only, or to both flavours.
{{Version badge 1}}In Cumulus 1, in '''Configuration''' menu, select either ''Display'' (Graphs block) or ''Colours'' screens for most options. Set the colours of the data lines on graphs/charts. Select whether to plot particular data by using '''View''' menu and ''Graphs'' option, then right click over the relevant graph. Set the SAG colours and axis position by using '''View''' menu and ''Select-A-Graph'' option, the settings for different observations are at the foot of the screen.
[[File:Badge vMx.png]] All settings in this table are controlled in the '''Graphs''' section at the bottom of the '''Station Settings''' page.
{| class="wikitable" border="1"
!style="width:150px" | Parameter Line Entry
!style="width:800px" | Function
|style="background:lightgray;"|Section Name - the following parameters relate to your graph settings
|colspan="3" style="background:lightblue;"| Both Cumulus flavours
|The number of hours data to be displayed in temperature (outdoor, heat index, wind chill, dewpoint and apparent temperature), humidity, rainfall rate, rainfall, pressure, solar radiation, UV index, wind speed and wind direction graphs.
You can enter any multiple of 12 from the Display Settings Screen, and you can also edit cumulus.ini and set this item to any other value. But note that setting it to a non-standard value is unsupported (i.e. if it causes problems, I probably won't fix them) and if you change any display settings, the value will get reset to a supported value (so you'll need to edit cumulus.ini again).
|How many days of values to plot on the daily min/average/max temperature, daily sunshine, and daily rain charts (default=7)
|Select whether to plot the outside air temperature on the temperature graph. MX from v3.7.0
*0 = Disabled
*1 = Enabled
|Select whether to plot the heat index on the temperature graph. MX from v3.7.0
*0 = Disabled
*1 = Enabled
|Select whether to plot the dewpoint values on the temperature graph. MX from v3.7.0
*0 = Disabled
*1 = Enabled
|Select whether to plot the wind chill values on the temperature graph. MX from v3.7.0
*0 = Disabled
*1 = Enabled
|Select whether to plot the apparent temperature values on the temperature graph. MX from v3.7.0
*0 = Disabled
*1 = Enabled
|Select whether to plot the indoor humidity values on the humidity graph. MX from v3.7.0
*0 = Disabled
*1 = Enabled
|Select whether to plot the outdoor humidity values on the humidity graph. MX from v3.7.0
*0 = Disabled
*1 = Enabled
|colspan="3" style="background:lightblue;"| Cumulus MX only
|This setting is selected in the internet settings screen
* 0= disables generation of moon image
* 1 (default) = enables generation of moon image (see [[#[FTP site]|[FTP site] section]] for how to control uploading of generated image)
|This setting is selected in the internet settings screen, it specifies in pixels the size of the generated image (default 100)
|This setting is selected in the internet settings screen, it specifies the path to where the image (see [[#[FTP site]|[FTP site] section]] for how to control uploading of generated image) is to be stored relative to the directory specified for uploads (see [[#[FTP site]|[FTP site] section]]) earlier on the settings page.
|Select whether to plot the inside air temperature on the temperature graph.
*0 = Disabled
*1 = Enabled
|Select whether to plot the humidex on the temperature graph.
*0 = Disabled
*1 = Enabled
|colspan="3" style="background:lightblue;"| Cumulus 1 only
|Decimal value for the Graph and Chart background colour.
|Decimal value for the 10 minute average wind speed plot colour
|Decimal value for the Wind Gust plot colour
|Decimal value for the Rain plot colour
|Decimal value for the Rain Today plot colour
|Decimal value for the Outside Temperature plot colour
|Decimal value for the Heat Index plot colour
|Decimal value for the Apparent Temperature plot colour
|Decimal value for the Pressure plot colour
|Decimal value for the Wind Direction plot colour
|Decimal value for the Dew Point plot colour
|Decimal value for the Wind Chill plot colour
|Decimal value for the Minimum Temperature chart plot colour
|Decimal value for the Maximum Temperature chart plot colour
|Decimal value for the Average Temperature chart plot colour
|Decimal value for the Daily Rain chart plot colour
|Decimal value for the Inside Temperature plot colour
|Decimal value for the Inside Humidity plot colour
|Decimal value for the Outside Humidity plot colour
|3D or normal graph selection as selected in the Display Configuration Graphs block
*0 = normal graph selected
*1 = 3D graph selected
|Plot Latest Gust selection as selected in the Display Configuration Graphs block
*0 = Disabled
*1 = Enabled
|Wind Direction Graph Y Axis origin
*0 = North as Origin (default)
*1 = South as Origin
|Draw a horizontal line on the temperature graph at 0°C/32°F
|Use gradient shading on the graph background
*0 = Disabled
*1 = Enabled
=== Section: Alarms ===
[[File:Badge vMx.png]]For MX, there is a default path "\CumulusMX\interface\sounds". '''Edit''' on '''Settings''' tab, '''Alarms''' screen.
