Full list of Webtags
This page has been updated until CMX version 4.2.1
This list only contains the tag names. Tag names are the basic entity when asking a value. Check the Usage of webtags and don't forget tag names are only part of the general format for Webtags. It does not indicate what parameters they can take, nor does it include the brackets the tag name is surrounded by when you quote it in a template file for Cumulus to process.
Here follow tables that group the tag names by the basic purpose of the tags listed. There has been confusion in the past of tags appearing in more than one group. If you find such occurrence you may notify or modify.
Current Conditions
We start with tags that relate to the latest values, as these are the ones that people most often choose to use. The current condition data is also available, for processes external to Cumulus, by using the inbuilt facility to generate a file with such data. CumulusMX makes current values available for a standard range of sensors where the same web tags apply across a range of weather station models. Current values from some extra temperature and relative humidity sensors (see Extra temperatures) from particular weather station models are offered as well.
Standard sensors
The tags in this first list are grouped for historical reasons and remain grouped.
Webtag name | Function |
Temperature | |
<#temp> | The outside (air) temperature |
<#intemp> | The inside temperature |
<#TempChangeLastHour> | The change in outside temperature over the last hour |
<#temptrend> | The average rate of change in temperature over the last three hours. Trend = (temp now - temp 3hrs ago) / 3 (the calculation selected for this trend matches the standard-based calculation for <#presstrendval> despite the naming inconsistency) |
<#temptrendsigned> | signed string value of temperature trend |
<#temptrendtext> | Temperature change over the last three hours - Rising/Falling/Steady (values can be set in strings.ini) |
<#temptrendenglish> | Temperature change over the last three hours - Rising/Falling/Steady (for use by HTML, javascript etc, values can't be changed). |
<#heatindex> | Current heat index. |
<#humidex> | Current Humidex |
<#apptemp> | The apparent temperature. The referenced page in weather terminology section of this Wiki explains it. The formula used is that defined by BOM. Although at temperatures above 20°C (68°F) Feels like reports an "apparent temperature" it uses a different formula. |
<#wchill> | The current wind chill temperature. The referenced page in weather terminology section of this Wiki explains it. For temperatures below 10°C (50°F) Feels like reports the same value. |
<#feelslike> | Available for version 3.6.10 and up. See Feels Like |
<#IsFreezing> | If outside temperature is at or below 0°C/32°F. 0=Above freezing, 1=Below freezing |
<#chillhours> | The number of 'chill hours' so far this season (threshold temperature and start date are configurable). |
Humidity | |
<#hum> | The outside humidity |
<#inhum> | The inside humidity |
<#dew> | The current dew point (See wiki) |
<#wetbulb> | Estimated wet bulb temperature |
Rainfall | |
<#rfall> | The total rainfall so far today (reports rain counter now minus rain counter at start of day), start of day counter can be edited using "edit rain today". |
<#rrate> | The current rainfall rate |
<#rhour> | The rainfall in the last hour |
<#r24hourH> | All time high total rainfall in a 24-hour period |
<#Tr24hourH> | Time of the rainfall in the last 24 hours |
<#rmidnight> | The total rainfall since midnight. Useful if you don't use midnight as your start of day |
<#r24hour> | Reading recent history records, takes rain counter for latest minute, and substracts rain counter from as close as possible to same time yesterday (if Cumulus was not running at that time yesterday, but historical catch-up has been enabled, then it is from nearest time available yesterday, so for a logging interval of every 30 minutes might be 24 hours and 16 minutes ago) |
<#LastRainTipISO> | Fixed ISO format output giving date and time of last rain gauge tip (e.g 2010-09-06 06:09) The format is always as shown (cannot use output format modifiers) |
<#LastRainTip> | (available from release 3.6.1) Date/time of last rain gauge tip |
<#MinutesSinceLastRainTip> | The number of minutes since the last rain gauge tip, in whole numbers, rounded down |
<#IsRaining> | For Hydreon RG-11 devices, shows the current rain state. 0=No rain, 1=It's raining |
<#rweek> | The total rainfall so far this week |
<#rmonth> | The total rainfall so far this month |
<#MonthRainfall> | Returns the rainfall total for the current month by default (see also #rmonth) but may take optional parameters `y=YYYY` and `m=MM` (both must be specified) to return the total rainfall for specified month in the specified year eg. `<#MonthRainfall y=2018 m=10>` |
<#ryear> | Annual rainfall total for rainfall season year (i.e. starting month as set on Configuration menu, station screen, Annual rainfall frame) |
<#AnnualRainfall> | Annual rainfall, defaults to the current year (i.e. = <#ryear>), but also takes an optional parameter "y=nnnn" which allows you to specify any year in the Cumulus history |
<#ConsecutiveRainDays> | The number of days up to (but not including) today where it has rained every day. The threshold amount of rain required to determine a rain day is configurable via the RainDayThreshold setting in cumulus.ini, the units for the threshold are the same as your rain units, meteorologists exclude dew (and other times when single tip of recorder). |
<#ConsecutiveDryDays> | The number of days up to (but not including) today since it last rained. The threshold amount of rain required to determine a rain day is configurable via the RainDayThreshold setting in cumulus.ini the units for the threshold are the same as your rain units |
Pressure | |
<#press> | The sea level pressure |
<#presstrendval> | The average rate of pressure change over the last three hours. Trend = (pressure now - pressure 3hrs ago) / 3 |
<#presstrendsigned> | signed string value of pressure trends |
<#presstrend> | The pressure trend in words - values can be set in the 'strings.ini' file |
<#presstrendenglish> | a single word description for the pressure trend - Rising/Falling/Steady (for use by HTML, javascript etc, values can't be changed). From version 1.8.8 1st December 2009 |
<#PressChangeLast3Hours> | Available from version 3.11.1; Total Pressure Change since 3 hours ago |
<#altimeterpressure> | Altimeter pressure. Pressure corrected to sea level using the station's altitude only. Same as sea-level pressure for non-Davis stations. |
<#stationpressure> | station pressure (the absolute pressure reading) |
Wind | |
<#wlatest> | Current wind speed reading from console. Corresponds to 'latest' on the Cumulus main screen. |
<#bearing> | Current wind bearing in degrees |
<#currentwdir> | Current wind bearing as a compass point - e.g. ESE |
<#wspeed> | The 10-minute average, if you have Cumulus set to calculate a 10-minute average. Otherwise, it's the latest 'wind' value from the console (i.e. the current speed as determined by the station). Corresponds to 'average' on the Cumulus main screen. |
<#avgbearing> | Average wind bearing in degrees over last configured interval minutes. Range 1-360, 0=Calm
This is calculated by taking the wind direction and speed for the last 10 minutes (or other interval as configured), calculates the sums of the North/South and East/West vector components, divides the E/W component sum by the N/S component sum, and takes the arctan. |
<#wdir> | Average wind bearing over last 10 minutes as a compass point - e.g. ESE |
<#wgust> | The highest wind reading in the last 10 minutes. Corresponds to 'gust' on the Cumulus main screen. |
<#WindSampleCount> | The number of wind samples making up the wind rose (etc) data (up to 3600) |
<#wdirdata> | Comma separated list of recent wind bearing readings (every x seconds, up to 3600 entries). This is a circular buffer; to find the most recent value use <#nextwindindex>. Reading interval x varies by station type:
<#wspddata> | Comma separated list of recent individual (non-averaged) wind speed (correspond to 'latest' on the Cumulus main screen) readings (every x seconds, up to 3600 entries). This is a circular buffer; to find the most recent value use nextwindindex tag. Reading interval x varies by station type (see above). |
<#nextwindindex> | The index of the entries in <#wdirdata> and <#wspddata> that Cumulus is going to use next - i.e. the latest entry used is one less than this; but don't forget to allow for the wrap around! |
<#WindRoseData> | A comma-separated list of the wind 'totals' used to draw the wind rose (8 or 16 values) |
<#WindRosePoints> | The number of items in <#WindRoseData> (i.e. 8 or 16) |
<#beaufort> | The current wind speed on the Beaufort scale (e.g. F8) |
<#beaufortnumber> | The current wind speed on the Beaufort scale, without a leading "F", e.g. "6" |
<#beaudesc> | The current wind speed Beaufort description (e.g. "Gale") |
<#BearingRangeFrom> | The 'lowest' clockwise bearing in the last 10 minutes |
<#BearingRangeTo> | The 'highest' clockwise bearing in the last 10 minutes |
<#BearingRangeFrom10> | The 'lowest' clockwise bearing in the last 10 minutes, rounded down to nearest 10 degrees |
<#BearingRangeTo10> | The 'highest' clockwise bearing in the last 10 minutes, rounded down to nearest 10 degrees |
Miscellaneous | |
<#cloudbase> | Calculated cloud base |
<#cloudbasevalue> | Current calculated cloud base without units |
<#UV> | Current UV index. Requires your station to have a UV sensor. |
<#SolarRad> | Current solar radiation. Requires your station to have a solar sensor. |
<#Light> | Current Current light level in Lux. Requires your station to have a solar sensor. Only applies to Fine Offset stations. |
<#forecast> | The current forecast |
<#forecastenc> | The same as <#forecast> but with all reserved HTML characters, and those above character code 159, encoded as HTML entities |
<#forecastJsEnc> | Available from version 3.11.0; The current forecast encoded for JavaScript |
<#forecastnumber> | The number relating to the current forecast entry in the strings.ini file. If your station is not providing it's own forecast and Cumulus is not calculating one then 0 (zero) is returned. Note: two negative numbers can be returned by Cumulus: -1 (neg 1) = Exceptional Fine, -26 (neg 26) = Exceptional Bad |
<#cumulusforecast> | Always gives Cumulus (Zambretti) forecast, even if the <#forecast> tag provides a station forecast |
<#cumulusforecastenc> | The same as <#cumulusforecast> but with all reserved HTML characters, and those above character code 159, encoded as HTML entities |
<#cumulusforecastJsEnc> | Available from version 3.11.0; The current Cumulus (Zambretti) forecast encoded for JavaScript |
<#wsforecast> | Always gives station forecast (if available) |
<#wsforecastenc> | The same as <#wsforecast> but with all reserved HTML characters, and those above character code 159, encoded as HTML entities |
<#wsforecastJsEnc> | Available from version 3.11.0; The current station forecast encoded for JavaScript |
<#currcond> | Represents the value entered on the screen within Cumulus for the Current Weather condition, or the value as held in the currentconditions.txt file. Any reserved HTML characters are encoded as HTML entities |
<#currcondenc> | The same as <#currcond> but also has all characters above (decimal base) code 159 encoded as HTML entities for example this would encode any use of symbol for degree. |
<#currcondJsEnc> | Available from version 3.11.0; The current conditions encoded for JavaScript |
Extra Sensors
The extra sensors functionality in Cumulus only supports processing for current spot values as read from the sensors. Periodically spot extra sensor values are logged, see the Extra Sensor Files page for information about log files from where you can extract the past spot values. The logging can be compared to the Standard Logfiles.
