
Revision as of 15:08, 21 November 2009 by Daj (talk | contribs) (Added note on Beaufort scale)

NOTE: This feature is only available in version 1.8.8 build 871 and greater

The file strings.ini allows the customisation of a number of phrases, including the associated webtags.

Currently you can modified phrases associated with the following:

  • Forecasting
  • Moonphases
  • Beaufort Scale (from build 784 onwards)

Modifying the phrases

In the folder where you installed Cumulus, you will find a file called samplestrings.ini. Take a copy of this, leave it in the Cumulus installation folder, and name it strings.ini

You must restart Cumulus if you make changes to the Strings.ini file while Cumulus is running

Forecast phrases

By default Cumulus will provide a list of 28 possible forecasts. By editing the strings.ini file you can change the wording of these or translate to another language. You must have opted to have the forecast generated by Cumulus in the configuration page.

The file contains all the strings used for the forecasts, example:

forecast23=Precipitation at frequent intervals

you could change to

forecast23=Rain again

Moon Phases

The option to change moon phases requires version 1.8.8 build 872 or greater, currently in beta testing

Withing the [MoonPhases] section of the strings.ini file there are 8 possible phrases to describe the phases of the moon. Adjust these as required.

A variety of translated files are coming soon in the other Languages section