{{Version badge 1}}Set these using the '''Edit''' menu, ''Alarms'' screen. The default path and file is '''\Cumulus\alert.wav''' for all the file parameters. (Previously this article incorrectly showed "C:\Program Files\Cumulus\alert.wav" for some, but that has been removed now this applies to MX as well)
{| class="wikitable" border="1"
!style="width:150px" | Parameter Line Entry
!style="width:600px" | Function
|style="background:lightgray;"|Section Name - the following parameters relate to your alarm settings
|Select in Edit Alarms Screen
*0 = Disable low temperature alarm (default)
*1 = Enable Low temperature alarm
|Setting for low temperature alarm point (degrees)
|Alarm Action
*0 = Disable, (default) no sound on alarm
*1 = Enable sound on alarm
|Path and file name of sound file for Low Temperature alarm
|Select in Edit Alarms Screen
*0 = Disable high temperature alarm (default)
*1 = Enable High temperature alarm
|Degrees above which alarm will occur.
|Alarm Action
*0 = Disable, (default) no sound on alarm
*1 = Enable sound on alarm
|Path and file name of sound file for High Temperature alarm
|Select in Edit Alarms Screen
|Pressure below which you wish Low Pressure alarm to occur
|Alarm Action
*0 = Disable, (default) no sound on alarm
*1 = Enable sound on alarm
|Path and file name for sound file to play for Low Pressure Alarm
|Select in Edit Alarms Screen
*0 = Disable low High Pressure alarm (default)
*1 = Enable High Pressure alarm
|Pressure above which you wish High Pressure alarm to occur
|Alarm Action
*0 = Disable, (default) no sound on alarm
*1 = Enable sound on alarm
|Path and file name for the sound file used for the High Pressure Alarm
|Select in Edit Alarms Screen
*0 = Disable High Rain today alarm (default)
*1 = Enable High Rain today alarm
|Rain level above which alarm to occur
|Alarm Action
*0 = Disable, (default) no sound on alarm
*1 = Enable sound on alarm
|Path and file name for the sound file used for the High Rain Today Alarm
|Select in Edit Alarms Screen
*0 = Disable High Rain Rate alarm (default)
*1 = Enable High Rain Rate alarm
|Rain rate above which you wish alarm to occur
|Alarm Action
*0 = Disable, (default) no sound on alarm
*1 = Enable sound on alarm
|Path and file name for the sound file used for the High Rain Rate Alarm
|Select in Edit Alarms Screen
*0 = Disable High Gust alarm (default)
*1 = Enable High Gust alarm
|Gust speed above which you wish alarm to occur
|Alarm Action
*0 = Disable, (default) no sound on alarm
*1 = Enable sound on alarm
|Path and file name for the sound file used for the High Gust Alarm
|Select in Edit Alarms Screen
*0 = Disable High Average Wind alarm (default)
*1 = Enable High Average Wind alarm
|Average Wind speed above which alarm to occur
|Alarm Action
*0 = Disable, (default) no sound on alarm
*1 = Enable sound on alarm
|Path and file name for the sound file used for the High Wind Alarm
|Select in Edit Alarms Screen
*0 = Disable sensor contact lost alarm (default)
*1 = Enable sensor contact lost alarm
|Alarm Action
*0 = Disable, (default) no sound on alarm
*1 = Enable sound on alarm
|Path and file name for the sound file used for the Sensor Contact lost Alarm
|Select in Edit Alarms Screen
*0 = Disable Temperature Change alarm (default)
*1 = Enable Temperature Change alarm
|Temperature change value to trigger the alarm
|Alarm Action
*0 = Disable, (default) no sound on alarm
*1 = Enable sound on alarm
|Path and file name for the sound file used for the Temperature Change Alarm
|Select in Edit Alarms Screen
*0 = Disable Pressure Change alarm (default)
*1 = Enable Pressure Change alarm
|Pressure change value to trigger the alarm
|Alarm Action
*0 = Disable, (default) no sound on alarm
*1 = Enable sound on alarm
|Path and file name for the sound file used for the Pressure Change Alarm
=== Sections dealing with interfaces to external sites ===
==== Section: WUnderground ====
Available from version 1.1 (17 Feb 2004)
{| class="wikitable" border="1"
!style="width:150px" | Parameter Line Entry
!style="width:600px" | Function
|style="background:lightgray;"|Section Name - Parameters for your [ Weather Underground] site
|colspan="2" style="background:lightblue;"| Set in the Internet Configuration Screen sites/Options tab
|Your Weather Underground station identifier (note: not your user name).
