Cumulus.ini (preserving history): Difference between revisions

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[[Category: Configuration_Files]]
= Initial Configurations =
The main configuration file is ''Cumulus.ini'' and located in the directory in which you installed Cumulus.exe. If you renamerenamed the executable file to say ''cumulus1Cumulus1.exe'', then thethis main configuration file takes that name i.e. ''cumulus1Cumulus1.ini''. '''For Cumulus MX''', both file-names must start with a capital letter, and all the characters used within the configuration file must be within ASCII range.
It is a text file containing initialization parameters used by the Cumulus 1.x.x, or Cumulus MX, application; and is read '''only''' when Cumulus starts up. Cumulus '''re-writes''' the contents of the application configuration screens to the file when it ''shuts down'', so you will see the file shows as 'modified date' the last time that Cumulus was shut down.
A second ''Cumulus.ini'' may be stored in the reports sub-directory, this only contains a [[#Section:_MainForm|single section]] and relates to the screen used for NOAA reports.
The parameters listed can change the look of Cumulus, hold basic information about your location, amend the way Cumulus interfaces with your weather station, and hold the settings used to interface with your website, and with various external websites. The list below was created for Cumulus 1.x.y, and all of it applies to the final formal release; '''for MX''' (like any beta) please refer to announcements or the separate page referenced below for any variations.
If you are using an old version, then ''checking the release information may be advisable'' to identify the sections applicable to your build, and to identify if the parameters allowed within those sections may be a subset of those listed below as available in latest release.
[:[Category:Configuration Files|]]
= Upgrading to New Build =
'''CURRENTLY CUMULUS MX specific parameters are listed on [[Cumulus.ini (Beta)|Cumulus.ini(Beta)]] page.'''
If you are using a beta build, there may be changes to the information shown below with additional sections and/or additional parameters (attribute=value) under test. Brief details of such changes will be given in the support forum announcement for the relevant build. New sections and/or attributes and/or values for beta versions of Cumulus are not listed here until the version becomes 'live' however there is a [[Cumulus.ini_(Beta)|page]] that details the additional parameters available in the Beta version once they have become established, but for details of beta tests see [http the forum].
= Editing the file =
|This parameter (attribute=value) is added directly to the file, it does not appear on a configuration screen. This line can be added in the [Station] section of the Cumulus.ini, with this parameter N is the number of minutes over which Cumulus calculates (by treating the wind as a vector and taking into account the speed as well as direction) its average bearing. Without it, the default sampling time = 10 minutes. SeeNote nextthe parametermax number of wind samples stored by Cumulus is 720, so the maximum effective value for behavoirN for Fine Offset stations that are read every 10 seconds is 120 (2 hours) while for Davis stations that are sampled every 2 to 3 seconds the maximum effective value is only about when30 calm(minutes).
See next parameter for behavoir when calm.
|Set this in the Station Configuration Screen Settings block.
*0 = Disabled, Cumulus displays the current bearing read from the station (i.e. the last direction the wind was blowing from before it became calm). Note that the average wind bearing will always display zero bearing if there has been no wind for the last N minutes (where N is defined by previous parameter if present but defaults to 10), as the average bearing takes wind speed into account.
*1 = Enabled, Cumulus display a bearing of zero (and '---' for the compass point) when the wind is calm (note when not calm, bearing is 360 for true North)
|This parameter (attribute=value) is added directly to the file, it does not appear on a configuration screen. If the parameter is not included in the file, the default value is assumed. Purpose is to disable 'calculate [[Wind chill]] only if temperature less than 10°C rule'.
*0 = Disabled, Cumulus will use any wind speed of 3 mph or more, to modify the temperature, and determine the wind chill ignoring the temperature criterion
*1 = Enabled (default), Cumulus will use both 10°C temperature and 3 mph wind speed criterions to determine if wind chill applies.
|This parameter (attribute=value) is added directly to the file, it does not appear on a configuration screen. The temperature threshold is specified in the units that you use in Cumulus (see [[Heat/cold_degree_days_and_Chill_hours]]). The default is exactly 45 degrees Fahrenheit (or just overexactly 7 degrees Celsius depending on which units you use) if the parameter has not been included.
|This parameter (attribute=value) is added directly to the file, it does not appear on a configuration screen. If the parameter is not included in the file, the default value is assumed. This line needs to be added in the [Station] section of the Cumulus.ini, it is the [[Weather_Diary|Snow lying/falling]] roll over time (time when yesterday's values in log.xml are forgotten) - Allowed values are 0 to 23 and represent the time to the nearest hour that snow depth measurements are taken.
