Webtags (preserving history)

Revision as of 08:51, 10 February 2011 by Steve (talk | contribs) (→‎Miscellaneous)

These are special markers placed in a file which Cumulus can then process and replace with the actual values. Typically you would use this to build your own website by having an HTML template file with your layout, static text and graphics. In the position on the page you wish Cumulus to insert the relevant data place a webtag in the form:


Assuming you have asked Cumulus to process the file, it will replace the tag with the current value of the item the tag represents just before the file is uploaded to the internet.

Note: When you put a tag into your HTML, be careful that whatever program you are using to develop your web pages doesn't change the angle brackets to slightly different symbols -- this is a common cause of failure!

The Tags

Below are a list of the webtags available. There are currently 192 webtags, based on version 1.9.0 of Cumulus. Webtags for beta versions of Cumulus are not listed here until the version becomes 'live' however there is a page details the additional webtags available in the Beta version


webtag Function
<#date> The current date
<#time> The current time and date. Example result: 18:30 on 30 December 2009. If you simply wish the time, use a combination of the day, month, year tags (below)
<#timehhmmss> The current time. Example format: 18:30:27
<#day> The current day as a 2-digit number. Example format: 14
<#dayname> The current day as a word. For example, Monday
<#shortdayname> The current day as a shortened word. Example format: Mon
<#month> The current month as a 2-digit number. Example format: 05
<#monthname> The current month as a word. Example format: August
<#shortmonthname> The current month as a shortened word. Example format: Aug
<#year> The current year as a 4-digit number. Example format: 2009
<#shortyear> The current year as a 2-digit number. Example format: 09
<#hour> The current hour as a 2-digit number. Example format: 23
<#minute> The current minute as a 2-digit number. Example format: 59
<#TtempTH> Time of Today's temperate high
<#TtempTL> Time of Today's temperate low
<#TtempYH> Time of Yesterday's temperate high
<#TtempYL> Time of Yesterday's temperate low
<#TtempH> Date and Time of all time temperature High
<#TtempL> Date and Time of all time temperature Low
<#TmintempH> Date and Time of all time high minimum temperature
<#TmaxtempL> Date and Time of all time low maximum temperature
<#TpressTH> Time of Today's highest pressure reading
<#TpressTL> Time of Today's lowest pressure reading
<#TpressYH> Time of Yesterday's highest pressure reading
<#TpressYL> Time of Yesterday's lowest pressure reading
<#TpressH> Date and Time of all time pressure High
<#TpressL> Date and Time of all time pressure Low
<#TwindTM> Time of Today's maximum (average) wind speed
<#TwindYM> Time of Yesterday's maximum (average) wind speed
<#TwgustTM> Time of Today's maximum wind gust
<#TwgustYM> Time of Yesterday's maximum wind gust
<#TgustM> Time and Date of all time high wind gust
<#TwspeedH> Time and Date of all time high average wind speed
<#TwchillH> Time and Date of all time highest wind chill
<#TrrateTM> Time of Today's maximum rain rate
<#TrrateYM> Time of Yesterday's maximum rain rate
<#TrrateM> Date and Time of all time high rain rate
<#TrfallH> Date and Time of all time high daily rain
<#TrfallhH> Date and Time of all time high hourly rain
<#TrfallmH> Date and Time of all time high monthly rain
<#recordsbegandate> The date that the all time records began
<#realtimeinterval> The realtime update interval in seconds
<#rollovertime> The time that the logs rollover to the next day: 'Midnight', '9 am' or '10 am'


webtag Function
<#temp> The outside temperature
<#intemp> The inside temperature
<#temptrend> The change in temperature over the last hour
<#temptrendtext> Temperature change over the last hour - Rising/Falling/Steady
<#temptrendenglish> Simple description of temperature change over the last hour - Rising/Falling/Steady. Useful for Javascript coding. (New in versoin 1.8.8 build 880)
<#tempTH> Today's highest temperature
<#tempTL> Today's lowest temperature
<#tempYH> Yesterday's highest temperature
<#tempYL> Yesterday's lowest temperature
<#tempH> All time high temperature
<#tempL> All time low temperature
<#mintempH> All time high minimum temperature
<#maxtempL> All time low maximum temperature
<#heatindex> Current heat index
<#humidex> Current Humidex
<#hum> The outside humidity
<#inhum> The inside humidity
<#tempunit> Unit of temperature being used (Set in Cumulus as Centigrade or Fahrenheit)


