NOTE: This feature is only available in version 1.8.8 build 871 and greater
The file strings.ini allows the customisation of a number of phrases, including the associated webtags.
Currently you can modified phrases associated with the following:
- Forecasting
- Moonphases
- Beaufort Scale (from build 874 onwards)
Modification des phrases
Dans le dossier ou vous avez installé Cumulus, vous trouverez un fichier nommé samplestrings.ini. Faites une copie de ce fichier, laissez-la dans le dossier d'installation de Cumulus et nommez-la strings.ini
Vous devez redémarrer Cumulus si vous faites des changements au fichier Strings. Pendant que Cumulus fonctionne
Phrases des prévisions
Par défaut Cumulus contient une liste de 28 prévision possible. En éditant le fichier strings.ini vous pouvez changer les phrases ou les traduires dans une autre langue. Dans la page de configuration, vous devez avoir choisi que Cumulus génère les prévisions.
Le fichier contient toutes les phrases employées pour les les prévisions, par exemple:
forecast23=Precipitation at frequent intervals
Que vous pouvez changer pour
forecast23=Rain again
Moon Phases
The option to change moon phases requires version 1.8.8 build 872 or greater, currently in beta testing
Withing the [MoonPhases] section of the strings.ini file there are 8 possible phrases to describe the phases of the moon. Adjust these as required.
Example file
[Forecast] Forecast=Forecast notavailable=Not available exceptional=Exceptional Weather forecast1=Settled fine forecast2=Fine weather forecast3=Becoming fine forecast4=Fine, becoming less settled forecast5=Fine, possible showers forecast6=Fairly fine, improving forecast7=Fairly fine, possible showers early forecast8=Fairly fine, showery later forecast9=Showery early, improving forecast10=Changeable, mending forecast11=Fairly fine, showers likely forecast12=Rather unsettled clearing later forecast13=Unsettled, probably improving forecast14=Showery, bright intervals forecast15=Showery, becoming less settled forecast16=Changeable, some precipitation forecast17=Unsettled, short fine intervals forecast18=Unsettled, precipitation later forecast19=Unsettled, some precipitation forecast20=Mostly very unsettled forecast21=Occasional precipitation, worsening forecast22=Precipitation at times, very unsettled forecast23=Precipitation at frequent intervals forecast24=Precipitation, very unsettled forecast25=Stormy, may improve forecast26=Stormy, much precipitation [MoonPhases] Newmoon=New moon WaxingCrescent=Waxing Crescent FirstQuarter=First Quarter WaxingGibbous=Waxing Gibbous Fullmoon=Full moon WaningGibbous=Waning Gibbous LastQuarter=Last Quarter WaningCrescent=Waning Crescent [Beaufort] Calm=Calm Lightair=Light air Lightbreeze=Light breeze Gentlebreeze=Gentle breeze Moderatebreeze=Moderate breeze Freshbreeze=Fresh breeze Strongbreeze=Strong breeze Neargale=Near gale Gale=Gale Stronggale=Strong gale Storm=Storm Violentstorm=Violent storm Hurricane=Hurricane [Trends] Risingveryrapidly=Rising very rapidly Risingquickly=Rising quickly Rising=Rising Risingslowly=Rising slowly Steady=Steady Fallingslowly=Falling slowly Falling=Falling Fallingquickly=Falling quickly Fallingveryrapidly=Falling very rapidly
A variety of translated files are coming soon in the other Languages section