Extra Sensors: Davis models and Oregon Scientific WMR928, WR100/200
These web tags hold current values for additional sensors supported by CumulusMX. For Oregon Scientific model like WMR-200 with USB connection, please refer to #Web tags mentioning (outside) temperature because any of the extra temperature tags below can be redirected to <#temp>, and consequently also have web tags reporting daily extremes and longer period extreme records.
Webtag name | The related description can be changed in 'strings.ini', but below are default descriptions that will be shown in viewer/editor |
<#ExtraTemp1 - 10> | Extra temperature channel 1 - 10 |
<#ExtraDP1 - 10> | Extra dew point channel 1 - 10 |
<#ExtraHum1 - 10> | Extra humidity channel 1 - 10 |
<#SoilTemp1 - 16> | Soil temperature 1 - 16 |
<#SoilMoisture1 - 16> | Soil moisture 1 - 16 |
<#LeafWetness1 - 8> | Leaf wetness 1 - 8 |
Extra Sensors: Davis AirLink
Available from version 3.9.0. You can configure two Airlink devices which have fixed identification as Indoor and Outdoor. There are a similar set of tags for each device.
Webtag name | Function |
Particulate Matter | |
<#AirLinkPm1[InǀOut]> | Current particulate matter of 1 μm, or less count |
<#AirLinkPm2p5[InǀOut]> | Currentparticulate matter of 2.5 μm, or less, count |
<#AirLinkPm2p5_1hr[InǀOut]> | Last hour average particulate matter of 2.5 μm, or less, count |
<#AirLinkPm2p5_3hr[InǀOut]> | Last 3 hours average particulate matter of 2.5 μm, or less, count |
<#AirLinkPm2p5_24hr[InǀOut]> | Last 24 hours average particulate matter of 2.5 μm, or less, count |
<#AirLinkPm2p5_Nowcast[InǀOut]> | The 24 hour nowcast weighted average particulate matter of 2.5 μm, or less, count |
<#AirLinkPm10[InǀOut]> | Current particulate matter of 10 μm, or less, count |
<#AirLinkPm10_1hr[InǀOut]> | Last hour average particulate matter of 10 μm, or less, count |
<#AirLinkPm10_3hr[InǀOut]> | Last 3 hours average particulate matter of 10 μm, or less, count |
<#AirLinkPm10_24hr[InǀOut]> | Last 24 hours average particulate matter of 10 μm, or less, count |
<#AirLinkPm10_Nowcast[InǀOut]> | The 24 hour nowcast weighted average particulate matter of 10 μm, or less, count |
Air Quality Index Values (allows use of the "dp=n" and "tc=y" parameters) | |
<#AirLinkAqiPm2p5[InǀOut]> | Current particulate matter of 2.5 μm, or less AQI |
<#AirLinkAqiPm2p5_1hr[InǀOut]> | Last hour average particulate matter of 2.5 μm, or less, AQI |
<#AirLinkAqiPm2p5_3hr[InǀOut]> | Last 3 hour average particulate matter of 2.5 μm, or less, AQI |
<#AirLinkAqiPm2p5_24hr[InǀOut]> | Last 24 hour average particulate matter of 2.5 μm, or less, AQI |
<#AirLinkAqiPm2p5_Nowcast[InǀOut]> | Last 12 hour nowcast weighted average particulate matter of 2.5 μm, or less, AQI |
<#AirLinkAqiPm10[InǀOut]> | Current particulate matter of 10 μm, or less |
<#AirLinkAqiPm10_1hr[InǀOut]> | Last hour average particulate matter of 10 μm, or less, AQI |
<#AirLinkAqiPm10_3hr[InǀOut]> | Last 3 hour average particulate matter of 10 μm, or less AQI |
<#AirLinkAqiPm10_24hr[InǀOut]> | Last 24 hour average particulate matter of 10 μm, or less AQI |
<#AirLinkAqiPm10_Nowcast[InǀOut]> | Last 12 hour nowcast weighted average particulate matter of 10 μm, or less AQI |
Stats Values | |
<#AirLinkPct_1hr[InǀOut]> | Percentage of filling of the 1 hr averages buffer |
<#AirLinkPct_3hr[InǀOut]> | Percentage of filling of the 3 hr averages buffer |
<#AirLinkPct_24hr[InǀOut]> | Percentage of filling of the 24 hr averages buffer |
<#AirLinkPct_Nowcast[InǀOut]> | Percentage of filling of the nowcast 12 hr averages buffer (2 hrs are required to get a nowcast value) |
Sensor Info | |
<#AirLinkFirmwareVersion[InǀOut]> | Shows the AirLink firmware version as a date string.
NOTE: This web tag requires a WeatherLink Pro subscription to work |
<#AirLinkTemp[InǀOut]> | The sensors internal air temperature value |
<#AirLinkHum[InǀOut]> | The sensors internal air humidity value |
<#AirLinkWifiRssi[InǀOut]> | The sensors WiFi signal strength in dB - anything below -90 is considered very poor.
NOTE: This web tag requires a WeatherLink Pro subscription to work |
Extra Sensors: Ecowitt
Ecowitt stations are sold under other names depending on nation, e.g. Ambient in USA, Froggit in central Europe, so Ecowitt is used as a generic name in this Wiki. See also WXForum.net.
WH45 CO₂ sensor
Available from release 3.9.5. From 3.27.0 the webtags as below are valid. The previous webtags with the minus sign i.s.o. underscores are deprecated.
Webtag name | Function | |
<#CO2> | The actual CO2 concentration in ppm | |
<#CO2_24h> | The CO2 concentration in ppm as a moving average over 24 hours | |
<#CO2_pm1> | Air Quality expressed in terms of particulate matter of 1 μm/m3 | |
<#CO2_pm1_24h> | Air Quality expressed in terms of particulate matter of 1 μm/m3, 24 hours moving average | |
<#CO2_pm2p5> | Air Quality expressed in terms of particulate matter of 2.5 μm/m3 or less | |
<#CO2_pm2p5_24h> | Air Quality expressed in terms of particulate matter of 2.5 μm/m3, or less, 24 hours moving average | |
<#CO2_pm2p5_aqi> | The air quality index calculated from the CO2 sensors current pm 2.5 value | |
<#CO2_pm2p5_24h_aqi> | The air quality index calculated from the CO2 sensors pm 2.5 24 hour average value | |
<#CO2_pm4> | Air Quality expressed in terms of particulate matter of 4 μm/m3 or less | NOTE: probably - but uncertain - a derivative by Ecowitt (interpolation between 2.5 and 10?) |
<#CO2_pm4_24h> | Air Quality expressed in terms of particulate matter of 4 μm/m3, or less, 24 hours moving average | |
<#CO2_pm10> | Air Quality expressed in terms of particulate matter of 10 μm/m3, or less (includes the 2.5 figure) | |
<#CO2_pm10_24h> | Air Quality expressed in terms of particulate matter of 10 μm/m3, or less, 24 hours moving average | |
<#CO2_pm10_aqi> | The air quality index calculated from the CO2 sensors current pm 10 value | |
<#CO2_pm10_24h_aqi> | The air quality index calculated from the CO2 sensors pm 10 24 hour average value | |
<#CO2_temp>See note | Temperature as reported by Air Quality monitor. | |
<#CO2_hum> | Relative Humidity as reported by Air Quality monitor |
Note: This temperature reflects the temperature of the sensor and would be used in combination with the sensors measured humidity (see next) for correction of the measured PM (particulate matter) value. This correction is responsibility of the user and is subject to a lot of discussion. Determination of how to correct the PM value is highly dependent on the conditions and placement of the sensor. See the specification sheet for the sensor or create some multivariate regression line based on calibration measurements. This is also valid for PM sensors like the AirLink. The normal amateur usage of PM sensors is that the uncorrected values are published.
WN34 soil and water sensor
Cumulus MX can support the Ecowitt WN34 (other model types exist and are reported here as if WN34) soil and water temperature sensors. They are reported as "User Temperature 1" to "User Temperature 8".
Webtag name | Function |
<#UserTemp1 - 8> | The temperature of the sensor |
Extra Sensors
Below are described the tags resulting from Ecowitt Air quality (WH41,WH43,WH45), Ecowitt leak sensor (WH55), lighting detector (WH57), and extra temperature sensors (WN34)
This sub-section applies only to those using Ecowitt GW1000 and possibly other devices (also Froggit DS1500, and other equivalents, see Supported Devices) an interface unit that picks up various external sensors and sends the data via an application programming interface to CumulusMX which then generates the following web tags:
Webtag name | Function |
<#GW1000FirmwareVersion> | GW1000 firmware version string |
<#EcowittFirmwareVersion> | Ecowitt firmware version string |
<#EcowittReception> | Reception signal strength for the Ecowitt devices in use |
<#EcowittCameraUrl> | The URL for the HTTPS GET command to get the camera picture |
<#EcowittVideoUrl> | The URL for the HTTPS GET command to get the camera timelapse for yesterday (no older timelapses can be viewed through CMX) |
Webtag name | The related description can be changed in 'strings.ini', but below are default descriptions that will be shown in the viewer/editor |
<#AirQuality1 - 4> | Air quality in μm/m3 |
<#AirQualityAvg1 - 4> | 24 hr moving average Air quality in μm/m3 |
<#AirQualityIdx1 - 4> | The calculated air quality index for sensors 1 to 4 |
<#AirQualityAvgIdx1 - 4> | The calculated 24 hour average air quality index for sensors 1 to 4 |
<#LeakSensor1 - 4> | |
<#LightningDistance> | Distance to last strike
Same units as wind run - miles/km/nm. Returns 0.0 if you don't have a sensor, GW1000 api returns max value you can put in a byte - 0xFF which translates to 158.4 miles = 255 km if have sensor but no strike detected yet, so CMX translates that to '----'. |
<#LightningTime> | Date and Time of last strike.
