The file strings.ini allows the customisation of a number of phrases, including the associated webtags.
Currently you can modified phrases associated with the following:
- Forecasting
- Moonphases
- Beaufort Scale
- Trend descriptions
- Compass points
- Graph titles
- Additional sensor names
Note that you can only change the display of items that are already present in the samplestrings.ini file (and hence in your strings.ini file). You can't just add other items to the file and expect them to work.
Modifying the phrases
In the folder where you installed Cumulus, you will find a file called samplestrings.ini. Take a copy of this, leave it in the Cumulus installation folder, and rename it strings.ini. Note that your 'strings.ini' only needs to contain the rows with phrases you want to modify.
You can edit anything that follows the equals sign. By default, there is always a particular phrase already there, but you can replace the right hand text with the equivalent in another language, or with a similar but more descriptive phase that is easier for you to understand. If you do not want to change the right hand text, then the entire line can be deleted, and the default will be used by Cumulus.
You must restart Cumulus if you make changes to the Strings.ini file while Cumulus is running. Cumulus only reads the file when it starts to run.
Forecast phrases
By default Cumulus will provide a list of 28 possible forecasts. By editing the strings.ini file you can change the wording of these or translate to another language. You must have opted to have the forecast generated by Cumulus in the configuration page.
The file contains all the strings used for the forecasts, example:
forecast23=Precipitation at frequent intervals
you could change to
forecast23=Rain again
Moon Phases
Within the [MoonPhases] section of the strings.ini file there are 8 possible phrases to describe the phases of the moon. Adjust these as required.
Graph Titles
This section [Graphs] allows you modify the titles used for both the thumbnail and larger graphs that Cumulus produces. For instance you may want to change the language from the default English.
Extra Sensor Captions
This section [ExtraSensorCaptions] allows you to assign meaningful names to any addtional sensors you may have added to your WMR100/200 weather station.
Extra Temperature Captions, Extra Humidity Captions, Extra Dew Point Captions, Soil Temperature Captions, Soil Moisture Captions, Leaf Temperature Captions, and leaf Wetness Captions
Meaningful descriptive labels can be assigned to each extra Davis or Oregon Scientific sensor by editing the lines in the following sections and placing a more appropriate descriptive name to the right of the equals sign:
- [ExtraTempCaptions]
- [ExtraHumCaptions]
- [ExtraDPCaptions]
- [SoilTempCaptions]
- [SoilMoistureCaptions]
- [LeafTempCaptions]
- [LeafWetnesscaptions]
Example file
This example of strings.ini has had some English phrases (see samplestrings.ini) replaced by their French equivalents, and a few other terms have been changed to different English phrases just to give an example of what can be done.
[Forecast] Forecast=prévisions notavailable=pas disponibles exceptional=temps exceptionnel forecast1=beau temps établi forecast2=beau temps forecast3=tendance au beau temps forecast4=beau temps, tendance à se dégrader forecast5=beau, averses possibles forecast6=plutôt beau, en amélioration forecast7=plutôt beau averses possibles en matinée forecast8=assez beau, des averses en soirée forecast9=averses, en amélioration forecast10=variable, en amélioration forecast11=plutôt beau, averses probables forecast12=plutôt perturbé, s'améliorant forecast13=perturbé, s'améliorant probablement forecast14=pluies éparses, belles éclaircies forecast15=averses, temps se découvrant forecast16=variable, quelques précipitations forecast17=perturbé, de rares éclairces forecast18=variable, quelques précipitations tardives forecast19=variable, quelques