*0 = midnight (default)
*9 = 9am,
|This parameter (attribute=value) is added directly to the file in the [station] section, it does not appear on a configuration screen. If the parameter is not included in the file, the default value is assumed.
*0= turn off creation of wxnow.txt file (stored in main Cumulus folder)
*1= (default) create wxnow.txt file (an alternative way to get data to CWOP/APRS)
|This parameter (attribute=value) is added directly to the file in the [station] section, it does not appear on a configuration screen. If the parameter is not included in the file, the default value is assumed.
*0= (default) turn off creation of WebTags.txt file (stored in main Cumulus folder)
*1= create WebTags.txt file when Cumulus is restarted (contains an unordered list of all the web tags Cumulus can recognise)
|This parameter (attribute=value) is added directly to the file, it does not appear on a configuration screen. If the parameter is not included in the file, the default value is assumed. The threshold value which the daily rainfall has to equal or exceed for the day to be considered a 'rain day'. Default -1 = 0.2mm or 0.01in. Value is entered in your current [[Rain_measurement]] units.
|This parameter (attribute=value) is added directly to the file, it does not appear on a configuration screen. It specifies the threshold (in mb per hour averaged over 3-hour period) for a pressure change to count as rising or falling rather than steady when determining the Zambretti forecast. The default is 0.1 mb/hr averaged over the previous three hours. If the parameter is not included in the file, the default value is assumed.
|This parameter (attribute=value) is added directly to the file, it does not appear on a configuration screen. By default, the 'realtime' ftp connection stays connected. If the parameter is not included in the file, the default value is assumed. You can make it disconnect periodically by adding an Option to periodically disconnect the realtime FTP connection, the theory being that it will not get stuck if the server dies, and will keep trying to reconnect.
N must be a positive integer. For example set N to '60'; it represents the number of realtime ftp uploads between disconnections - so 60 would give an hour if 1 minute realtime interval selected.
|This optional parameter (attribute=value) is added directly to the file, it does not appear on a configuration screen. If the parameter is not included in the file, the default of no special log is assumed. Add this entry to start updating a file called 'speciallog.txt' in the data folder with the following fields:
date(dd/mm/yy),time(hh:mm),inside temp,inside humidity,inside dewpoint,outside temp,outside humidity,outside dewpoint
See [http forum]
|This parameter (attribute=value) is added directly to the file, it does not appear on a configuration screen. If the parameter is not included in the file, the default value is assumed.
The option (for 'incomplete' stations) to disable the sensor check described in this [httphttps://wikicumuluswiki.sandaysoftwxforum.comnet/a/FAQ#Cumulus_isn.27t_performing_periodic_tasks.2C_like_data_logging_or_web_uploads FAQ]
*0 = Sensor check enabled (default)
*1 = Sensor check disabled
It handles fetching data from the console, and does all kinds of useful things like converting the data into the units you require.
These settings apply to Cumulus 1.9.x and Cumulus MX should both support these settings, check with release notes for your version and previous versions to see all settings applicable to any earlier version you use.
'''ADDITIONAL CUMULUS MX parameters - see [[Cumulus.ini_%28Beta%29#Davis_family_specific:|beta page here]]'''. Some of the settings below apply to Cumulus MX too, but check the MX support forum.
* For example 'Port=' is specific to Cumulus 1.
* 'DavisRainCollectorModel' is not available to Cumulus MX users as that does not use the DLL interface.
'''NOT* AVAILABLE IN CUMULUS MX - atAt time of writing "RestartIfDataStops" is not available''' to MX users.
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|Set this in the Station Configuration Screen '''Settings''' block where called '''Synchronize station clock'''.
When set, at Cumulus start-up and at a fixed time (default 04:00, see next parameter) each day, Cumulus will set the Davis VP/VP2 clock to within a minute of the same time as the PC. (From build 3015 for MX).
*0 = Disabled, default (as deselected on the Station Configuration Screen)
*1 = Enabled, ensures that when Cumulus asks the station for data since time X, both recognise X!
|Set this in the Station Configuration Screen '''Settings''' block with the ''Discon period'' value. Causes Cumulus to disconnect for the specified number of seconds, once a minute, on the minute (or as close as possible) to allow the Weatherlink IP to connect to the Davis Weatherlink site. Set it to zero to disable, if you are not using the Weatherlink site.
When the clock minute changes, Cumulus stops the current stream of data from the console, disconnects, waits for the specified number of milliseconds, to allow the Weatherlink IP to briefly connect to the Davis Weatherlink site. Cumulus then attempts to reconnect.
Set it to zero to disable, if you are not using the Weatherlink site.
|This parameter (attribute=value) is added directly to the file, it does not appear on a configuration screen.