Default without output parameters is locale's short time format e.g. 18:02 or 6:02 pm, without date, but tag accepts both date and time output parameters. Returns '----' if you don't have sensor or there has not been a strike since the sensor was installed. |
<#LightningStrikesToday> | Number of lighting strikes today |
<#UserTemp1 - 8> | User Temperature 1 - 8 |
The WH32 produces Temperature, Humidity and Dewpoint tags as the Davis above, WH51 soilmoisture produces similar tags.
Webtag name | The related description can be changed in 'strings.ini', but below are default descriptions that will be shown in the viewer/editor |
<#ExtraTemp1 - 8> | Extra temperature Sensor 1 - 8 |
<#ExtraDP1 - 8> | Extra dew point Sensor 1 - 8 |
<#ExtraHum1 - 8> | Extra humidity Sensor 1 - 8 |
WH51 soilmoisture sensor | |
<#SoilMoisture1 - 8> | Soil moisture 1 - 8 |
LDS01 laser sensor | |
<#LaserDist1 - 4> | To be clarified later |
<#LaserDepth1 - 4> | To be clarified later |
Recent History
Please refer to the Recent history page for full information about using the tags in the following two tables.
All tags in the tables below have:
- Mandatory input parameters as in this description
- Optional output parameters to modify the time format as in this description
Timestamp tag
Although as Recent history page explains, the history is intended to cover every minute in last 7 days, some entries may be at less frequent intervals, and when clocks change some entries will be missing altogether.
Webtag name | Function | Parameters example |
Time-stamp tag | ||
<#RecentTS> | Gives the timestamp of the data that will be returned for any other recent history tag that uses same d, h, and m parameters | <#RecentTS h=3 m=1 format="HH:mm"> |
All Recent History Tags
Webtag name | Function | Input Modification Parameters example |
Temperature & Humidity tags | ||
<#RecentOutsideTemp> | Outside Temperature | <#RecentOutsideTemp h=3 m=1> <#tempunit> will display the temperature at the start of the period for which <#temptrend> is calculated |
<#RecentWindChill> | Wind Chill | <#RecentWindChill d=48 m=1> reports the wind chill temperature 2 days ago |
<#RecentDewPoint> | Dew Point | <#RecentDewPoint h=25> reports the dew point temperature just over a day ago |
<#RecentApparent> | Apparent | <#RecentApparent m30> reports the dew point temperature half an hour ago |
<#RecentHeatIndex> | Heat Index | <#RecentHeatIndex m=121> reports the heat index about 2 hours ago |
<#RecentHumidity> | Relative Humidity | d=n (where n runs 0 to 6) days ago; h=n (where n is any number of hours ago); m=n (where n is any number of minutes ago) |
Wind (Note: Wind 'Speed', 'Gust' and 'Latest' have the usual Cumulus meanings see Wind measurement) | ||
<#RecentWindSpeed> | Wind Speed | <#RecentWindSpeed m=10> will display the average wind speed 10 minutes ago |
<#RecentWindGust> | Wind Gust
(reports maximum gust from build 1088 of version 1.9.4) |
<#RecentWindGust d=1 m=1> will report the wind gust at approximately the same time yesterday |
<#RecentWindLatest> | Wind Latest. | d=n (where n runs 0 to 6) days ago; h=n (where n is any number of hours ago); m=n (where n is any number of minutes ago) |
<#RecentWindDir> | Wind Direction (instantaneous) | <#RecentWindDir m=10> will tell you which direction the wind was blowing from 10 minutes ago |
<#RecentWindAvgDir> | Wind Direction (average) | <#RecentWindAvgDir d=6> will say what the calculated average wind direction was at this time at the start of the week |
Pressure | ||
<#RecentPressure> | Sea-level Pressure | <#RecentPressure h=3 m=1> gives the sea level pressure when <#presstrendval> started tracking the pressure |
Rainfall | ||
<#RecentRainToday> | Daily rain total from last roll-over to specified time | d=n (where n runs 0 to 6) days ago; h=n (where n is any number of hours ago); m=n (where n is any number of minutes ago) |
Solar & UV | ||
<#RecentSolarRad> | Solar Radiation | d=n (where n runs 0 to 6) days ago; h=n (where n is any number of hours ago); m=n (where n is any number of minutes ago) |
<#RecentUV> | UV Index | d=n (where n runs 0 to 6) days ago; h=n (where n is any number of hours ago); m=n (where n is any number of minutes ago) |
Indoor Temperature & Humidity tags | ||
<#RecentIndoorTemp> | Indoor Temperature | Parameters as with other Recent webtags |
<#RecentIndoorHumidity> | Indoor Temperature | Parameters as with other Recent webtags |
Outdoor Temperature & Humidity tags | ||
<#RecentWindChill> | Wind Chill (if temperature is below 10°C or 50 °F, then the new Feels Like now available in MX (next item) will report this same value). | <#RecentWindChill d=48 m=1> reports the wind chill temperature 2 days ago |
<#RecentFeelsLike> | Feels Like Temperature | <#RecentFeelsLike h=12 m=1> reports the feel like temperature 12 hours ago |
<#RecentHumidex> | Canadian Humidity Index (humidex) Dimensionless - no units | <#RecentHumidex h=3> reports humidex 3 hours ago |
Air Quality tags |
Cumulus allows some control over the time that "Today" begins:
- You can define the log rollovertime. Choose between 9am or midnight.
- For the weather diary feature SnowDepthHour The default SnowDepthHour is 8
Readings from your weather station are assigned to the "Today" based on 3 options for Meteorological day
- starting at 9:00 am, based on winter time, so switching to 10:00 during Daylight Saving (summer) time, or
- starting at 9:00 am, all year round, or
- aligned with calendar days, so today starts at midnight
The independence of the start time for weather diary and weather station related web tags needs to be remembered when labelling web tags from the two tables below. It was assumed that you would use 9 a.m. as start time for both, but not care when snow fell, as it often has in the UK, after Summer Time has begun, so weather station tags were by default reporting from 10 a.m. local time and snow as at 9 a.m.
In MX, if you choose 9 a.m. (optionally 10 a.m. in summer) for rollover, so all the standard derivative are assigned to the date the meteorological day starts as Today, but the sunshine hours recorded against today will be from midnight on the said date.
Weather Diary
This first table lists all the web tags available for reporting what is recorded in the weather diary. Just to be clear, the web tags shown below, will report data for previous day if the current time is before the snow depth hour setting, and report data for the current day if the current time matches the snow depth hour or is later.
Webtag name | Function |
<#Option_showSnow> | Displays the value of the Display Options=>General Options=>Snowfall: this option enabled will display snowfall data from the Weather Diary on the default web site |
<#snowDepth> | Meteorologists report snow depth in cm, so this is default unit for Cumulus. Snowdepth should include the snow24h amount so automatic measurement (by laser) always is the correct amount!
If there is no entry in Weather Diary for the day explained above, reports zero. Input is to 2 decimal places to accommodate inches as unit (see station settings=> unit settings in CMX). |
<#snow24hr> | Fresh snow which fell the past 24 hrs. If this amount is substracted from snowdepth you find the melt/compression of the previous snow. |
<#snowlying> | deprecated - If there is no entry in Weather Diary for the day explained above, this web tag returns null. Otherwise reports 1 if tick in diary, 0 is unticked. |
<#snowfalling> | deprecated - If there is no entry in Weather Diary for the day explained above, this web tag returns null. Otherwise reports 1 if tick in diary, 0 is unticked. |
These tag names relate to the current Meteorological day and they are populated from information held in today.ini; Where a tag name reports a value specific to a past time in today-so-far, there will also be a tag name that can give the time of day, shown in same row of table below. For those that cover whole day so far, the final column contains "n/a".
There is some inconsistency in naming with "T" not included in all tag names, "T" is used in conjunction with "H" or "L" as a suffix for extreme values/time-stamps, but a prefix "T" can identify today's value, or prefix "T" can signify a time-stamp.
