Cumulus Screenshots: Difference between revisions

→‎Files Tab: Clarified 'images'
m (→‎Files Tab: updated to latest cumulus version)
m (→‎Files Tab: Clarified 'images')
Valid Version 1.9.4 build 1079[[File:Cumulus_Internet_Settings_Files.png]]
Select 'Include Standard Files' for Cumulus to process the standard templates in the 'web' subfolder and obey settings on the Sites/Options tab. Select 'Include Standard Images' for Cumulus to process and FTP the 'web\images' subfolder contents (moon.bmp and the graphs/charts), and/or enter path at bottom of screen for those files to be copied to a local server (or back-up destination) folder. If your station has solar, UV or Sunshine sensors, tick the respective boxes for standard processing.
The above screen is used to input pairs 0 to 9 of local and remote paths/filenames if you have non-standard web pages or graphics. Pairs 10 to 99 can be inserted directly in [[cumulus.ini]] by copying how the above 10 appear in that configuration file. Tick 'Binary' for graphics. Tick 'Process' if the content of the local filename of a pair includes Cumulus [[Webtags]] that need to be replaced by values in the remote file. Do not tick FTP if a 'remote' filename is actually on your computer/network and you want Cumulus to use windows 'copy' rather than the standard 'File Transfer Process' using settings on the Sites/Options tab a tick in this column implies.