précipitations forecast20=très perturbé forecast21=précipitations occasionnelles, se dégradant forecast22=quelques précipitations, très perturbé forecast23=Precipitations à intervalles fréquents forecast24=Pluie, très perturbé forecast25=tempête, pourrait s'améliorer forecast26=tempête, fortes pluies [MoonPhases] Newmoon=nouvelle Lune WaxingCrescent=premier croissant FirstQuarter=premier quartier WaxingGibbous=Lune gibbeuse croissante Fullmoon=Pleine Lune WaningGibbous=Lune gibbeuse décroissante LastQuarter=dernier quartier WaningCrescent=dernier croissant [Beaufort] Calm=Calme Lightair=très légère brise Lightbreeze=brise légère Gentlebreeze=Petite brise Moderatebreeze=jolie brise Freshbreeze=bonne brise Strongbreeze=vent frais Neargale=grand frais Gale=coup de vent Stronggale=fort coup de vent Storm=Tempête Violentstorm=Violente tempête Hurricane=Ouragan [Trends] Risingveryrapidly=hausse très rapide Risingquickly=hausse rapide Rising=hausse Risingslowly=hausse lentement Steady=stable Fallingslowly=chute lente Falling=chute Fallingquickly=chute rapide Fallingveryrapidly=chute très rapide [Compass] N=N NNE=NNE NE=NE ENE=ENE E=E ESE=ESE SE=SE SSE=SSE S=S SSW=SSW SW=SW WSW=WSW W=W WNW=WNW NW=NW NNW=NNW [Graphs] SmallGraphWindSpeedTitle=Wind Speed SmallGraphOutsideTemperatureTitle=Air Temperature SmallGraphInsideTemperatureTitle=Inside Temperature SmallGraphPressureTitle=Atmospheric Pressure SmallGraphRainfallRateTitle=Rainfall Rate SmallGraphWindDirectionTitle=Wind Direction SmallGraphTempMinMaxAvgTitle=Temp Min/Max/Avg SmallGraphHumidityTitle=Humidity SmallGraphRainTodayTitle=Rain Today SmallGraphDailyRainTitle=Daily Rain *SmallGraphSolarTitle=Solar Radiation *SmallGraphUVTitle=UV Index *SmallGraphSunshineTitle=Daily Sunshine (hrs) LargeGraphWindSpeedTitle=Wind Speed LargeGraphWindGustTitle=Wind Gust LargeGraphOutsideTempTitle=Air Temperature LargeGraphHeatIndexTitle=Heat Index LargeGraphDewPointTitle=Dew Point LargeGraphWindChillTitle=Wind Chill LargeGraphApparentTempTitle=Apparent Temperature LargeGraphInsideTempTitle=Inside Temperature LargeGraphPressureTitle=Pressure LargeGraphRainfallRateTitle=Rainfall Rate LargeGraphWindDirectionTitle=Wind Direction LargeGraphWindAvgDirectionTitle=Ave. Direction LargeGraphMinTempTitle=Lowest Temp LargeGraphMaxTempTitle=Highest Temp LargeGraphAvgTempTitle=Average Temp LargeGraphInsideHumidityTitle=Inside Humidity LargeGraphOutsideHumidityTitle=Outside Humidity LargeGraphRainfallTodayTitle=Rainfall Today LargeGraphDailyRainfallTitle=Daily Rainfall *LargeGraphSolarTitle=Solar Radiation *LargeGraphMaxSolarTitle=Theoretical Max *LargeGraphUVTitle=UV Index *LargeGraphSunshineTitle=Daily Sunshine(hrs) [ExtraSensorCaptions] Solar=Solar ExtraChannel2=My Channel 2 ExtraChannel3=My Channel 3 ExtraChannel4=My Channel 4 ExtraChannel5=unused Channel 5 ExtraChannel6=unused Channel 6 ExtraChannel7=unused Channel 7 ExtraChannel8=unused Channel 8 ExtraChannel9=spare Channel 9 ExtraChannel10=spare Channel 10 *[ExtraTempCaptions] Sensor1=shed 1 Sensor2=greenhouse 2 Sensor3=Spare 3 Sensor4=Sensor 4 Sensor5=Sensor 5 Sensor6=Sensor 6 Sensor7=Sensor 7 Sensor8=Sensor 8 Sensor9=Spare 9 Sensor10=Spare 10 *[ExtraHumCaptions] Sensor1=Sensor 1 Sensor2=greenhouse 2 Sensor3=Sensor 3 Sensor4=Sensor 4 Sensor5=Sensor 5 Sensor6=Sensor 6 Sensor7=Sensor 7 Sensor8=Sensor 8 Sensor9=Spare 9 Sensor10=Spare 10 *[ExtraDPCaptions] Sensor1=Sensor 1 Sensor2=greenhouse 2 Sensor3=Sensor 3 Sensor4=Sensor 4 Sensor5=Sensor 5 Sensor6=Sensor 6 Sensor7=Sensor 7 Sensor8=Sensor 8 Sensor9=Sensor 9 Sensor10=Sensor 10 *[SoilTempCaptions] Sensor1=Soil 1 Sensor2=Sensor 2 Sensor3=Sensor 3 Sensor4=Sensor 4 *[SoilMoistureCaptions] Sensor1=Sensor 1 Sensor2=Sensor 2 Sensor3=Sensor 3 Sensor4=Sensor 4 *[LeafTempCaptions] Sensor1=Sensor 1 Sensor2=Sensor 2 *[LeafWetnesscaptions] Sensor1=Sensor 1 Sensor2=Sensor 2 * = value/section added v1.9.3 beta
A variety of translated files are coming soon in the other Languages section