Webtag name | Function | Time Webtag name |
Temperature & Humidity | ||
<#tempTH> | Today's highest temperature | <#TtempTH> |
<#tempTL> | Today's lowest temperature | <#TtempTL> |
<#avgtemp> | The average temperature so far today (calculated from all temperature readings processed by Cumulus, today.ini stores a cumulative aggregate and counts the number of values processed, so a division gives this output) | n/a |
<#temprange> | The temperature range (<#tempTH> - <#tempTL>) so far today (Cumulus calculates all these tags using Celsius values, but outputs them in your chosen units) | n/a |
<#tempMidnightTH> | Today's highest temperature since midnight | <#TtempMidnightTH> |
<#tempMidnightTL> | Today's lowest temperature since midnight | <#TtempMidnightTL> |
<#tempMidnightRangeT> | The temperature range (max - min) so far today from midnight (Cumulus calculates all these tags using Celsius values, but outputs them in your chosen units) | n/a |
<#temp9amTH> | Today's highest temperature since 9am (rollover) | <#Ttemp9amTH> |
<#temp9amTL> | Today's lowest temperature since 9am (rollover) | <#Ttemp9amTL> |
<#temp9amRangeT> | The temperature range (max - min) so far today from 9am (Cumulus calculates all these tags using Celsius values, but outputs them in your chosen units) | n/a |
<#apptempTH> | Today's high apparent temperature | <#TapptempTH> |
<#apptempTL> | Today's low apparent temperature | <#TapptempTL> |
<#feelslikeTH> | Today's high feels like temperature | <#TfeelslikeTH> |
<#feelslikeTL> | Today's low feels like temperature | <#TfeelslikeTL> |
<#humidexTH> | Today's high Canadian Humidity Index | <#ThumidexTH> |
<#heatindexTH> | Today's high heat index | <#TheatindexTH> |
<#wchillTL> | Today's greatest wind chill | <#TwchillTL> |
<#dewpointTH> | Today's highest dew point | <#TdewpointTH> |
<#dewpointTL> | Today's lowest dew point | <#TdewpointTL> |
<#humTH> | Today's highest humidity | <#ThumTH> |
<#humTL> | Today's lowest humidity | <#ThumTL> |
Precipitation | ||
<#rrateTM> | Today's maximum rain rate | <#TrrateTM> |
<#hourlyrainTH> | Today's highest hourly rain | <#ThourlyrainTH> |
<#rain24hourTH> | Today's highest rain for 24 hours | <#Train24hourTH> |
<#RG11RainToday> | If you have an RG-11 rain sensor configured in "Tipping Bucket" mode, this gives today's rain total so far according to the sensor | n/a |
Pressure | ||
<#pressTH> | Today's highest pressure reading | <#TpressTH> |
<#pressTL> | Today's lowest pressure reading | <#TpressTL> |
Wind | ||
<#windTM> | Today's maximum (average) wind speed | <#TwindTM> |
<#wgustTM> | Today's maximum wind gust | <#TwgustTM> |
<#bearingTM> | The wind bearing at the time of today's high gust (<#wgustTM>) in degrees | <#TwgustTM> |
<#directionTM> | The wind bearing at the time of today's high gust (<#wgustTM>) in as a compass point (e.g. "NNE") | <#TwgustTM> |
<#Tbeaufort> | Today's highest wind speed, expressed in the Beaufort scale | <#TwindTM> |
<#Tbeaufortnumber> | Today's high wind speed on the Beaufort scale, without a leading "F", e.g. "6" | <#TwindTM> |
<#windrun> | The total wind run so far today | N/A |
<#windAvg> | The wind run divided by time passed since rollover to express it as an average wind speed | n/a |
<#domwindbearing> | Today's dominant wind direction in degrees | n/a |
<#domwinddir> | Today's dominant wind direction as compass point | n/a |
<#Tbeaudesc> | Beaufort 'description' for today's high wind speed | n/a |
Miscellaneous | ||
<#ET> | Today's evapotranspiration, if not on the station can be calculated by CMX. | N/A |
<#heatdegdays> | Today's heating degree days | n/a |
<#cooldegdays> | Today's cooling degree days | n/a |
<#solarTH> | Today's high solar radiation value (Solar sensor needed) | <#TsolarTH> |
<#UVTH> | Today's high UV Index (UV sensor needed) | <#TUVTH> |
<#SunshineHours> | Today's hours of sunshine so far. | n/a |
<#LightningStrikesToday> | Number of strikes since midnight, default 0
(other lightning tags can be found in Current Conditions table) | |
<#chillhoursToday> | The incremental chill hours figure since start of today (Compare with Cumulative seasonal Chill Hours at end of today <#chillhours> found in Current Conditions table) |
No Commas; RC Webtags
The conversion of comma decimal separator to a point is described on the parameter page. However, there is a set of legacy webtags which produce that value without a comma without parameter. Those webtags have a prefix of RC and are listed separately. Those webtags still exist and are listed here without further comment.
Current conditions
<#RCtemp>, <#RCdew>, <#RCheatindex>, <#RChum>, <#RCinhum>, <#RCintemp>, <#RCpress>, <#RCrfall>, <#RCrrate>, <#RCwchill>, <#RCwgust>, <#RCwspeed>, <#RCwlatest>
<#RCpressTH>, <#RCpressTL>, <#RCrrateTM>, <#RCtempTH>, <#RCtempTL>, <#RCwgustTM>, <#RCdewpointTH>, <#RCdewpointTL>, <#RCwchillTL>, <#RCheatindexTH>, <#RCapptempTH>, <#RCapptempTL>
Recent History
<#RCRecentOutsideTemp>, <#RCRecentWindSpeed>, <#RCRecentWindGust>, <#RCRecentWindLatest>, <#RCRecentWindChill>, <#RCRecentDewPoint>, <#RCRecentHeatIndex>, <#RCRecentPressure>, <#RCRecentRainToday>, <#RCRecentUV>
Note that the Y indicating yesterday is sometimes a prefix, sometimes a suffix (with H for High, L for Low), web tags are not named consistently!
For web tags that refer to a particular time of day, there is a corresponding web tag that can give that time of day.
Webtag name | Function | Time Webtag name |
Temperature & Humidity | ||
<#tempYH> | Yesterday's highest temperature | <#TtempYH> |
<#tempYL> | Yesterday's lowest temperature | <#TtempYL> |
<#temprangeY> | The temperature range (max - min) yesterday | n/a |
<#tempMidnightYH> | Yesterday's highest temperature from midnight | <#TtempMidnightYH> |
<#tempMidnightYL> | Yesterday's lowest temperature from midnight | <#TtempMidnightYL> |
<#tempMidnightRangeY> | The temperature range (max - min) yesterday from midnight | n/a |
<#temp9amYH> | Yesterdays's highest temperature 9am (rollover) | <#Ttemp9amYH> |
<#temp9amYL> | Yesterdays's lowest temperature 9am (rollover) | <#Ttemp9amYL> |
<#temp9amRangeY> | The temperature range (max - min) yesterday from 9aam (Cumulus calculates all these tags using Celsius values, but outputs them in your chosen units) | n/a |
<#avgtempY> | Yesterday's average temperature | n/a |
<#apptempYH> | Yesterday's high apparent temperature | <#TapptempYH> |
<#apptempYL> | Yesterday's low apparent temperature | <#TapptempYL> |
<#Ychillhours> | The Cumulative Chill Hours as recorded at rollover (the end of meteorological yesterday) | n/a |
<#chillhoursYest> | The incremental Chill Hours yesterday
(compare with <#chillhoursToday> described in #Today.ini table) |
n/a |
<#feelslikeYH> | Yesterday's high feels like temperature | <#TfeelslikeYH> |
<#feelslikeYL> | Yesterday's low feels like temperature | <#TfeelslikeYL> |
<#humidexYH> | Yesterday's high Canadian Humidity Index | <#ThumidexYH> |
<#heatindexYH> | Yesterday's high heat index | <#TheatindexYH> |
<#wchillYL> | Yesterday's greatest wind chill (i.e. lowest temperature) | <#TwchillYL> |
<#dewpointYL> | Yesterday's lowest dew point | <#TdewpointYL> |
<#dewpointYH> | Yesterday's highest dew point | <#TdewpointYH> |
<#humYH> | High humidity yesterday | <#ThumYH> |
<#humYL> | Low humidity yesterday | <#ThumYL> |
Rainfall | ||
<#rfallY> | The total rainfall for yesterday according to the connected weather station | n/a |
<#RG11RainYest> | The total rainfall for yesterday according to an RG-11 rain sensor configured in "Tipping Bucket" mode | n/a |
<#rrateYM> | Yesterday's maximum rain rate | <#TrrateYM> |
<#hourlyrainYH> | Yesterday's highest hourly rain | <#ThourlyrainYH> |
<#rain24hourYH> | Yesterday's highest hourly rain over 24 hours | <#Train24hourYH> |
Pressure | ||
<#pressYH> | Yesterday's highest pressure reading | <#TpressYH> |
<#pressYL> | Yesterday's lowest pressure reading | <#TpressYL> |
Wind | ||
<#windYM> | Yesterday's maximum (average) wind speed | <#TwindYM> |
<#wgustYM> | Yesterday's maximum wind gust | <#TwgustYM> |
<#bearingYM> | The wind bearing at the time of yesterday's high gust | <#TwgustYM> |
<#directionYM> | The wind direction at the time of yesterday's high gust as a compass point (e.g. "NNW") | <#TwgustYM> |
<#Ybeaufort> | Yesterday's highest wind speed, expressed in the Beaufort scale | <#TwindYM> |
<#Ybeaufortnumber> | Yesterday's high wind speed on the Beaufort scale, without a leading "F", e.g. "6" | <#TwindYM> |
<#Ybeaudesc> | Beaufort 'description' for yesterday's high wind speed | n/a |
<#domwindbearingY> | Yesterday's dominant wind direction in degrees | n/a |
<#domwinddirY> | Yesterday's dominant wind direction as compass point | n/a |
<#windrunY> | The total wind run for yesterday | n/a |
<#windAvgY> | The wind run yesterday divided by 24 hours to express it as an average wind speed | n/a |
Miscellaneous | ||
<#heatdegdaysY> | Yesterday's heating degree days | n/a |
<#cooldegdaysY> | Yesterday's cooling degree days | n/a |
<#YSunshineHours> | Yesterday's hours of sunshine so far. | n/a |
<#solarYH> | Yesterday's high solar radiation value (Solar sensor needed) | <#TsolarYH> |
<#UVYH> | Yesterday's high UV Index (UV sensor needed) | <#TUVYH> |
Webtag name | Function |
Monthly | |
<#ByMonthTempAvg mon=[1-12]> | Mean for requested month over the entire history. Omit the mon parameter for the current month |
<#MonthTempAvg m=[1-12] y=[YYYY]> | Mean for the requested specific month. Omit the parameters for the current month |
Yearly | |
<#YearTempAvg y=[YYYY]> | Mean for the requested year. Omit the y parameter for the current year |
Webtag name | Function | Time Webtag | Date Webtag |
Temperature & Humidity | |||
<#YearTempH> | This year's highest temperature | <#YearTempHT> | <#YearTempHD> |
<#YearTempL> | This year's lowest temperature | <#YearTempLT> | <#YearTempLD> |
<#YearHighDailyTempRange> | This year's highest Daily Temp Range | n/a | <#YearHighDailyTempRangeD> |
<#YearLowDailyTempRange> | This year's lowest Daily Temp Range | n/a | <#YearLowDailyTempRangeD> |
<#YearHeatIndexH> | This year's highest USA heat index | <#YearHeatIndexHT> | <#YearHeatIndexHD> |
<#YearWChillL> | This year's greatest wind chill (i.e. lowest temperature) | <#YearWChillLT> | <#YearWChillLD> |
<#YearAppTempH> | This year's highest apparent temperature | <#YearAppTempHT> | <#YearAppTempHD> |
<#YearAppTempL> | This year's lowest apparent temperature | <#YearAppTempLT> | <#YearAppTempLD> |
<#YearFeelsLikeH> | This year's highest feels like temperature | <#YearFeelsLikeHT> | <#YearFeelsLikeHD> |
<#YearFeelsLikeL> | This year's lowest feels like temperature | <#YearFeelsLikeLT> | <#YearFeelsLikeLD> |
<#YearHumidexH> | This year's highest Canadian Humidity Index | <#YearHumidexHT> | <#YearHumidexHD> |
<#YearDewPointH> | This year's highest dew point | <#YearDewPointHT> | <#YearDewPointHD> |
<#YearDewPointL> | This year's lowest dew point | <#YearDewPointLT> | <#YearDewPointLD> |
<#YearMinTempH> | This year's highest daily minimum temperature | n/a | <#YearMinTempHD> |
<#YearMaxTempL> | This year's lowest daily maximum temperature | n/a | <#YearMaxTempLD> |
<#YearHumH> | This year's high humidity | <#YearHumHT> | <#YearHumHD> |
<#YearHumL> | This year's low humidity | <#YearHumLT> | <#YearHumLD> |
Pressure | |||
<#YearPressH> | This year's high pressure | <#YearPressHT> | <#YearPressHD> |
<#YearPressL> | This year's low pressure | <#YearPressLT> | <#YearPressLD> |
Wind | |||
<#YearGustH> | This year's high wind gust | <#YearGustHT> | <#YearGustHD> |
<#YearWindH> | This year's high wind speed | <#YearWindHT> | <#YearWindHD> |
<#YearWindRunH> | This year's highest Daily Wind Run | n/a | <#YearWindRunHD> |
Rainfall | |||
<#YearRainRateH> | This year's highest rainfall rate | <#YearRainRateHT> | <#YearRainRateHD> |
<#YearHourlyRainH> | This year's highest hourly rain | <#YearHourlyRainHT> | <#YearHourlyRainHD> |
<#YearDailyRainH> | This year's high daily rain | n/a | <#YearDailyRainHD> |
<#YearRain24HourH> | This year's high 24hr rain | <#YearRain24HourHT> | <#YearRain24HourHD> |
<#YearMonthlyRainH> | This year's high monthly rain | n/a | <#YearMonthlyRainHD> |
<#YearLongestDryPeriod> | Longest period without rain ending this year (days) | n/a | <#YearLongestDryPeriodD> |
<#YearLongestWetPeriod> | Longest period of rain every day ending this year (days) | n/a | <#YearLongestWetPeriodD> |
Solar | |||
<#AnnualET> | Year's total evapotranspiration, if not on the station can be calculated by CMX. | n/a | n/a |
<#SunshineHoursYear> | the total sunshine hours in year-to-date | n/a | n/a |
All Time
The default formats are:
- The default format for an extreme month is to show the month name in full i.e. format 'MMMM' followed by the year in full.