|Your Weather Underground password. (note: not encrypted)
|Set if you wish to upload to your Weather Underground site
*0 = Disabled, (default) no Weather underground site
*1 = Enabled, data sent at the interval specified below
|'rapid fire' mode.
*0 = Disabled (default)
*1 = Enabled, You should also tick 'Enabled'. Rapid fire updates occur every 5 seconds.
|Time in minutes between uploads to Weather Underground. (default = 15)
|Current UV value
*0 = Disabled (default) no UV info sent
*1 = Enabled, UV value sent with the data
|Solar Radiation
*0 = Disabled (default) no solar data sent
*1 = Enabled, Solar Radiation value sent with data
|Causes average wind speed and directon to be sent rather than instantaneous/gust speed and direction.
*0 = Disabled (default) instantaneous/gust speed data sent
*1 = Enabled, average wind speed sent with data
|If possible send missing historic data to the server on startup
*0 = Disabled
*1 = Enabled (default)
|colspan="2" style="background:lightblue;"| Set by editing this section of cumulus.ini with Cumulus stopped (from build 1095)
|Soil Temperature 1
*0 = Disabled (default) not sent
*1 = Enabled, value sent with the data
|Soil Temperature 2
*0 = Disabled (default) not sent
*1 = Enabled, value sent with the data
|Soil Temperature 3
*0 = Disabled (default) not sent
*1 = Enabled, value sent with the data
|Soil Temperature 4
*0 = Disabled (default) not sent
*1 = Enabled, value sent with the data
| SendSoilMoisture1=0
| Soil Moisture 1
*0 = Disabled (default) not sent
*1 = Enabled, value sent with the data
| SendSoilMoisture2=0
| Soil Moisture 2
*0 = Disabled (default) not sent
*1 = Enabled, value sent with the data
| SendSoilMoisture3=0
| Soil Moisture 3
*0 = Disabled (default) not sent
*1 = Enabled, value sent with the data
| SendSoilMoisture4=0
| Soil Moisture 4
*0 = Disabled (default) not sent
*1 = Enabled, value sent with the data
| SendLeafWetness1=0
| Leaf Wetness 1
*0 = Disabled (default) not sent
*1 = Enabled, value sent with the data
| SendLeafWetness2=0
| Leaf Wetness 2
*0 = Disabled (default) not sent
*1 = Enabled, value sent with the data
==== Section: [[Twitter.txt|Twitter]] ====
Set in the Internet Configuration Screen sites/Options tab
{| class="wikitable" border="1"
!style="width:150px" | Parameter Line Entry
!style="width:600px" | Function
|style="background:lightgray;"|Section Name - the following parameters relate to your [[Twitter]] site parameters
|your Twitter login username
|your Twitter login password ('''note:''' this is not encrypted)
|Set in Internet Configuration Screen Twitter block
*0 = Disabled (default)
*1 = Enabled, tweats sent at the specified interval.
|interval in minutes that Tweats will be sent.
|Twitter inserted authentication token parameter - you can delete this line with Cumulus stopped
|Twitter inserted authentication token parameter - you can delete this line with Cumulus stopped
==== Section: PWSweather ====
Support for PWS Weather/WeatherForYou/HAMweather was added in version 1.7.16 1st September 2008
For Cumuus 1, set in the Internet Configuration Screen sites/Options tab. For MX set on internet settings page.
