Release Notes: Difference between revisions

(53 intermediate revisions by the same user not shown)
==== Version 7.0.0 public beta 1 (xx17/xx03/20xx24) ====
#General: The platform for CUtils version 7 will now be ''.NET 8''. Instructions for installing ''.NET 8'' (for Linux) will be supplied in the CMX forum. All dll libraries have been updated! It is suggested you renew the ''cumulusutils'' installation completely (so: remove the old one if you are not making a completely new CMX directory).
Major Work In Progress on a transition to .NET 6 (in parallel with similar work on CMX).<br/>
#General: One major change for CUtils is that the CustomLogs require a comma field separator (it was advised to be a space). As a result the definition needs to be adjusted (replace the space between webtags with comma) and the existing data need to be edited. To do this (after the conversion):
During this work development on version 6 has stopped, only support maintenance when required takes place.
##shutdown CMX and stop your scheduler/crontab jobs (see for details the notes in the release post)
##take a customlog in the editor and check if the conversion added comma separators after the date and the hour field. Than do the following:
##find the space separator and replace with a comma. Make sure no multiple comma separators come into the file (this should be an easy automatic editor operation).
##repeat for all your CustomLog datafiles
##start CMX and restart your scheduler/crontab jobs
#General: '''''Duplication and Order of the data''''' : CUtils V7 is able to detect duplication and order errors of data. For some reason CMX sometimes has duplicate times in the logs, this may create errors in charts and definitely faults your statistics. This test is activated by default but if you wish to leave the errors (bad, but correcting it may be a lot of work) or when you are done correcting you can switch the test off by setting the parameter ''CheckDateOrder'' (section ''General'') to ''false'' (default is ''true''). It is a choice to act upon these warnings/errors but if you wish not to act, it is best to switch the feature off as it takes time. The errors are indicated in the logfile in the section reading the monthly logs.
#General: Extensive rewrite of all logfile reading because of the invariant write by CMX. Transparent for the user.
#General: The console output when run from the command line from now on has reduced informational (progress) and Error information. If you use a colour terminal the Error should jump out.
#Website: The URL now has the current report as parameter so if copied and pastes you can bypass the menu.
#Website: As a consequence of the URL parameters, the core of the runtime system was rewritten which as a spin off now has all charts generated by the [[ChartsCompiler]] being refreshed after the configured ''Interval'' nr of minutes.
#ChartsCompiler: To have more words in the drop down menu choice of a Charts class, make a chart-ID with underscores. Underscores will get replaced by spaces.
#ChartsCompiler: Added PERIOD for SMA stats line. If no period is given a default is given by the parameter ''SmaPeriod'' in section [Compiler]. See [[Charts_Definition_Language_(CDL)|CDL]] Plot Specification
#ChartsCompiler: STATS is now also possible on equation results (which have a different name than the CMX plotvars).
#ChartsCompiler: All axis will now be generated with min and max labels (min and max values will be shown), UV axis will now have soft max of 10.
#ChartsCompiler: Rewrite of the axis logic in the code generation. Should be transparant for the user.
#Graphs: If heatmap now has more than ''HeatmapNumberOfYearsPerPage'' (parameter) the chart starts now at the highest year.
#Sysinfo: Fixed : lines to be omitted from the systeminfo output on Windows
#Support: for the new CMX un/pw encryption
#Highcharts: there were two charts which did not work with HC 11.3 which had been accepted as bugs. The Heatmap is fixed but it is unknown when it propagates through the CDN. The Rain vs EVT chart has a workaround and should work. Advise: empty the parameter ''UseSpecificHighchartsVersion'', if problems re-occur, use version 11.2
#HighCharts: There may be some cookie issues if you are working with Chrome. afawk other browsers are still working fine. No solution as yet. Please inform me when having issues.
#Monthfiles: Because of the logfile invariance you may remove the parameter ''MonthsOfMiracleAndWonder''
==== Version 6.23.6 (30/01/24) ====
#Created a new project line for .NET6. When CMX is ready for .NET6 CumulusUtils will follow shortly after.
#CustomLogs: Addition of <#stationpressure>
#Dayfile and Standard Logfiles are now sourced through SQLite.
#ExtraSensor data are now sourced through SQLite.
#WindRose has now a much better performance because of the use of SQLite (3 times faster or better depending on the system/OS).
#Use latest versions of libraries. This may have effect on FTP, FTPS and SFTP. Standing issues to test in the beta:
##FTPS - not all servers were able to handle re-use of resource.