Cumulus 1 attempts to restart itself if it has had no data from the station for 60 seconds. Davis stations can use this option explained in the [[#La_Crosse_specific:|La Crosse]] table if Cumulus sometimes fails to read information from the logger. As it says in the help, it may not fix the connection problem, but at least it stops Cumulus logging, so once you have fixed the problem it will download the missing data when you start it up again.
Introduced in version 1.8.5 (b.630) to deal with certain bytes being given the same value in first and second line.
*0 = Disabled, default, Cumulus accepts all bytes from the Fine Offset station's memory.
*1 = Ignores part of memory (see [http this forum thread]).
For example one problem is that "55 AA" repeats at the start of the second line of data. Those bytes are only supposed to appear at the start of the first line (or so I am told).
|This line needs to be added in the [Station] section of the Cumulus.ini. Option to restart Cumulus if data from La Crosse stations stops. This may fix whatever the problem is; it may not. But it should at least stop the same data being repeatedly logged.
Option for Cumulus 1, it attempts to restart itself if it has had no data from a La Crosse station for 60 seconds i.e. if data from station stops. This may fix whatever the problem is; it may not. But it should at least stop the same data being repeatedly logged.
*0 = Disabled (default)
*1 = Enabled
|This line needs to be added in the [Station] section of the Cumulus.ini. Option to turn off reporting of 'data stopped' errors to the Cumulus error log (may be needed with La Crosse stations)
Option to turn off reporting of 'data stopped' errors to the Cumulus error log (may be needed with La Crosse stations)
*0 = Disabled (default)
*1 = Enabled
The spike removal parameter listed in the Fine Offset section above, may also be used with La Crosse stations.
==== Hydreon specific: ====
|This is set in the settings frame on the Station settings screen off the configuration menu by the '''Extra Sensors''' selection. If you have 'extra sensors' selected, the wet bulb reading will be used as an extra temperature sensor. Otherwise it is used as 'wet bulb' and the humidity will be calculated from that and the dry bulb sensor.
*0=Disabled (default)- . For a wet bulb sensor, Cumulus will output the humidity, not the temperature shown by the wet bulb.
*0=Disabled (default)
*1= Enabled - Used for optional Sunshine hours or extra temperature sensors on Instromet stations. For a wet bulb sensor, Cumulus will output the temperature it shows, but not calculate the humidity.
(Note this attribute appears in [[#Davis_family_specific|Davis family]], [[#Oregon_Scientific_specific:|Oregon Scientific specific]] and [[#Introduced_for_problems_with_Fine_Offset_family:|Fine Offset family]] tables above with different usage explanations).
|style="background:lightgray;"|Section Name - the following parameters relate to your website
|A website forum URL
== Section: Display ==
Set the majority of these parameters using Configuration menu and [[Cumulus_Screenshots#Display_and_Colour_screens_as_at_version_1.9.4|either ''Display'' or ''Colours'' screens]] as seen on link and indicated below. The exception is "TwelveHourClock", that parameter is set by clicking on the displayed time.
The only setting used in this section by Cumulus MX is "NumWindRosePoints"
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Set the colours of the data lines on graphs/charts and Select whether to plot particular data by using '''View''' menu and ''Graphs'' option, then right click over the relevant graph.
Set the SAG colours and axis position by using '''View''' menu and ''Select-A-Graph'' option, the settings for different observations are at the foot of the screen.
The only settings used in this section by Cumulus MX are "ChartMaxDays" and "GraphHours"
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== Section: MainForm ==
This is an optional section if you have set 'Save main window position' on Display settings screen.
This section will appear in a file that is always called ''Cumulus.ini'', but may be found in two locations. It applies to [[File:Badge v1.png]]Cumulus 1.
This section appears in the main cumulus.ini (found in same directory as cumulus.exe) where it stores the position of the main Cumulus screen on your monitor. Cumulus updates this section of the main cumulus.ini on closing, after you move the screen around on your monitor. An equivalent section also appears in a shorter cumulus.ini stored in the reports sub-directory where it stores the position of your last saved NOAA screen.
*One file with this section is stored in the reports sub-directory where it stores the position of your last saved NOAA screen.
*If you have set 'Save main window position' on Display settings screen, this section appears in the Cumulus.ini file found in same directory as cumulus.exe, where it stores the position of the main Cumulus screen on your monitor.
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|style="background:lightgray;"|Section name - the following parameters relate to the Cumulus or NOAA screen position.
|The last saved Cumulus main or NOAA screen position, in pixels from the left-hand edge of the screen.
|The last saved Cumulus main or NOAA screen position, in pixels from the top edge of the screen