{| class="wikitable" border="1"
!style="width:150px" | Parameter Line Entry
!style="width:600px" | Function
|style="background:lightgray;"|Section Name - the following parameters relate to your [ PWS] weather site parameters
|Your PWS Weather station identifier (note: not your user name)
|your PWS weather site login password ('''note:''' this is not encrypted)
|Select in Internet Configuration Screen PWS Weather block
*0 = Disabled (default) no data sent to PWS
*1 = Enabled, data sent to PWS at the specified interval
|Interval in minutes that updates will be sent to your PWS weather site
|Current Ultra Violet level
*0 = Disabled (default)
*1 = Enabled, UV level sent with normal data
|Solar Radiation level
*0 = Disabled (default)
*1 = Enabled, Solar radiation reading sent with normal data
|If possible send missing historic data to the server on startup
*0 = Disabled
*1 = Enabled (default)
==== Section: APRS ====
Set in the Internet Configuration Screen sites/Options tab
{| class="wikitable" border="1"
!style="width:150px" | Parameter Line Entry
!style="width:600px" | Function
|style="background:lightgray;"|Section Name - the following parameters relate to your [[APRS]] weather site parameters
|Your APRS identifier
|your APRS password (Note: not encrypted)
|The APRS server to use
|The port number to use on the APRS server.
|Select in Internet Configuration Screen APRS Settings block
|Time in minutes between uploads to the APRS server
|For Oregon Scientific, so it doesn't report humidity to [[APRS]] when the temperature is below -10&#176;C
|Solar Radiation level
*0 = Disabled (default)
*1 = Enabled, Solar radiation reading sent with normal data
==== Section: WOW ====
Added in version 1.9.2. For cumulus 1 set in the Internet Configuration Screen sites/Options tab.
For MX set in internet settings page.
{| class="wikitable" border="1"
!style="width:150px" | Parameter Line Entry
!style="width:600px" | Function
|style="background:lightgray;"|Section Name - the following parameters relate to your [| WOW] weather site parameters
|Your WOW station ID
|your WOW password (Note: not encrypted)
|Updates enabled/disabled
|Time in minutes between uploads to the WOW server
|Current Ultra Violet level
*0 = Disabled (default)
*1 = Enabled, UV level sent with normal data
|Solar Radiation level
*0 = Disabled (default)
*1 = Enabled, Solar radiation reading sent with normal data
|If possible send missing historic data to the WOW server on startup
*0 = Disabled
*1 = Enabled (default)
==== Section: Weatherbug ====
'''The weatherbug upload service ceased''' in 2017.
This functionality was added in version 1.9.2. For cumulus 1 these parameters were set in the Internet Configuration Screen sites/Options tab.
For MX these parameters were set on internet settings page. Removed as from version 3.7.0.
The notes below are therefore only included for historical reasons to help people understand entries in '''old''' Cumulus.ini files but '''these settings are ignored'''.
{| class="wikitable" border="1"
!style="width:150px" | Parameter Line Entry
!style="width:600px" | Function
|style="background:lightgray;"|Section Name - the following parameters relate to your [| Weatherbug] weather site parameters
|Your Weatherbug station ID
|your Weatherbug password (Note: not encrypted)
|Updates enabled/disabled
|Time in minutes between uploads to the Weatherbug server
|Current Ultra Violet level
*0 = Disabled (default)
*1 = Enabled, UV level sent with normal data
|Solar Radiation level
*0 = Disabled (default)
*1 = Enabled, Solar radiation reading sent with normal data
|If possible send missing historic data to the server on startup
*0 = Disabled
*1 = Enabled (default)
==== Section: xAP ====
{{Version badge 1}}Set in the Internet Configuration Screen sites/Options tab
[[File:Badge vMx.png]]It is in Cumulus.ini for MX, but nobody has told me whether it can be edited within the Admin interface.