webtag Function
<#press> The sea level pressure
<#presstrend> The pressure trend in words - values can be set in the 'strings.ini' file
<#presstrendval> The pressure trend in figures
<#presstrendenglish> a singe word description for the pressure trend - Rising/Falling/Steady. Useful for developing Javascript coding on your webpage. (New in v 1.8.8 build 880)
<#pressTH> Today's highest pressure reading
<#pressTL> Today's lowest pressure reading
<#pressYH> Yesterday's highest pressure reading
<#pressYL> Yesterday's highest pressure reading
<#pressH> All time high pressure
<#pressL> All time low pressure
<#pressunit> Unit of measure for pressure. Possible values: mb, hPa, in


webtag Function
<#rrate> The current rainfall rate
<#rhour> The rainfall in the last hour
<#rfall> The total rainfall so far today
<#rfallY> The total rainfall for yesterday
<#rmidnight> The total rainfall since midnight. Useful if you don't use midnight as your start of day
<#rmonth> The total rainfall so far this month
<#ryear> The total rainfall so far this year
<#rrateM> All time high rain rate
<#rfallH> All time high daily rain
<#rfallhH> All time high hourly rain
<#rfallmH> All time high monthly rain
<#rrateTM> Today's maximum rain rate
<#rrateYM> Yesterday's maximum rain rate
<#dew> The outside dew point
<#rainunit> Unit of measure for rain fall (e.g mm or inches)
<#LastRainTipISO> Date/time of last rain gauge tip (e.g 2010-09-06 06:09)


webtag Function
<#wspeed> the 10-minute average, if you have Cumulus set to calculate a 10-minute average. Otherwise, it's the latest 'wind' value from the console (i.e. the current speed as determined by the station). Corresponds to 'average' on the Cumulus main screen.
<#wgust> The highest wind reading in the last 10 minutes. Corresponds to 'gust' on the Cumulus main screen.
<#wchill> The current wind chill temperature
<#wlatest> Latest wind speed reading from console. Corresponds to 'latest' on the Cumulus main screen.
<#bearing> The current wind bearing
<#avgbearing> Average wind bearing over last 10 minutes. Range 1-360, 0=Calm
<#wdir> Average wind bearing over last 10 minutes as a compass point - e.g. ESE
<#currentwdir> Current wind bearing as a compass point - e.g. ESE
<#wdirdata> Comma separated list of recent wind bearing readings (up to 3600 entries). This is a circular buffer; to find the most recent value use nextwindindex
<#wspddata> Comma separated list of recent wind speed readings (up to 3600 entries). This is a circular buffer; to find the most recent value use nextwindindex
<#nextwindindex> The index of the entries in wdirdata and wspddata which Cumulus is going to use next - i.e. the latest entry used is one less than this; but don't forget to allow for the wrap around!
<#windrun> The total wind run today so far
<#windrunY> The total wind run for yesterday (new to Version 1.8.4)
<#bearingTM> The wind bearing at the time of today's high gust(<#wgustTM>)
<#bearingYM> The wind bearing at the time of yesterday's high gust
<#windTM> Today's maximum (average) wind speed
<#windYM> Yesterday's maximum (average) wind speed
<#wgustTM> Today's maximum wind gust
<#wgustYM> Yesterday's maximum wind gust
<#gustM> All time high wind gust
<#wspeedH> All time high average wind speed
<#wchillH> All time greatest wind chill (i.e. lowest temperature)
<#windunit> Unit of measure for wind speed. Possible values: mph, m/s, km/h, kts
<#windrununit> Unit of measure for wind run (distance)
<#beaufort> The current wind speed on the Beaufort scale (e.g. F8)
<#beaudesc> The current wind speed Beaufort description (e.g. "Gale")
<#Tbeaufort> Today's highest wind speed, expressed in the Beaufort scale
<#Ybeaufort> Yesterday's highest wind speed, expressed in the Beaufort scale


