#ChartsCompiler: Implemented the POW function (raise a double to some power: POW(number, power). Implemented as Math.pow javascript function
#ChartsCompiler: Implemented the SQRT function as Math.sqrt function
#ChartsCompiler: Added equations and charts to the CutilsCharts.def
#ChartsCompiler: Implemented multiple equation subtitutions e.g. (Avp stands for : Actual Vapour Pressure):
Psat2008 EVAL [ Humidity/100 * 6.112 * EXP(17.62*Temperature/(243.12+Temperature)) ]
Avp Eval [ Humidity / 100 * Psat2008 ]
AppTemp Eval [ Temperature + 0.33 * Avp - 0.7 * WindSpeed / 3.6 - 4.0 ]
==== Version 5.6.1 (17/06/2021) ====