{| class="wikitable" border="1"
!style="width:150px" | Parameter Line Entry
!style="width:600px" | Function
|style="background:lightgray;"|Section Name
|When set, Cumulus will periodically send out xAP weather reports. See [] for more details
*0 = Disabled (default)
*1 = Enabled
|Sets the UID for xAP messages. You should only need to change this if you have more than one instance of Cumulus running on a network.
|IP port your computer uses to send data to xAP
==== Section: WeatherCloud ====
Not available in Cumulus 1
[[File:Badge vMx.png]] Only available from version 3.0.0
{| class="wikitable" border="1"
!style="width:150px" | Parameter Line Entry
!style="width:600px" | Function
|style="background:lightgray;"|Section name - the following parameters relate to the Weathercloud configuration.
|colspan="2" style="background:lightblue;"| Cumulus MX only
|The value is set in the MX user interface when the Weathercloud ID value is set.
|The value is set in the MX user interface when your Weathercloud API Key value is set.
|This parameter controls whether data is sent to WeatherCloud
*0 (default) = Disable sending of data
*1 = Enable sending of data
|The value is set in the MX user interface when the Include UV value is set.
*0 = Do not send UV data (default)
*1 = Send UV data
|The value is set in the MX user interface when the Include Solar Radiation value is set.
*0 = Do not send Solar data (default)
*1 = Send Solar data
==== Section: WLL ====
Not available in Cumulus 1
[[File:Badge vMx.png]] Only available from version 3.0.0
{| class="wikitable" border="1"
!style="width:150px" | Parameter Line Entry
!style="width:600px" | Function
|style="background:lightgray;"|Section name - the following parameters relate to the station configuration.
|colspan="2" style="background:lightblue;"| Cumulus MX only
|Default value = 1, which transmitter do you want to use as your primary rain sensor, set via the station configuration screen.
|Default value = 1, which transmitter do you want to use as your primary temp/hum sensor, set via the station configuration screen.
|Default value = 1, which transmitter do you want to use as your primary wind sensor, set via the station configuration screen.
|Default value = 1, which transmitter do you want to use as your primary solar sensor, set via the station configuration screen.
|Default value = 1, which transmitter do you want to use as your primary rain sensor, set via the station configuration screen.
|ExtraSoilTempTxId[1 to 4]=0
|Default value = 0, which transmitter do you want to use as your soil temperature sensor [1-4], set via the station configuration screen.
|ExtraSoilTempIdx[1 to 4]=0
|Default value = 1 to 4, which sensor number on the transmitter do you want to use as your soil temperature sensor [1-4], set via the station configuration screen.
|ExtraSoilMoistureTxId[1 to 4]=0
|Default value = 0, which transmitter do you want to use as your soil moisture sensor [1-4], set via the station configuration screen.
|ExtraSoilMoistureIdx[1 to 4]=0
|Default value = 1 to 4, which sensor number on the transmitter do you want to use as your soil moisture sensor [1-4], set via the station configuration screen.
|ExtraLeafTxId[1 to 2]=0
|Default value = 0, which transmitter do you want to use as your leaf wetness sensor [1-2], set via the station configuration screen.
|ExtraLeafIdx[1 to 2]=0
|Default value = 1 to 2, which sensor number on the transmitter do you want to use as your soil moisture sensor [1-2], set via the station configuration screen.
|ExtraTempTxId[1 to 8]=0
|Default value = 0, which transmitter do you want to use as your extra temperature sensor [1-8], set via the station configuration screen.
|ExtraHumOnTx[1 to 8]=0
|Default value = 0, does the temperature sensor transmitter [1-8] also have a humidity sensor, set via the station configuration screen.
|Default value = 300, how long the WLL device is requested to broadcast for before timing out. Only set via the ini file, there should be no need to change this.
|Default value = 22222, what port the WLL device broadcasts on. Only set via the ini file, there should be no need to change this.
==== Section: Windy ====
Not available in Cumulus 1
[[File:Badge vMx.png]] Only available from version 3.0.0 build 3049 onwards. Edit all parameters in the '''Internet settings''' screen, '''' section.
{| class="wikitable" border="1"
!style="width:150px" | Parameter Line Entry
!style="width:600px" | Function
|style="background:lightgray;"|Section Name
|colspan="2" style="background:lightblue;"| Cumulus MX only
|This tick box is used if you want to export to, default is disabled.
|Here you enter the API key you are given when you create a Windy account, default is null. If you have an account, this is a very long string, so paste it in carefully!
|If you were uploading more than one station, on the same account, this indicates the index for this upload, default is 0, the first station you define in your account
|How many minutes between updates (Windy will not allow updates more frequently than every 5 minutes, so that is minimum allowed here)
|A tick box to indicate whether you want MX to send UV data, default is no UV readings to send
|When you restart MX, if the weather station allows it, MX will read "catch-up" readings from the station's logger, the default is to send these to Untick this box if you don't want past values to be sent.
