I have been running various versions of Cumulus since I purchased my first weather station in 2008, though I started out using weathercloud. After retiring from teaching computing to 'A' level in 2013, I focussed on developing a few websites, both coded and using WordPress. My current weather station is a Davis Vantage Pro 2 with additional Solar sensor attached to a Raspberry Pi 3b+. I also have an old Oregon Scientific attached to an Apple Mac mini using WeatherCat but I am not looking to develop this system at this stage.
Although not an expert in any aspect of web development, I use html, php, javascript and jQuery for websites, I create customised mySQL databases to hold data both locally and for my website. I also program in Python3 on Raspberry Pi's to support additional features on my website. I am the technical volunteer for the Cotswold Canals Trust developing and maintaining all their web based resources. This will shortly be expanded to use civiCRM.
I have developed my own Air Quality Monitor using a Raspberry Pi Zero and accessories available from Pimoroni using Python 3 & mySQL to store and upload air quality data to me website.
As part of my work for the Cotswold Canals Trust developing their websites, I continue to develop user guides for volunteers and employees of the Trust to help them use the available systems.