- For an extreme day it shows the day of the month and the month name in full i.e. format "dd MMMM" (same for Cumulus 1 and Cumulus MX), prefixed with the word 'on' again ending with the year.
- For the highest/lowest within a day in the year it shows both time and date adding the word "at" before the time, and the word 'on' before the date (i.e. on the standard web page the time comes first, not as seen in admin interface).
You can change the default output on either the standard web template, or in your own file, by using the formats, please check the Parameter page.
Note that unlike the this month and this year web tags, the time and the date are both included in the default format of the standard time-stamp web tags for the 'highest minimum' and 'lowest maximum' temperatures, yet another inconsistency!
Webtag name | Function | Date/Time Webtag name | |
Temperature & Humidity | |||
<#tempH> | All time high temperature | <#TtempH> | |
<#tempL> | All time low temperature | <#TtempL> | |
<#mintempH> | All time high minimum temperature | <#TmintempH> | |
<#maxtempL> | All time low maximum temperature | <#TmaxtempL> | |
<#LowDailyTempRange> | All time low daily temperature range | <#TLowDailyTempRange> | |
<#HighDailyTempRange> | All time high daily temperature range | <#THighDailyTempRange> | |
<#apptempH> | All time high apparent temperature | <#TapptempH> | |
<#apptempL> | All time low apparent temperature | <#TapptempL> | |
<#feelslikeH> | All time high feels like temperature | <#TfeelslikeH> | |
<#feelslikeL> | All time low feels like temperature | <#TfeelslikeL> | |
<#humidexH> | All time high Canadian Humidity Index | <#ThumidexH> | |
<#heatindexH> | All time high USA heat index | <#TheatindexH> | |
<#dewpointH> | All time high dew point | <#TdewpointH> | |
<#dewpointL> | All time low dew point | <#TdewpointL> | |
<#humH> | All time high humidity | <#ThumH> | |
<#humL> | All time low humidity | <#ThumL> | |
<#wchillL> | All time greatest wind chill (i.e. lowest temperature, but highest wind speed) | <#TwchillL> | NOTE: These were misnamed wchillH which names have been deprecated. |
Rainfall | |||
<#rrateM> | All time high rain rate | <#TrrateM> | |
<#rfallH> | All time high daily rain | <#TrfallH> | |
<#rfallhH> | All time high hourly rain | <#TrfallhH> | |
<#rfallmH> | All time high monthly rain | <#TrfallmH> | |
<#LongestDryPeriod> | All time longest dry period (days) | <#TLongestDryPeriod> | |
<#LongestWetPeriod> | All time longest wet period (days) | <#TLongestWetPeriod> | |
Pressure | |||
<#pressH> | All time high pressure | <#TpressH> | |
<#pressL> | All time low pressure | <#TpressL> | |
Wind | |||
<#gustM> | All time high wind gust | <#TgustM> | |
<#wspeedH> | All time high average wind speed | <#TwspeedH> | |
<#windrunH> | All time high daily wind run | <#TwindrunH> |
The web tags in the date column default output dates in the format "dd MMMM". For web tags that represent daily values, there are (obviously) no corresponding time web tags, but for high and low spot values the default 'h:mm' format of the time output can be changed.
Webtag name | Function | Time Webtag name | Date Webtag name |
Temperature & Humidity | |||
<#MonthTempH> | This months high temperature | <#MonthTempHT> | <#MonthTempHD> |
<#MonthTempL> | This months low temperature | <#MonthTempLT> | <#MonthTempLD> |
<#MonthMinTempH> | This months highest daily minimum temperature | n/a | <#MonthMinTempHD> |
<#MonthMaxTempL> | This months lowest daily maximum temperature | n/a | <#MonthMaxTempLD> |
<#MonthHighDailyTempRange> | High Daily Temp Range | n/a | <#MonthHighDailyTempRangeD> |
<#MonthLowDailyTempRange> | Low Daily Temp Range | n/a | <#MonthLowDailyTempRangeD> |
<#MonthHeatIndexH> | This months high USA heat index | <#MonthHeatIndexHT> | <#MonthHeatIndexHD> |
<#MonthWChillL> | This months greatest wind chill (i.e. lowest temperature) | <#MonthWChillLT> | <#MonthWChillLD> |
<#MonthAppTempH> | This month's high apparent temperature | <#MonthAppTempHT> | <#MonthAppTempHD> |
<#MonthAppTempL> | This month's low apparent temperature | <#MonthAppTempLT> | <#MonthAppTempLD> |
<#MonthFeelsLikeH> | This month's highest feels like temperature | <#MonthFeelsLikeHT> | <#MonthFeelsLikeHD> |
<#MonthFeelsLikeL> | This months lowest feels like temperature | <#MonthFeelsLikeLT> | <#MonthFeelsLikeLD> |
<#MonthHumidexH> | This month's highest Canadian Humidity Index | <#MonthHumidexHT> | <#MonthHumidexHD> |
<#MonthDewPointH> | This month's high dew point | <#MonthDewPointHT> | <#MonthDewPointHD> |
<#MonthDewPointL> | This month's low dew point | <#MonthDewPointLT> | <#MonthDewPointLD> |
<#MonthHumH> | This month's highest humidity | <#MonthHumHT> | <#MonthHumHD> |
<#MonthHumL> | This month's lowest humidity | <#MonthHumLT> | <#MonthHumLD> |
Pressure | |||
<#MonthPressH> | This month's highest pressure | <#MonthPressHT> | <#MonthPressHD> |
<#MonthPressL> | This month's lowest pressure | <#MonthPressLT> | <#MonthPressLD> |
Wind | |||
<#MonthGustH> | This month's highest wind gust | <#MonthGustHT> | <#MonthGustHD> |
<#MonthWindH> | This month's highest wind speed | <#MonthWindHT> | <#MonthWindHD> |
<#MonthWindRunH> | This month's high Daily Wind Run | n/a | <#MonthWindRunHD> |
<#windrunmonth> | This month's Wind Run so far | n/a | n/a |
Rainfall | |||
<#MonthRainRateH> | This month's highest rainfall rate | <#MonthRainRateHT> | <#MonthRainRateHD> |
<#MonthHourlyRainH> | This month's highest hourly rain | <#MonthHourlyRainHT> | <#MonthHourlyRainHD> |
<#MonthRain24HourH> | This month's highest 24hr rain | <#MonthRain24HourHT> | <#MonthRain24HourHD> |
<#MonthDailyRainH> | This month's wettest day (greatest daily rain) | n/a | <#MonthDailyRainHD> |
<#MonthLongestDryPeriod> | Longest dry period ending this month (days) | n/a | <#MonthLongestDryPeriodD> |
<#MonthLongestWetPeriod> | Longest period of rain every day, ending this month (days) | n/a | <#MonthLongestWetPeriodD> |
Solar | |||
<#SunshineHoursMonth> | the total sunshine hours in month-to-date | n/a | n/a |
Monthly All Time Records
These tag names represent extreme record values (and corresponding time-stamps) for any particular month (1 =January, and so on, to 12 =December) in all years (HAR To place somewhere)
This table includes webtags that show the values in Monthlyalltime.ini log file.
These are a set of tags for monthly all-time highs and lows, in other words the highest and lowest values for a particular month of the year.
- The tag names listed here require a input modification parameter.
- The tag names here can optionally take any output modification parameters.
- To supply both optional input modification, and optional output modification parameters, separate them with spaces, e.g. <#ByMonthTempHT mon=7 format=hh:nn>. In that example, the time (not date) of highest ever temperature in July is returned after processing by Cumulus.