##SFTP - login with just un/pw does not work everywhere, thought to be provider dependent.
#Renewed compliance to [ W3 markup validation].
#Logging: moved some messages to different classes (Tracing, Info, Warning, Error). In general the view of the logfile improved with less messages (up to level Info).
#AirLink: Used SQLite to add the Windbarbs to the charts.
#ChartsCompiler: Used SQLite to add plot data to fetch the UserAskedData.
#Windrose bug fix: the v3 WindRose apparently had a bias to some directions/windspeeds which could not be found. The new technique with SQLite solves that issue.
#ExtraSensors: If the ExtraSensors remain open for more than 10 minutes (or multiples thereof) the ExtraSensor charts are reloaded. With this the ExtraSensors have the same feature as the Home charts.
==== Version 6.23.05 (xx17/xx01/2324) ====
#General: Upgraded all libraries as shortly after the previous release it was found the no FTP variant did work anymore. Apparently nobody uses FTP anymore.
#A major cleanup of the code wrt the JSON creation will be done. Though this is not visible for the user it has impact and will require some thorough regression testing.
#Redo the logfile reading along the line of the CustomLogs. This reduces complexity and unifies the method. Not visible for the user. International regression testing required.
==== Version 6.23.4 (16/01/24) ====
#MeteoCam: Addition of ''Ecowitt HP10'' as ''CamType'' (the original being the default ''CamType Manual'')
#General: The limit of data only after 27 Januari 2004 (start of Cumulus) has been lifted (under the condition that the logfile records have the length of todays records). CUtils can now read whatever number of years (current record is 1 Januari 1979)
==== Version 6.23.3 (14/01/24) ====
#ChartsCompiler: Error messages improvement
#ChartsCompiler: If there is an error in the charts, a notification is now given in the terminal output
==== Version 6.23.2 (10/01/24) ====
#ExtraSensors: Fixed. The Lightning and CO2 sensors were incorrectly handled when both present
#SysInfo: If the parameter Tx (for WLL) is not filled in, the resulting SysInfo page will show an error: "A value for the Transmitter used is needed - please set parameter Tx"
==== Version 6.23.1 (05/01/24) ====
#Graphs: When creating the solar energy chart, the solar energy per day can be requested and will be written out to ''DailySolarEnergy.csv''. The parameter involved is [General] ''NeedSolarEnergyDailyValuesInCSV=false'' (default)
#Language: Parameters ''LimitValues, Winter1, Spring, Summer, Autumn, Winter2'' have been added to the language file to be translated.
#Charts: All axis involving Temperature will now - when using Fahrenheit scale - have a soft minimum of 32 F-degrees i.s.o. 0
#General: It is now possible to run CUtils from day one i.e. after having at least one rollover i.e. the dayfile has at least one record.
#ExtraSensors: Fixed a unreported issue with the lightning sensor
#Graphs: Fixed a minor issue with the normal and station reference lines in the Daily Rain chart
#SystemInfo: With the WLL device you now get a message if the Tx parameter is not filled in
==== Version 6.23.0 (06/12/23) ====
#ATechnical: majorA cleanup of the code wrt the JSON creation will be done. Though this is not visible for the user it has impact and will require some thorough(international) regression testing.
#Technical: Redo the logfile reading along the line of the CustomLogs. This reduces complexity and unifies the method. Not visible for the user. Internationaland will require (international) regression testing required.
#Technical: Performance gain while reading the monthly logs as a result of the previous action.
#MeteoCam: Addition of ''Ecowitt HP10EcowittHP10'' as ''CamType'' (the original being the default ''CamType Manual'')
#Language: parameters ''NormalYearlyRainfall, StationYearlyRainfall, DailyRain, DailyEVT'' have been added.
#Graphs: In Rain vs EVT chart the plotline ''Normal Yearly Rainfall'' has been moved to he front and colour set to blue. The default title has the addition "Cumulative". The user who already has this in the language file will need to change it manually.
#Technical: Deprecated the use of MySQL (i.e. the parameter ''UseSQL'' is no longer used and can be removed)
#CustomLogs: Webtag ''wchillH'' has been renamed ''wchillL'' from CMX b3264 and up.
==== Version 6.22.0 (23/11/23) ====
#Units: fix for Distance as that was always km and should be corresponding the windspeed (mph => mi, m/s => km etc...)
#CustomLogs: addition of the following webtags: ''RecentApparent, RecentIndoorTemp, RecentIndoorHumidity''.
#Graphs: addition of ''Rain versus EVT'' graph (in the Rain section)