=== Section: NOAA ===
{{Version badge 1}}All these can be set in the '''NOAA Setup Screen''' in Configuration menu.
[[File:Badge vMx.png]]Set these setting on the '''NOAA Settings''' page within Settings menu.
You might select to close Cumulus, and edit the 'NOAATempNorm[Jan-Dec]' and 'NOAARainNorm[Jan-Dec]' parameters by using a external editor to manipulate into required format, copy, and paste, the values from another source (as there are a lot of figures to type in).
'''Please note:''' because this section of Cumulus.ini uses [[Webtags#Time.2FDate_.27format.27_Parameter|date format]] parameters, you are advised to read [[Webtags#The_format_used_for_naming_reports]].
The settings that you use for Cumulus 1 may not be the same as settings you use for MX. If for Cumulus 1, you used capital "M" to represent month it will work for MX too. If for Cumulus 1 you used "NOAAMO'mmyy'.txt" and you then move to MX at any version from version 3.3.0 onwards, it will automatically change your setting to "NOAAMO'MMyy'.txt" (which works on both Cumulus MX and, if you then revert, also on Cumulus 1).
{| class="wikitable" border="1"
!style="width:150px" | Parameter Line Entry
!style="width:800px" | Function
|style="background:lightgray;"|Section Name - the following parameters are set from the NOAA Setup dialog in Cumulus
|Your NOAA Station name
|NOAA location city
|NOAA location state/county/province or the equivalent in your nation
|Use 12 or 24 hour time format in the reports
*0 = 24 hour format (default)
*1 = 12 hour format
|The base temperature which is to be used to calculate heating demand as [[Heat/cold degree days and Chill hours | heating degree days]]. The default is 65 degrees if you use Fahrenheit scale or 18.3 degrees if you use Celsius. The value you type on the NOAA Setup Screen is entered in the units that you have selected for temperature. Degree days are calculated on a minute-by-minute basis and the totals for each day are stored in dayfile.txt. Changes to the threshold values cannot therefore apply retrospectively. But, if the dayfile.txt entry doesn't have the degree days in it, then it uses the day's average temperature to produce a 'simplified' heating or cooling degree days figure (but obviously never both at the same time) and in that case it does use the current threshold settings.
|The base temperature which is to be used to calculate chilling demand as [[Heat/cold degree days and Chill hours | cooling degree days]]. The default is 65 degrees if you use Fahrenheit scale or 18.3 degrees if you use Celsius. The value you type on the NOAA Setup Screen is entered in the units that you have selected for temperature. Degree days are calculated on a minute-by-minute basis and the totals for each day are stored in dayfile.txt. Changes to the threshold values cannot therefore apply retrospectively. But, if the dayfile.txt entry doesn't have the degree days in it, then it uses the day's average temperature to produce a 'simplified' heating or cooling degree days figure (but obviously never both at the same time) and in that case it does use the current threshold settings.
|The value used in the reports for the counts of days with max temperatures above the specified temperature.
|The value used in the reports for the counts of days with max temperatures below the specified temperature.
|The value used in the reports for the counts of days with min temperatures below the specified temperature.
|The value used in the reports for the counts of days with min temperatures below the specified temperature.
|The value used in the reports for the counts of days with rain totals greater than (or equal to) the specified amount.
|The value used in the reports for the counts of days with rain totals greater than (or equal to) the specified amount.
|The value used in the reports for the counts of days with rain totals greater than (or equal to) the specified amount.
|If set, when Cumulus does the end of day reset, it will auto create NOAA-style reports for the month and year corresponding to the day which has just ended.
|'''(Added in Cumulus 1.9.4 beta build 1078)''' Specifies the 'Character set' in which NOAA reports are generated whether automatically (by Cumulus just after rollover) or manually (by selecting '''Save''' in NOAA Monthly/Annual Reports screen within Edit menu).
*0 = Uses the encoding used for the viewer's operating system's default ANSI code page.