Webtag name | Function | Date/Time Webtag name | |
Temperature & Humidity | |||
<#ByMonthTempH> | High Temperature | <#ByMonthTempHT> | |
<#ByMonthTempL> | Low Temperature | <#ByMonthTempLT> | |
<#ByMonthHeatIndexH> | High Heat Index | <#ByMonthHeatIndexHT> | |
<#ByMonthWChillL> | Greatest wind chill (i.e. lowest temperature and highest wind speed) | <#ByMonthWChillLT> | |
<#ByMonthAppTempH> | High Apparent Temperature | <#ByMonthAppTempHT> | |
<#ByMonthAppTempL> | Low Apparent Temperature | <#ByMonthAppTempLT> | |
<#ByMonthFeelsLikeH> | High Feels Like Temperature | <#ByMonthFeelsLikeHT> | |
<#ByMonthFeelsLikeL> | Low Feels Like Temperature | <#ByMonthFeelsLikeLT> | |
<#ByMonthHumidexH> | High Canadian Humidity Index (Humidex) | <#ByMonthHumidexHT> | |
<#ByMonthDewPointH> | High Dew Point | <#ByMonthDewPointHT> | |
<#ByMonthDewPointL> | Low Dew Point | <#ByMonthDewPointLT> | |
<#ByMonthMinTempH> | Highest Daily Minimum Temperature | <#ByMonthMinTempHT> | |
<#ByMonthMaxTempL> | Lowest Daily Maximum Temperature | <#ByMonthMaxTempLT> | |
<#ByMonthHighDailyTempRange> | High Daily Temp Range | <#ByMonthHighDailyTempRangeT> | |
<#ByMonthLowDailyTempRange> | Low Daily Temp Range | <#ByMonthLowDailyTempRangeT> | |
<#ByMonthHumH> | High Humidity | <#ByMonthHumHT> | |
<#ByMonthHumL> | Low Humidity | <#ByMonthHumLT> | |
Pressure | |||
<#ByMonthPressH> | High Pressure | <#ByMonthPressHT> | |
<#ByMonthPressL> | Low Pressure | <#ByMonthPressLT> | |
Wind | |||
<#ByMonthGustH> | High Wind Gust | <#ByMonthGustHT> | |
<#ByMonthWindH> | High Wind Speed | <#ByMonthWindHT> | |
<#ByMonthWindRunH> | High Daily Wind Run | <#ByMonthWindRunHT> | |
Rainfall | |||
<#ByMonthRainRateH> | High Rain Rate | <#ByMonthRainRateHT> | |
<#ByMonthMonthlyRainH> | High Monthly Rainfall | <#ByMonthMonthlyRainHT> | |
<#ByMonthHourlyRainH> | High Hourly Rain | <#ByMonthHourlyRainHT> | |
<#ByMonthRain24HourH> | High 24hr Rain | <#ByMonthRain24HourHT> | |
<#ByMonthDailyRainH> | High Daily Rain | <#ByMonthDailyRainHT> | |
<#ByMonthLongestDryPeriod> | Longest Dry Period | <#ByMonthLongestDryPeriodT> | |
<#ByMonthLongestWetPeriod> | Longest Wet Period | <#ByMonthLongestWetPeriodT> |
This section is quite small but may enlarge so it has become a separate chapter.
Webtag name | Function |
<#TempAvg24Hrs> | Mean for the last 24 hrs. It does not take parameters. |
<#ByMonthTempAvg mon=[1-12]> | Mean for requested month over the entire history. Omit the month parameter for the current month |
<#MonthTempAvg m=[1-12] y=[YYYY]> | Mean for the requested specific month. Omit the parameters for the current month |
<#YearTempAvg y=[YYYY]> | Mean for the requested year. Omit the year parameter for the current year |
<#WindAvgCust m=x> | returns the average wind speed over the last X minutes. You define how many minutes (X) using the web tag parameter m=X |
<#WindGustCust m=x> | returns the highest wind gust over the last X minutes. You define how many minutes (X) using the web tag parameter m=X |
These values are calculated hourly.
Webtag name | Function |
<#sunrise> | Last sunrise time at the station - This sunrise time is calculated by a third party library each hour Cumulus converts it to local time to ensure shown correctly before and after any clock change. |
<#sunset> | Next sunset time at the station - The sunset/sunrise times are calculated each hour Cumulus converts it to local time to ensure shown correctly before and after any clock change. |
<#daylength> | Length of day in hours and minutes (sunrise to sunset). |
<#IsSunUp> | A flag to indicate if the Sun is above the horizon or not, based on the sunrise and sunset times.
Possible values are 0 or 1, where 1 is when the Sun is above the horizon for the station location. |
<#dawn> | Start of last Civil Twilight at the station as at last midnight UTC. Possible values are 0 or 1 |
<#dusk> | End of next Civil Twilight at the station as at last midnight UTC. Possible values are 0 or 1 |
<#IsDawn> | Dawn as described above is active |
<#IsDusk> | Dusk as described above is active |
<#daylightlength> | Approximate length of daylight in hours and minutes (dawn to dusk) |
<#isdaylight> | A flag to indicate if the location for the station is in civil daylight or not, based on the dawn and dusk times.
Possible values are 0 or 1, where 1 notes that it is currently within the hours of daylight. |
<#tomorrowdaylength> | A string giving an approximate predicted difference between the length of daylight (dawn to dusk) yesterday and length of daylight tomorrow. |
<#moonphase> | Current phase of the moon in words, eg "New Moon" etc. The names used can be altered in strings.ini. |
<#MoonAge> | Current approximate age of the Moon in days (0-29.53) |
<#moonrise> | Current moonrise time at the station (if moon rises on current calendar day) |
<#moonset> | Current moonset time at the station (if moon sets on current calendar day) |
<#MoonPercent> | Current percentage of moon visible (negative value indicates 'waning') |
<#MoonPercentAbs> | Current percentage of moon visible (always positive) |
<#SunshineHours> | see #Today.ini Miscellaneous |
<#YSunshineHours> | see #Yesterday Miscellaneous |
<#CurrentSolarMax> | Current theoretical maximum solar radiation |
<#IsSunny> | Returns 1 if the sun is shining, otherwise 0 (Solar sensor needed) |
Special tags returning information about the device hosting CumulusMX
Webtag name | Applicability |
<#OsVersion> | OS version, e.g. "Windows 7 x64 build 7600" |
<#OsLanguage> | OS language, e.g. "English" |
<#SystemUpTime> | How long the system has been up, e.g. "8 hours 21 minutes" |
<#ProgramUpTime> | How long Cumulus has been running, e.g. "7 hours 55 minutes" |
<#ProgramUpTimeMs> | How long Cumulus has been running in milliseconds |
<#CpuName> | Name of the processors or n/a |
<#CpuCount> | Number of processors, e.g. "4" |
<#CPUTemp> | Temperature of the CPU in C, only works on Linux, updates once a minute, returns '-999.0' on Windows |
<#AllocatedMemory> | Amount of memory allocated to Cumulus, e.g. "60.69 MB" |
<#MemoryStatus> | Memory status or n/a |
<#DisplayMode> | Display mode or n/a |
<#DiskSize> | The size of the disk CumulusMX resides on or n/a |
<#DiskFree> | The free space on the disk CumulusMX resides on or n/a |
No optional input nor output parameters.
Webtag name | Function |
<#tempunit> | Unit of temperature being used (Set in Cumulus as Celsius or Fahrenheit) values "°C" or "°F" |
<#tempunitnoenc> | JavaScript encoded of previous web tag that is HTML encoded (i.e. without & and without °) |
<#tempunitnodeg> | The temperature units being used, without a degree symbol, i.e. "F" or "C" |
<#pressunit> | Unit of measure for pressure. Possible values: "mb", "hPa", "in", "kPa" |
<#rainunit> | Unit of measure for rain fall. Possible values: "mm" or "inches" |
<#windunit> | Unit of measure for wind speed. Possible values: "m/s", "mph", "km/h", "kts" |
<#windrununit> | Unit of measure for wind run (distance). Possible values: "km", "miles", "km", "nm" (for wind speeds in m/s, mph, km/h, kts) |
<#cloudbaseunit> | The units used for cloudbase value. Possible values: "ft" or "m" |
Date & Time
The default format depends on the locale you use to run Cumulus.
When format is fixed it is noted.
Webtag name | Function |
<#date> | The current date. |
<#metdate> | The current meteorological date.
<#timeUTC> | The current UTC date/time rather than local date/time. Example result: 18:30 on 30 December 2009. If you want the local date and time, use next tag (below). |
<#time> | The current time and date. Example result: 18:30 on 30 December 2009. If you simply wish the time, use next tag (below). |
<#timehhmmss> | The current time (without date). Example format: 18:30:27. You can use output format specifiers to change the way the time is output, but any date specifiers are ignored. |
<#minute> | The current time, just the minutes. Fixed format: 07 (cannot use output format modifiers) |
<#hour> | The current time, just the hour. Fixed format: 07 (cannot use output format modifiers) |
<#day> | The current day as a 2-digit number. Fixed format: 07 (cannot use output format modifiers) |
<#dayname> | The current day as a word. For example, Monday |
<#shortdayname> | The current day as a shortened word. Example format: Mon |
<#month> | The current month as a 2-digit number. Fixed format: 07 (cannot use output format modifiers) |
<#monthname> | The current month as a word. Example format: July |
<#shortmonthname> | The current month as a shortened word. Example format: Jul |
<#year> | The current year as a 4-digit number. Example format: 2009 (cannot use output format modifiers) |
<#shortyear> | The current year as a 2-digit number. Example format: 09 (cannot use output format modifiers) |
<#rollovertime> | The time that the logs rollover to the next day: 'Midnight', '9 am' or '10 am' |
<#metdateyesterday> | The previous meteorological date. The default format depends on the locale you use to run Cumulus
<#yesterday> | Yesterday's date. |
<#update> | The date and time of the last web site update. |
<#timeJavaScript> | The JavaScript Date object contains the number of milliseconds since 00:00:00.000 UTC on 1st January 1970, that date and time is known as the UNIX Epoch. In JavaScript, you can use Math.floor(new Date().getTime()/1000.0) This getTime method returns the time in milliseconds. The web tag returns an integer (currently with 13 digits) representing the number of milliseconds since the UNIX epoch when the web tag was processed. It can be used in a script where you wish to re-express other times output by Cumulus MX into UTC (Coordinated Universal Time). Mac OS X uses 00:00:00.000 UTC on 1st January 2001 as the starting time and date for its millisecond count, so that is considerably lower.
