
Revision as of 08:28, 25 February 2013 by Steve (talk | contribs)

The file strings.ini allows the customisation of a number of phrases, including the associated webtags.

Currently you can modified phrases associated with the following:

  • Forecasting
  • Moonphases
  • Beaufort Scale
  • Trend descriptions
  • Compass points
  • Graph titles
  • Additional sensor names

Note that you can only change the display of items that are already present in the samplestrings.ini file (and hence in your strings.ini file). You can't just add other items to the file and expect them to work.

Modifying the phrases

In the folder where you installed Cumulus, you will find a file called samplestrings.ini. Take a copy of this, leave it in the Cumulus installation folder, and name it strings.ini

You must restart Cumulus if you make changes to the Strings.ini file while Cumulus is running

Forecast phrases

By default Cumulus will provide a list of 28 possible forecasts. By editing the strings.ini file you can change the wording of these or translate to another language. You must have opted to have the forecast generated by Cumulus in the configuration page.

The file contains all the strings used for the forecasts, example:

forecast23=Precipitation at frequent intervals

you could change to

forecast23=Rain again

Moon Phases

Within the [MoonPhases] section of the strings.ini file there are 8 possible phrases to describe the phases of the moon. Adjust these as required.

Graph Titles

This section [Graphs] allows you modify the titles used for both the thumbnail and larger graphs that Cumulus produces. For instance you may want to change the language from the default English.

Extra Sensor Captions

This section [ExtraSensorCaptions] allows you to assign meaningful names to any addtional sensors you may have added to your WMR100/200 weather station.

Example file

notavailable=Not available
exceptional=Exceptional Weather
forecast1=Settled fine
forecast2=Fine weather
forecast3=Becoming fine
forecast4=Fine, becoming less settled
forecast5=Fine, possible showers
forecast6=Fairly fine, improving
forecast7=Fairly fine, possible showers early
forecast8=Fairly fine, showery later
forecast9=Showery early, improving
forecast10=Changeable, mending
forecast11=Fairly fine, showers likely
forecast12=Rather unsettled clearing later
forecast13=Unsettled, probably improving
forecast14=Showery, bright intervals
forecast15=Showery, becoming less settled
forecast16=Changeable, some precipitation
forecast17=Unsettled, short fine intervals
forecast18=Unsettled, precipitation later
forecast19=Unsettled, some precipitation
forecast20=Mostly very unsettled
forecast21=Occasional precipitation, worsening
forecast22=Precipitation at times, very unsettled
forecast23=Precipitation at frequent intervals
forecast24=Precipitation, very unsettled
forecast25=Stormy, may improve
forecast26=Stormy, much precipitation

Newmoon=New moon
WaxingCrescent=Waxing Crescent
FirstQuarter=First Quarter
WaxingGibbous=Waxing Gibbous
Fullmoon=Full moon
WaningGibbous=Waning Gibbous
LastQuarter=Last Quarter
WaningCrescent=Waning Crescent

Lightair=Light air
Lightbreeze=Light breeze
Gentlebreeze=Gentle breeze
Moderatebreeze=Moderate breeze
Freshbreeze=Fresh breeze
Strongbreeze=Strong breeze
Neargale=Near gale
Stronggale=Strong gale
Violentstorm=Violent storm

Risingveryrapidly=Rising very rapidly
Risingquickly=Rising quickly
Risingslowly=Rising slowly
Fallingslowly=Falling slowly
Fallingquickly=Falling quickly
Fallingveryrapidly=Falling very rapidly


SmallGraphWindSpeedTitle=Wind Speed
SmallGraphOutsideTemperatureTitle=Outside Temperature 
SmallGraphInsideTemperatureTitle=Inside Temperature
SmallGraphRainfallRateTitle=Rainfall Rate
SmallGraphWindDirectionTitle=Wind Direction 
SmallGraphTempMinMaxAvgTitle=Temp Min/Max/Avg
SmallGraphRainTodayTitle=Rain Today
SmallGraphDailyRainTitle=Daily Rain
*SmallGraphSolarTitle=Solar Radiation
*SmallGraphUVTitle=UV Index
*SmallGraphSunshineTitle=Daily Sunshine (hrs)
LargeGraphWindSpeedTitle=Wind Speed
LargeGraphWindGustTitle=Wind Gust
LargeGraphHeatIndexTitle=Heat Index
LargeGraphDewPointTitle=Dew Point
LargeGraphWindChillTitle=Wind Chill
LargeGraphApparentTempTitle=Apparent Temperature
LargeGraphInsideTempTitle=Inside Temperature
LargeGraphRainfallRateTitle=Rainfall Rate
LargeGraphWindDirectionTitle=Wind Direction
LargeGraphMinTempTitle=Min Temp
LargeGraphMaxTempTitle=Max Temp
LargeGraphAvgTempTitle=Avg Temp
LargeGraphInsideHumidityTitle=Inside Humidity
LargeGraphOutsideHumidityTitle=Outside Humidity
LargeGraphRainfallTodayTitle=Rainfall Today
LargeGraphDailyRainfallTitle=Daily Rainfall
*LargeGraphSolarTitle=Solar Radiation
*LargeGraphMaxSolarTitle=Theoretical Max
*LargeGraphUVTitle=UV Index
*LargeGraphSunshineTitle=Daily Sunshine(hrs)

ExtraChannel2=Extra Channel 2
ExtraChannel3=Extra Channel 3
ExtraChannel4=Extra Channel 4
ExtraChannel5=Extra Channel 5
ExtraChannel6=Extra Channel 6
ExtraChannel7=Extra Channel 7
ExtraChannel8=Extra Channel 8
ExtraChannel9=Extra Channel 9
ExtraChannel10=Extra Channel 10

Sensor1=Sensor 1
Sensor2=Sensor 2
Sensor3=Sensor 3
Sensor4=Sensor 4
Sensor5=Sensor 5
Sensor6=Sensor 6
Sensor7=Sensor 7
Sensor8=Sensor 8
Sensor9=Sensor 9
Sensor10=Sensor 10

Sensor1=Sensor 1
Sensor2=Sensor 2
Sensor3=Sensor 3
Sensor4=Sensor 4
Sensor5=Sensor 5
Sensor6=Sensor 6
Sensor7=Sensor 7
Sensor8=Sensor 8
Sensor9=Sensor 9
Sensor10=Sensor 10

Sensor1=Sensor 1
Sensor2=Sensor 2
Sensor3=Sensor 3
Sensor4=Sensor 4
Sensor5=Sensor 5
Sensor6=Sensor 6
Sensor7=Sensor 7
Sensor8=Sensor 8
Sensor9=Sensor 9
Sensor10=Sensor 10

Sensor1=Sensor 1
Sensor2=Sensor 2
Sensor3=Sensor 3
Sensor4=Sensor 4

Sensor1=Sensor 1
Sensor2=Sensor 2
Sensor3=Sensor 3
Sensor4=Sensor 4

Sensor1=Sensor 1
Sensor2=Sensor 2

Sensor1=Sensor 1
Sensor2=Sensor 2

* = value/section added v1.9.3 beta

A variety of translated files are coming soon in the other Languages section