*1 = Uses UTF8 (UCS Transformation Format—8-bit) format - the dominant character encoding for the World-Wide Web as using one to three bytes it represents most characters in common use covering most languages.
|If set, when Cumulus does the first FTP upload after the daily reset, it will also upload the latest auto-created monthly and yearly NOAA-style reports. Note that you must already have regular (non-realtime) FTP configured.
|Defines the format of the filename used for the monthly reports, using date formatting characters (see [[Webtags#Time.2FDate_.27format.27_Parameter]]). For Cumulus 1, the two digit month can be represented by 'mm', but as 'mm' represents minutes in MX, MX (recent versions) changes any 'mm' it finds into 'MM'. The default uses a 2 digit number for the month, but you may prefer the full month name or an abbreviation in your language. Note that any characters which are not date formatting characters should be in double quotes.
|Defines the format of the filename used for the yearly reports, using date formatting characters (see [[Webtags#Time.2FDate_.27format.27_Parameter]]). Note that any characters which are not date formatting characters should be in double quotes.
|The FTP directory into which Cumulus will attempt to upload the latest NOAA-style reports. You must give the full path from the point of login, and do not supply a trailing 'slash'. Note that the directory must actually exist on the server.
|style="background:lightgray;"| These 'climatic normal' values are set from the NOAA Setup dialog in Cumulus, but could be set up by processing information in a spreadsheet
|Long term temperature averages for each month, used for 'departure from the norm' calculations. '-1000' is used to represent Null, a parameter that has not yet been set
|Long term rainfall averages for each month, used for 'departure from the norm' calculations. '-1000' is used to represent Null, a parameter that has not yet been set
=== MQTT ===
MQTT (Message Queuing Telemetry Transport) is a machine-to-machine (M2M), also known as "Internet of Things", connectivity protocol.
[[File:Badge vMx.png]] This section is only applicable to Cumulus MX and only available from version 3.5.0 (build 3071)
Most settings are on the '''Internet Settings''' screen in either the '''MQTT''' section or one of the two '''Send message''' sections (the section is named for each parameter), but as indicated one requires editing Cumulus.ini while MX is stopped.
{| class="wikitable" border="1"
!style="width:150px" | Parameter Line Entry
!style="width:600px" | Function
!style="width:150px" | Where to Edit
|style="background:lightgray;"|Cumulus.ini Section Name
|style="background:lightgray;"|Settings Section Name
|colspan="2" style="background:lightblue;"| Cumulus MX only
|Note there is no default. This text box is to enter your server name or the IPv4 or IPv6 address to find your server
|MQTT section
|This is optional.This text box is to enter the username if one is needed for updating your server
|MQTT section
|This is optional. This text box is to enter any password needed for that username
|MQTT section
|Note default. To edit which port is used to connect to your server
|MQTT section
|Transport Layer Security (TLS), and its now-deprecated predecessor, Secure Sockets Layer (SSL), are cryptographic protocols designed to provide communications security over a computer network. This tick box on settings screen indicates whether TLS support is required,
*default is not (0),
*set to 1 if modern security protocol is being used
|MQTT section tick box
|Mandatory - This parameter must be added to this Cumulus.ini section, it cannot be edited on a screen.
|In file only
|This provides an easy way to stop/start the updating without losing other settings. Default is unticked as most people do not use this functionality.
|tick box in '''Send message on data update''' section
|This feature in the '''Send message on data update''' section is where you specify the name to give to the update message
|'''Send message on data update''' section
|In the CumulusMX/mqtt folder there is a default template with a file name specified by the default value of this parameter. In that default file <tt>{"time":"<#timehhmmss>","windspeed":<#wlatest rc=y>,"winddir":<#bearing>}</tt> will send wind readings in case for example you want to close something when it is windy. If you create your own file, you can put its name here.
|'''Send message on data update''' section
|This tick box provides an easy way to stop/start this type of updating without losing other settings. Default is unticked as most people do not use this functionality.
|tick box in '''Send message at fixed intervals''' section
|This text box is where you enter the time between messages in seconds, the default is 600 meaning every ten minutes.
|'''Send message at fixed intervals''' section
|This text box is where you specify the name to give to the fixed interval update message
|'''Send message at fixed intervals''' section
|In the CumulusMX/mqtt folder there is a default template with a file name specified by the default value of this parameter. In that default file <tt>{"time":"<#timehhmmss>","temp":<#temp rc=y>,"humidity":<#hum>}</tt> will send temperature and humidity readings in case for example you want to open something when it feels uncomfortable. If you create your own file, you can put its name here.
|'''Send message at fixed intervals''' section