Note that UTC is calculated using 9192631770 times a particular transition time for Caesium 133 as a basis for 1 second. GMT (Greenwich Mean Time) is calculated on the basis that 1 second is 1/86400 of the time taken for a whole (day) rotation of the Earth. UT1 (or solar time) is calculated from various space measurements. Periodically, leap seconds are added to UTC to realign it with UT1, but these leap seconds are not added to the count of milliseconds represented by this web tag. Do be aware that some devices will use a 32 bit signed integer to represent this number, and that will stop working on 19 January 2038, the year 2038 problem for computing world. |
<#timeUnix> | Unix tracks the number of seconds since the UNIX epoch. So this web tag can be used when you do not want the millisecond accuracy of the previous web tag. Like previous web tag this relates to UTC, so see details for that tag to find out more. |
<#LastDataReadT> | The date/time data was last read from the station. |
<#DaysSince30Dec1899> | Day count (gives whole and fractional part) Example: 41250.6523310301 |
<#recordsbegandate> | Date when records began. |
<#DaysSinceRecordsBegan> | Day count since Cumulus records started |
There are web tags for each alarm condition, they give a value of '1' if the alarm condition is enabled and is still currently met; otherwise '0'.
Webtag name | Function |
<#LowTempAlarm> | Low temperature alarm |
<#HighTempAlarm> | High temperature alarm |
<#TempChangeUpAlarm> | Temperature increase alarm |
<#TempChangeDownAlarm> | Temperature decrease alarm |
<#LowPressAlarm> | Low pressure alarm |
<#HighPressAlarm> | High pressure alarm |
<#PressChangeUpAlarm> | Pressure increase alarm |
<#PressChangeDownAlarm> | Pressure decrease alarm |
<#IsRainingAlarm> | "It's Raining" alarm triggered either via a Hydreon RG-11 device, or rain rate > 0 |
<#HighRainTodayAlarm> | High rain today alarm |
<#HighRainRateAlarm> | High rainfall rate alarm |
<#HighWindGustAlarm> | High wind gust alarm |
<#HighWindSpeedAlarm> | High wind speed alarm |
<#DataStopped> | 1 if the station has apparently stopped sending data to Cumulus, otherwise 0 |
<#BatteryLowAlarm> | Alarm for WLL (Console [if you have an API key] & Tx), VP2 (Console & Tx), GW1000 (Tx) |
<#DataSpikeAlarm> | Alarm raised if a data spike is detected, or a data limit exceeded |
<#HttpUploadAlarm> | Alarm raised if a HTTP upload alarm has been triggered |
<#MySqlUploadAlarm> | Alarm raised if a MySQL upload alarm has been triggered |
<#UpgradeAlarm> | Alarm raised if MX upgrade (a newer release) is available |
<#FirmwareAlarm> | Ecowitt only. Firmware update check on start-up and once a day at 13:00 |
<#NewRecordAlarm> | NewRecordAlarm somewhat replicates the existing #newrecord web tag, but is also controlled by the alarm being enable/disabled |
<#NewRecordAlarmMessage> | Displays the last new record alarm text message |
Extreme Records
There are a set of tags for the Cumulus record states. They give a value of '1' if the record has been exceeded; otherwise '0'.
These web tags will be set from the time of the record until a timeout value is met (by default each record remains set for 24 hours).
You can change the default timeout through the parameter Station Settings=>Common Options=>Advanced Options.
Table of web tags available for extreme records
Webtag name | Function |
<#recordsbegandate> | The date that Cumulus began tracking all time records (does not prevent earlier record dates being set manually) |
<#newrecord> | Indicates when any tracked extreme is changed (sets the LED on the interface flashing). |
<#TempRecordSet> | 1 if any temperature-based extreme has been updated, 0 if not |
<#HighTempRecordSet> | 1 if the all-time highest temperature extreme has been updated, 0 if not |
<#LowTempRecordSet> | 1 if the all-time lowest temperature extreme has been updated, 0 if not |
<#HighTempRangeRecordSet> | 1 if the all-time high daily temperature range extreme has been updated, 0 if not |
<#LowTempRangeRecordSet> | 1 if the all-time low daily temperature range extreme has been updated, 0 if not |
<#HighAppTempRecordSet> | 1 if the all-time high apparent temperature extreme has been updated, 0 if not |
<#LowAppTempRecordSet> | 1 if the all-time low apparent temperature extreme has been updated, 0 if not |
<#HighHeatIndexRecordSet> | 1 if the all-time high USA heat index extreme has been updated, 0 if not |
<#HighHumidexRecordSet> | 1 if the all-time high Canadian Humidity index extreme has been updated, 0 if not |
<#LowWindChillRecordSet> | 1 if the all-time greatest wind chill extreme has been updated, 0 if not |
<#HighFeelsLikeRecordSet> | 1 if the all-time high feels like temperature extreme has been updated, 0 if not |
<#LowFeelsLikeRecordSet> | 1 if the all-time low feels like temperature extreme has been updated, 0 if not |
<#HighDewPointRecordSet> | 1 if the all-time high dew point extreme has been updated, 0 if not |
<#LowDewPointRecordSet> | 1 if the all-time low dew point extreme has been updated, 0 if not |
<#HighMinTempRecordSet> | 1 if the all-time high minimum temperature extreme has been updated, 0 if not |
<#LowMaxTempRecordSet> | 1 if the all-time low maximum temperature extreme has been updated, 0 if not |
<#HighWindGustRecordSet> | 1 if the all-time high wind gust extreme has been updated, 0 if not |
<#HighWindSpeedRecordSet> | 1 if the all-time high wind speed extreme has been updated, 0 if not |
<#RainRecordSet> | 1 if any rainfall based extreme has been updated, 0 if not |
<#HighRainRateRecordSet> | 1 if the all-time high rain rate extreme has been updated, 0 if not |
<#HighHourlyRainRecordSet> | 1 if the all-time high hourly rain extreme has been updated, 0 if not |
<#HighRain24HourRecordSet> | 1 if the all-time high 24hr rain extreme has been updated, 0 if not |
<#HighDailyRainRecordSet> | 1 if the all-time high daily rain extreme has been updated, 0 if not |
<#HighMonthlyRainRecordSet> | 1 if the all-time high monthly rain extreme has been updated, 0 if not |
<#LongestDryPeriodRecordSet> | 1 if the all-time longest dry period extreme has been updated, 0 if not |
<#LongestWetPeriodRecordSet> | 1 if the all-time longest wet period extreme has been updated, 0 if not |
<#HumidityRecordSet> | 1 if either the highest or lowest humidity extreme has been updated, 0 if not |
<#HighHumidityRecordSet> | 1 if the all-time high humidity light extreme has been updated, 0 if not |
<#LowHumidityRecordSet> | 1 if the all-time low humidity extreme has been updated, 0 if not |
<#PressureRecordSet> | 1 if either the highest or lowest pressure extreme has been updated, 0 if not |
<#HighPressureRecordSet> | 1 if the all-time high pressure extreme has been updated, 0 if not |
<#LowPressureRecordSet> | 1 if the all-time low pressure extreme has been updated, 0 if not |
<#WindRecordSet> | 1 if any wind speed based extreme has been updated, 0 if not |
<#HighWindrunRecordSet> | 1 if the all-time high wind run extreme has been updated, 0 if not |
All tags are available in all flavours, as far as I know, although their output might vary, and which input/output parameters they permit might vary between Cumulus 1 and MX.
Webtag name | Function |
<#LatestError> | This tag and the next 5 are in CumulusMX containing the latest error information. |
<#LatestErrorEnc> | See previous tag for use in PHP scripts. |
<#LatestErrorJsEnc> | See previous tag for use in javascript. |
<#LatestErrorDate> | See previous tags |
<#LatestErrorTime> | See previous tags |
<#ErrorLight> | 1 if the 'error' light is flashing, 0 if not |
<#version> | The version of Cumulus in use |
<#build> | The build of Cumulus in use |
<#NewBuildAvailable> | This gets the value 0 or 1 and is checked on start-up and once a day thereafter at a random time |
<#NewBuildNumber> | It is checked on start-up and once a day thereafter at a random time. Displays the latest public release build number - eg. b3089 |
<#realtimeinterval> | The real time update interval in seconds (integer) |
<#interval> | The web site update interval in minutes (integer) |
<#rollovertime> | The time that the logs rollover to the next day: will always return one of these: 'Midnight', '9 am' or '10 am'
This is the end of the meteorological day, so if during Daylight Saving Time rolover is at "10 am", then on the day DST ends it will return to "9 am" ensuring every meteorological day is exactly 24 hours long. If the time is "Midnight" (or during DST it is "9 am"), then days will be 23 or 25 hours long just on day clocks change, 24 hours otherwise. |
<#update> | The date and time of the last web site update. |
<#LastDataReadT> | The date/time data was last read from the station. |
<#stationId> | The weather station internal ID corresponding to the stationType (see next web tag). |
<#stationtype> stationId | The weather station model description. |
<#stationtypeJsEnc> | JavaScript encoded of previous web tag that is HTML encoded |
<#latitude> | The station latitude (as you entered during setup).
Supports an optional 'dp' parameter, if supplied, instead of the usual web-encoded text format with degrees/minutes/seconds, the result is in decimal degrees to the specified number of decimal places. E.g If the "dp" parameter is supplied, then supplying "rc=y" in addition will cause any decimal comma to be converted to a decimal point. |
<#latitudeJsEnc> | JavaScript encoded of previous web tag that is HTML encoded |
<#longitude> | The station longitude (as you entered during setup). Supports an optional 'dp' and 'rc' parameters as per the latitude tag. |
<#longitudeJsEnc> | JavaScript encoded of previous web tag that is HTML encoded |
<#altitude> | The station altitude value (web tag outputs web encoded format containing figure, ' ' and units) in either feet or metres just as you entered during setup e.g. '123 m' |
<#altitudenoenc> | JavaScript encoded of previous web tag that is HTML encoded |
<#location> | The station location (as you entered during setup) |
<#locationJsEnc> | JavaScript encoded of previous web tag that is plain text |
<#locationenc> | HTML encoded version of previous web tag that is JavaScript encoded |
<#longlocation> | Longer description of the station location (as you entered during setup) |
<#longlocationJsEnc> | JavaScript encoded of previous web tag that is plain text |
<#longlocationenc> | HTML encoded version of previous web tag that is JavaScript encoded |
<#forum> | URL of the forum (as you entered during setup) encoded into a web page menu item by adding colons |
<#forumurl> | Same as previous, but just URL, without any additional colons |
<#webcam> | URL of the webcam (as you entered during setup) encoded into a web page menu item by adding colons. Default is blank. Can be used to link to any other web page that you host (Cumulus does not verify that it is a web cam, that is just a label, and the label can be changed on each standard web page individually) |
<#webcamurl> | Same as previous, but just URL, without any additional colons |
<#graphperiod> | The number of hours displayed by the graphs, as set using Configuration menu, Display settings screen 'Detailed Chart Period' |
<#dailygraphperiod> | The number of days displayed by the graphs, as set using Configuration menu, Display settings screen 'Daily Chart Period' |
<#LatestNOAAMonthlyReport> | Gives file name of latest auto-saved NOAA monthly report |
<#LatestNOAAYearlyReport> | Gives file name of latest auto-saved NOAA yearly report |
<#MySqlRealtimeTime> | time of last real-time table insert |
<#MySqlIntervalTime> | time of last interval data table insert |
<#Option_useApparent> | Whether user prefers to see Apparent Temperature or Feels Like Temperature |
<#Option_showSolar> | Whether user wants to show Solar data or does not not have a solar sensor |
<#Option_showUV> | Whether user wants to show Ultra Violet data or does not not have a UV sensor |
Special tags
At present this table has not yet been updated for latest MX version.