webtag Function
<#version> The version of Cumulus in use
<#build> The build of Cumulus in use
<#interval> The web site update interval in minutes
<#update> The date and time of the last web site update
<#stationtype> The type of station in use
<#latitude> The station latitude
<#longitude> The station longitude
<#altitude> The station altitude
<#location> The station location
<#longlocation> Longer description of the station location
<#forum> URL of the forum
<#webcam> URL of the webcam
<#graphperiod> The number of hours displayed by the graphs
<#forecast> The current forecast
<#forecastnumber> The number relating to the current forecast entry in the strings.ini file. If your station is not providing it's own forecast and Cumulus is not calculating one then 0 (zero) is returned
<#battery> The console battery condition (Only available for the Davis weather stations)
<#txbattery> The transmitter battery condition (Only available for the Davis weather stations)
<#cloudbase> Calculated cloud base
<#ET> Today's evapotranspiration. Note that Fine Offset stations with solar sensors do not supply an evapotranspiration value, and by a quirk of the way the tag gets its value, for those stations this tag gives the light level in Lux.
<#UV> Current UV index
<#SolarRad> Current solar radiation
<#sensorcontactlost> 1 if the station has lost contact with its remote sensors "Fine Offset only" 0 if contact has been established
<#snowdepth> Today's snow depth as entered manually in the Weather Diary. Normally in Centimeters.Output is purely as a numerical figure I.E 10
<#currcond> Represents the value entered on the screen within Cumulus for the Current Weather condition, or the value as held in the currentconditions.txt file
<#newrecord> 1 if 'new record' light is flashing, 0 if not


webtag Function
<#sunrise> Current sunrise time at the station
<#sunset> Current sunset time at the station
<#daylength> Length of day in hours and minutes (sunrise to sunset)
<#tomorrowdaylength> A string giving the difference between the length of day light today and tomorrow.

Note. This tag has been shown to generate inaccurate results and will probably be removed from Cumulus but is here for reference only.

<#dawn> Start of Civil Twilight at the station (new to version 1.8.6)
<#dusk> End of Civil Twilight at the station (new to version 1.8.6)
<#daylightlength> Length of daylight in hours and minutes (dawn to dusk) (new to version 1.8.6)
<#moonphase> Current phase of the moon
<#moonrise> Current moonrise time at the station
<#moonset> Current moonset time at the station
<#isdaylight> A flag to indicate if the location for the station is in daylight or not, based on the dawn and dusk times. Possible values are 0 or 1, where 1 notes that it is currently within the hours of daylight. (new to Version 1.8.8 build 872, currently in public beta testing phase)


There are a set of tags for the Cumulus alarm states. They give a value of '1' if the alarm has been set and the alarm condition is currently met; otherwise '0'.

webtag Function
<#LowTempAlarm> Low temperature alarm
<#HighTempAlarm> High temperature alarm
<#TempChangeUpAlarm> Temperature increase alarm
<#TempChangeDownAlarm> Temperature decrease alarm
<#LowPressAlarm> Low pressure alarm
<#HighPressAlarm> High pressure alarm
<#PressChangeUpAlarm> Pressure increase alarm
<#PressChangeDownAlarm> Pressure decrease alarm
<#HighRainTodayAlarm> High rain today alarm
<#HighRainRateAlarm> High rainfall rate alarm
<#HighWindGustAlarm> High wind gust alarm
<#HighWindSpeedAlarm> High wind speed alarm

Special tags


There are a set of tags for the WMR928 extra sensors:

webtag Function
<#ExtraTemp1> Extra temperature channel 1
<#ExtraTemp2> Extra temperature channel 2
<#ExtraTemp3> Extra temperature channel 3
<#ExtraDP1> Extra dew point channel 1
<#ExtraDP2> Extra dew point channel 2
<#ExtraDP3> Extra dew point channel 3
<#ExtraHum1> Extra humidity channel 1
<#ExtraHum2> Extra humidity channel 2
<#ExtraHum3> Extra humidity channel 3

No Commas

There are a set of tags where the decimal comma has been replaced with a full stop, where necessary, for use with gauges etc which don't like the commas. They all correspond to the same tag with 'RC' removed.

<#RCdew> <#RCheatindex> <#RChum> <#RCinhum> <#RCintemp> <#RCpress> <#RCpressTH>
<#RCpressTL> <#RCrfall> <#RCrrate> <#RCrrateTM> <#RCtemp> <#RCtempTH> <#RCtempTL>
<#RCwchill> <#RCwgust> <#RCwgustTM> <#RCwspeed>