PHP Uploads

Revision as of 12:06, 22 February 2023 by HansR (talk | contribs)

In february 2023 for version 3.24.0 a PHP upload was introduced.

Although this is not over FTP (it uses the HTTP(S) protocol with SSL) for file transfer it is has its settings under CMX Cumulus.ini [FTP site] section.
If the Upload.php is installed for CMX and the protocol works for CMX then it will also work for CUtils and the file locations will be relative to the location of the Upload.php procedure (which therefore will be the rootlocation of your website).

It is adamant to understand the relative paths used by Upload.php as this is very different from FTP configurations where sometimes full paths are required (SFTP) or paths from the FTP root (which may differ when full ownership or shared hosting). All files will be transferred relative to that location. You can go deeper and sideways into the directory tree but not up.

The Upload.php procedure file can be copied to any location you wish but the following CMX inifile parameters determine its operation and need to reflect its true location and CMX configuration (in case you are running more than one instance):

 PHP-Secret=<key as configured in CMX>

The PHP upload procedure makes use of compression (zip or deflate) and will upload data incrementally. It therefore is secure, faster and uses much less bandwidth than true FTP and SFTP protocols.

NOTE: When the PHP-URL is configured you will need to set the Extra Webfiles paths and the NOAA path as well. And yes, not only when you use CMX but also for CumulusUtils!