All (see note for THSWindex) of the following web tags for the Davis PWS are available
The values of the reception tags are updated every 15 minutes.
Webtag name | Function |
<#DavisTotalPacketsReceived> | Total number of data packets received. This stat is not supplied by the Davis WLL station. |
<#DavisTotalPacketsMissed> | Number of missed data packets. Optionally add "tx=n" parameter, where n=1-8 and equals the desired transmitter id. The default is n=0 and will return the VP2 stats. |
<#DavisMaxInARow> | Longest streak of consecutive packets received. Optionally add "tx=n" parameter, where n=1-8 and equals the desired transmitter id. The default is n=0 and will return the VP2 stats. |
<#DavisNumCRCerrors> | Number of packets received with CRC errors. Optionally add "tx=n" parameter, where n=1-8 and equals the desired transmitter id. The default is n=0 and will return the VP2 stats. |
<#DavisNumberOfResynchs> | Number of times the console resynchronised with the transmitter. Optionally add "tx=n" parameter, where n=1-8 and equals the desired transmitter id. The default is n=0 and will return the VP2 stats |
<#DavisFirmwareVersion> | The console/WLL firmware version |
<#THWindex> | A derived temperature using Temperature/Humidity/Wind values
The THW Index uses humidity and temperature (like Heat Index), but includes the cooling effects of wind (like wind chill). |
<#THSWindex> | A heat stress indicator using Temperature/Humidity/Solar/Wind values.
See Approx calculation. |
<#battery> | The console battery condition in volts. eg "4.82v" |
<#txbattery channel=1> |
The transmitter battery condition, by default it returns the status of all transmitters. |
<#StormRain> | The console 'storm rain' current amount. |
<#StormRainStart> | The console reported date of the start of the 'storm' (see previous webtag). |
<#StationFreeMemory> | Shows the station free memory for Davis WLC, Ecowitt GW1100/20000 (using HTTP also using Ecowitt API) |
<#StationRuntime> | Shows the station uptime in seconds for Davis WLL/WLC, Ecowitt GW1100/20000 (using HTTP) |
Note: that the console does not report start time, so the webtag cannot report time. It appears a minimum of 2 tips within 3 hours will trigger a storm start, so using <#LastRainTip> might help
Davis WLL
You need a purchased license to use these webtags.
Webtag name | Function |
<#ConsoleSupplyV> | The WLL external supply voltage |
<#DavisReceptionPercent tx=1> | WLL transmitter reception percentage (replace 1 by any other transmitter number up to 8) |
<#DavisTxRssi tx=0> | WLL RSSI of the WiFi connection |
<#DavisTxRssi tx=1> | WLL RSSI of Transmitter #1 (replace 1 by any other transmitter number up to 8) |
<#MulticastBadCnt> | Count of multicast packets missed or have bad a CRC |
<#MulticastGoodCnt> | Count of good multicast packets received |
<#MulticastGoodPct> | Percentage of good multicast packets received |
Note: See also the Davis table for <#StationFreeMemory> and <#StationRuntime>
Ecowitt && Fine Offset
The following tags are specific to the Ecowitt and Fine Offset series
Webtag name | Function |
<#Light> | Current Lux value "Fine Offset only" |
<#SensorContactLost> | 1 if the station has lost contact with its remote sensors "Fine Offset only"
0 if contact has been established |
<#ExtraStationFreeMemory> | to avoid clashes with the main station and a Ecowitt HTTP station used for extra sensors |
<#LowBatteryList> | In case sensors have a low battery, this tag lists them comma separated with LOW, 0 or 1 depending on what is received |
Note: See also the Davis table for <#StationFreeMemory> and <#StationRuntime>
This web tag deviates from the regular webtags in that is gives the possibility to actually query the whole dayfile on a per row and per column basis. The arguments which govern this query are different from the regular parameters which also play a role. For that reason QueryDayFile is classified as a chapter on its own. It even may evolve to an even complexer query system for the dayfile (e.g. find a record for a specific date). This entry is based on the QueryDayFileWebTag.md-file which you can find in the MXutils directory in the distribution.
The general form of the use of this web tag is:
<#QueryDayFile value=MinTemp function=min [where=>10] dateFrom=2023-01-01 [dateTo=2024-01-01] [resfunc=max] [showDate=y] [format="date_format"] [dp=N] [tc=y] [rc=y]>
The arguments are described below.
NOTE: If there is an existing web tag for the value you require, please use that specific tag rather than this general query. The specific tag is likely be *much* more efficient.
The value parameter
The value parameter is required and specifies which value from the dayfile you want (the column). It can take any of the following values (only one at a time):
HighGust, WindRun, HighAvgWind, LowTemp, HighTemp, AvgTemp, HighHeatIndex, HighAppTemp, LowAppTemp, LowWindChill, HighDewPoint, LowDewPoint, HighFeelsLike, LowFeelsLike, HighHumidex, LowPress, HighPress, HighRainRate, TotalRain, HighHourlyRain, HighRain24h, LowHumidity, HighHumidity, SunShineHours, HighSolar, HighUv, ET, HeatingDegreeDays, CoolingDegreeDays, ChillHours
The function parameter
Not used for the date selector ThisDay.
Required for all other date selectors. The name of the function to apply to the value within each period.
The possible functionstrings are:
min, max, avg, sum, count.
The where clause
Required if function = count.
Criteria applied to the count. This is a comparison value, so for example you want to count days where the minimum temperature was below zero °C you would use `where="<0"`.
You can use the following comparison strings:
>, <, >=, <=, =
The dateFrom field
Required. The start date of the query.
It can be any date string that can be parsed by the "yyyy-MM-dd" format.
It can be one of the following special values:
ThisDay, ThisMonth, ThisYear, Day-[N], Month-[N], Year-[N], Month[N] Day[MMDD], Yearly
- ThisDay, ThisMonth, and ThisYear are hopefully self explanatory.
- Day-N, Month-N and Year-N are used to specify the relative day, month or year. For example Month-1 = the previous month to current, Day-1 = yesterday.
- DayMMDD is used to specify a month and day to return an "on this day" value. MM = 1 to 12, DD = 1 to 31. For example Day0421 shows results for the 4th April every year
- MonthN is used to find values for any year for the specified month. N = 1 to 12.
- Yearly groups the results by year
The value is found for dates >= dateFrom.
The dateTo field
Optional if dateFrom has one of the special values.
Required if dateFrom is a date string - format "yyyy-MM-dd"
The value is found for dates <= dateTo
The result function field
Result function.
Mandatory for grouped results, ie those using the date options: ThisDay, Day[MMDD], Month-[N], Year-[N], Month[N], Yearly
Controls if the largest or smallest value for the grouped period is returned.
Must be one of the following:
min, max
The showDate field
If omitted, then the web tag returns only the numeric value.
If present, the the web tag returns a pair of strings, the value itself, and the date-time it occurred in the format: ["value","datetime_string"]
The parameter showdate should not be used if the function is one of "avg", "sum", or "count". If specified for these functions it returns a datetime_string of "-".
The format field
Optional. The standard date formatting string used by all date-time web tags.
The dp, tc and rc arguments
[dp=N] [tc=y] [rc=y] are regular parameters described in their proper page.
1 - The maximum sun hours in a day this year and the date on which it occurred:
`<#QueryDayFile value=SunShineHours function=max from=ThisYear showDate=y dp=2 format="dd-MM-yyyy">`
returns: `["12.32","26-07-2024"]`
2 - The total sun hours last year:
<#QueryDayFile value=SunShineHours function=sum from=Year-1 dp=2>
returns: 1287.22
3 - Highest sun hours in any year, and the year it occurred:
<#QueryDayFile value=SunShineHours function=sum from=Yearly resFunc=max dp=2 showDate=y format=yyyy>
returns: ["1405.9","2018"]
4 - The total evapotranspiration last month:
<#QueryDayFile value=ET> function=sum from=Month-1 dp=2>
returns: 23.56
5 - The average maximum UV-I in April & May 2024:
<#QueryDayFile value=HighUv function=avg from=2024-04-01 to=2024-06-01>
returns: 4.5
6 - The lowest minimum temperature that has occurred in any December (*NOTE: in reality there is standard web tag for this <#ByMonthTempL>*):
<#QueryDayFile value=LowTemp function=min from=Month12 resFunc=min showDate=y>
returns: ["-12.5","20/12/2010 07:17"]
7 - The highest minimum temperature that has occurred in any December (*NOTE: in reality there is standard web tag for this <#ByMonthMinTempH>*):
<#QueryDayFile value=LowTemp function=max from=Month12 resFunc=max showDate=y>
returns: ["12.1","19/12/2015 00:36"]
8 - The lowest minimum temperature that has occurred on this day
<#QueryDayFile value=LowTemp resFunc=min from=ThisDay showDate=y>
returns: ["5.2","05/10/2014 00:21"]
9 - The lowest minimum temperature that has occurred on this day (yesterdays date)
<#QueryDayFile value=LowTemp resFunc=min from=Day-1 showDate=y>
returns: ["4.5","04/10/2010 08:07"]
10 - The lowest minimum temperature that has occurred on this specified day
<#QueryDayFile value=LowTemp resFunc=min from=Day0421 showDate=y>
returns: ["-1.8","21/04/2010 05:47"]